There is nothing suspicious about everything impermanent.

Lin Xiangnan slightly frowned his sword eyebrows invisible, wondering if he was a little too happy lately, and there was something fearful in his subconscious, so he always felt that someone would disturb this newly recovered happiness, and some would be troubled.

After looking at the circle again, Lin Xiangnan made sure that there was nothing unusual, then retracted his gaze, turned his head to look at Ye Ziyu who was sleeping soundly, and continued to walk towards Shang Jiayuan with a smile across his mouth...

It wasn't until there was only one point of his figure left in the distance that the figure that had been hidden before, clinging to the blind spot in front of the line of sight, moved slightly.

Yan Zhan walked out slowly and looked in the direction Lin Xiangnan was leaving with Ye Ziyu, even though he could see nothing.

"His alertness is too high!" A Lang wrinkled his eyebrows and walked out from the depths of the wall, "We didn't even do anything, he even'smelt' the breath!"

Yan Zhan did not speak, but his eyes gathered slightly, and then he opened slowly.

He just stood like this, watching the direction Lin Xiangnan disappeared for a long time... thinking of tonight's things in his mind.

"Lin Xiangnan made the shot tonight for this woman." Yan Zhan's words were not inquiries, but merely expounding the facts, "hasn't the report come out? Urban anti-terrorism training..."

"Yes!" Ah Lang didn't know why Yan Zhan mentioned this. "The Huaxi Department Store invested by the emperor in the new district has not opened yet. The police didn't know it was anti-terrorism training at the beginning."

There was a faint smile that was almost invisible at the corner of Yan Zhan's mouth, and that smile was cold.

Coincidentally, he was near the accident site tonight.

Although the distance was far away, he saw Lin Xiangnan's car passing by...

For Lin Xiangnan, he was indifferent to this situation.

Therefore, when he learned that Ling Xiye was also in the hostage ranks, he was basically certain that Lin Xiangnan would shoot, and it was definitely because of this woman.

Thinking of this, Yan Zhan's eyes are already cold.

Tzuyu did so much for you, and you can treat another woman nicely.

Even, once Tzuyu hoped to get from you, you gave this woman...

Yan Zhan's body suddenly overflowed with a cold breath, with a vicious murderous aura, and his gaze in the direction where Lin Xiangnan disappeared, also became strangely yin.

"Young Master Zhan..." A Lang frowned slightly, feeling the aura permeating Yan Zhan's body, "What's wrong?"

Yan Zhan restrained his breath, shook his head slightly, turned around, "Let's go!"

A Lang nodded, and after looking at the place where Lin Xiangnan had disappeared, he turned around and left with Yan Zhan.


Lin Xiangnan kept carrying Ye Ziyu back to Shangjiayuan like this. When he got on the elevator, he thought for a while, and finally pushed directly down the top floor.

"Xiao Yuer" waited at the entrance. When he saw Lin Xiangnan coming in, he got up and wanted to jump up, but because he saw that there was someone on his back, or the person it didn't like, he suddenly screamed.

Lin Xiangnan frowned suddenly, glanced at the fold-eared cat with a warning look, and then tilted his head to look at Ye Ziyu, who was lying on her shoulder. He had already woke up because of the meows from the empty room.

Lin Xiangnan sighed lightly, then glanced at the Fold-eared Cat again.

The fold-ear cat was disgusted by Lin Xiangnan, and immediately arched his back with a ‘meow’.

"Hmm..." Ye Ziyu rubbed her eyes and looked at the strange environment, "Where is this?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiangnan didn't answer the question, his voice was full of pets.

Ye Ziyu gradually became sober, "Why are you all home?" She was surprised, but she didn't even realize that she was still on Lin Xiangnan.

Lin Xiangnan was very satisfied with the word ‘home’ she said, and said with a smile: “Yes, someone wants to hear me tell a story, but he fell asleep before he heard a few words.”

Ye Ziyu frowned slightly, and suddenly remembered that she was still on Lin Xiangnan's back, her face flushed slowly, and she rubbed it down.

"Why did you bring me to your house without sending me back?" Ye Ziyu asked.

"My girlfriend slept very soundly, and it was such a night, should I let go of such a good opportunity?" Lin Xiangnan raised his eyebrows, his voice slightly jokingly.

Ye Ziyu poked her mouth, said nothing, turned around and went to pull the door to leave.

However, because of the turning movement, Lin Xiangnan grabbed his wrist while shaking his arm.

Ye Ziyu turned her head and saw Lin Xiangnan's eyes were deep, and with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, he said, "Little fish, don't leave tonight, okay?"

When the fold-ear cat yelled, Ye Ziyu glanced at it and slammed her lower lip. When she looked at Lin Xiangnan, her face was a little red, "No, I admit the bed... I'm sleepy, I want to go back to sleep."

"This reason..." Lin Xiangnan lowered his eyes and chuckled. When he raised his eyes, he pulled Ye Ziyu into his arms and said in a low voice, "I will always change in the future, and then recognize me. The bed."

"That's the future too." Ye Ziyu poked Lin Xiangnan's chest with her finger and backed slightly, although she couldn't push him away, "Well, good night!"

Ye Ziyu smiled with a little bit of joy, and his eyes were even slightly blurred after sleeping.

Lin Xiangnan held Ye Ziyu's wrist back to the back while holding her waist, the two of them were next to each other in certain places...

Under such circumstances, Zi Ziyu poked his chest with a finger, again with such a sultry expression. After his silent body was awakened, he was already unable to restrain his madness.

The atmosphere suddenly became condensed, revealing a trace of embarrassment under the ambiguity.

Ye Ziyu's face suddenly ‘teng’, and it became red like a cooked shrimp, and it was piping hot.

Lin Xiangnan was also a little embarrassed. Although the two people were intimate with Ye Ziyu and didn't know how many times they had done it, the person in front of him was "clean" and had no memory of the past.

The atmosphere became more and more ambiguous as the two people looked at each other and forgot to act.

The fold-eared cat seemed to feel such ambiguity. With a'meow', it also exuded a breath, filling the air that was already full of affection, and the more and more peach-hearted bubbles appeared everywhere, sweet and greasy. I want to taste the sublimation of the senses and the soul in such an atmosphere.

"" Ye Ziyu's eyes began to flutter, she didn't know what to do.

She even forgot to resist and didn't remember to push away, but subconsciously felt that Lin Xiangnan should let her go. When Ye Ziyu was thinking about what to say, he glanced at Lin Xiangnan's nose... I saw a dark red wetness slowly overflowing from his nostrils...

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