"What did you say?" Lin Xiangnan stopped abruptly in front of the sofa, looking at Ye Ziyu with scorching eyes.

Ye Ziyu Xu was because she was ashamed, and Xu felt that she was too bold. Just now, her voice was quiet when she spoke, and in the end, there was no sound.

However, Lin Xiangnan had been specially trained, and his ears were originally much better than ordinary people's.

Although he didn't hear the words very truthfully, he still heard what Ziziyu said.

Therefore, he needs to be sure.

"No, I didn't hear it...just forget it!" Ye Ziyu curled her lips and lay on the sofa cushions lazily, a little dissatisfied, but her face turned red.

God, she was really crazy just now, but...

Ye Ziyu secretly glanced at Lin Xiangnan, bit her lip, the red on her cheeks had already dyed her ears, and it was hot.

"I heard it, but I need to be sure..." Lin Xiangnan's mouth made a wicked grin, walked over, and leaned slightly.

Ye Ziyu leaned back subconsciously, but behind the back of the sofa was the back of the sofa, and she had nowhere to hide after two clicks.

"Really, what are you sure?" Ye Ziyu swallowed, looking dangerously at Shanglin Xiangnan, involuntarily a little trembling in his heart, and his brain began to tease.

Lin Xiangnan's face stopped about one or two centimeters away from Ye Ziyu, and each other's breath was already clearly audible.

Ye Ziyu's face turned redder. She wanted to escape, but she didn't know why. She seemed to be wrapped in Lin Xiangnan's breath. She couldn't escape and could only be "contained" by him.

"You just said..." Lin Xiangnan's voice was soft and magnetic, and slowly overflowed his lips with a dangerous flame, "...tonight, stay...sleep?"

The last word, as if the volume was a bit heavier, hit Ziziyu's heart straight, and she was revolving around the world as she hit it, and she could only follow her consciousness and nod lightly.

Lin Xiangnan's eyes seemed to explode a firework, and he immediately flew fiercely, "Little fish, this is your decision!"

"I..." Ye Ziyu swallowed again, "Can I...repent?"

"No!" Lin Xiangnan directly propped his hand on the back of the sofa, "You are responsible for teasing me!"

When the words fell, he didn't give Ziziyu a chance to hesitate anymore, and the other hand directly provoked her chin, and she kissed her.

The enthusiasm of the two made the fold-ear cats more resentful, and finally they could only go to the balcony alone in grief. Looking at the lights outside, I felt so lonely...

Xu Shi's two fiery people took into account the mood of the fold-ear cat. They originally started on the sofa, but in the end, they went to the bedroom.

The two people who are already familiar will not be silent because of memory and time.

Because of repeated skin grafts after burns, Ye Ziyu couldn't see any scars on her body, the best doctor, the best medicine... Shi Shaoqin did not leave too many unhappy memories for her today.

But there is no trace, she has no memory... she can't make Lin Xiangnan feel less guilty.

Just when Ye Ziyu was confused and intrigued, that person had no action...

Ye Ziyu lost his eyes in anger and blushed.

She was not a coy person, she knew from the bottom of her bones that she wanted to fight for what she wanted. Don't give up for some ridiculous reasons and regret it later.

"Xiao Yuer, you think it over..." Lin Xiangnan's voice was hoarse, "Are you sure you want to give it to me?"

"Lin Xiangnan, it's all this far, are you **** going on?" Ye Ziyu blushed with anger, and directly expelled to hide her shyness.

Lin Xiangnan also endured uncomfortable, wishing to ignore everything.

But he dare not!

"Women are different from men," Lin Xiangnan gritted his teeth, the beads of sweat are already condensing along the cheeks on the chin, and they are about to fall on Ye Ziyu's face at any time. "Once a woman is handed over, there is basically no turning back."

"What do you mean by this?" Ye Ziyu suddenly stared, "You won't tell me, you and I are just thinking about it these days. From now on, I'm planning to start chaos and end... Um!"

Enthusiasm spreads in the huge bedroom as it heats up...

The beauty of a room, under the ink space on the top floor, is floating with light.

This night seemed to have just begun.


Ling Yifeng opened the door on the 19th floor, carrying a lot of snack boxes in his hand.

"Xiye..." Ling Yifeng yelled, looking at the empty house, frowned and muttered, "You won't be on duty again?! Didn't you say that you will be on duty next week?"

With that, he took out his cell phone and dialed Ye Ziyu's number.

On the top floor, in the living room, the phone in Ye Ziyu's bag rang sweetly.

However, no one heard the two people fighting in the room.

Ling Yifeng curled his eyebrows after the phone's ringing was automatically cut off, "Aren't you on duty?!"

Looking at the snacks in his hand, Ling Yifeng sighed slightly, went to the dining table by himself, and ate alone, sighing.

"Think about my second young master of Lingyu International, how can I become so lonely even if I find my sister to accompany him for dinner?" Ling Yifeng sighed with a cold string in his hand, feeling a little sad. .

Taking out his cell phone, he thought about it or sent a message to Song Qiao: It’s sad to drink alone and the other drunk!

The information did not come back immediately, but a while later.

Jojo: I can drink alone, God treats you kindly.

"Damn!" Ling Yifeng spit, with a sad look on his face, "Qiaoqiao, you are really..." He gritted his teeth, "He is cruel!"

Ling Yifeng sighed and ate food alone on the 19th floor, while Ye Ziyu, who was fighting on the top floor, began to beg for mercy.

Lin Xiangnan looked at Ye Ziyu's pitiful appearance, still itchy in his heart, but couldn't bear to continue to "torture" her.

He buried his face in Ye Ziyu's neck and gently kissed her sweat-stained skin, still breathing heavily.

The one who was just teased by Tzuyu didn't control it...

Originally, I was going to my second brother to ask about Silence's situation, but in the end he didn't ask about it because of an emergency.

I don’t know if Tzuyu becomes pregnant now, is it good or bad?

"Lin Xiangnan..." Ye Ziyu suddenly said, with a strange tone in her voice.

"Huh?" Lin Xiangnan raised his face slightly, supporting his arm, and did not put his own weight on Ye Ziyu. Ye Ziyu bit her lower lip and said with a complicated look in her eyes: "Just...I..." She hesitated and asked sadly, "Isn't it the first time?"

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