Li Yunze's action of putting the vegetables stopped slightly, "How can you doubt it like this?"

"Today he saw the news of Song Lanlan's return to China and told me that he was familiar with Song Lanlan..." Lin Xiangnan's voice was solemn.

"So, you suspect that it is possible that she is pregnant, and the progesterone hormone is affecting her memory?!" Li Yunze twisted his eyebrows, "When was the last time you were together?"

"It was the night before I went to your place." Lin Xiangnan replied.

"When did she know the last time she was off?" Li Yunze asked again.

"I don't know..." Lin Xiangnan said, "We have been together until now. There are no official holidays anyway, but it hasn't been a month yet."

"You take her directly to Huakang. I will call someone to take the blood. I'll go back and take a test." Li Yunze said with a slight hesitation, "Xiang Nan, no matter what the outcome is, you must be mentally prepared in advance. ."

"I understand!" Lin Xiangnan glanced over Ye Ziyu, who had already bought milk tea and ice cola, and said, "I will take Ziyu to take the blood first."

"Well, good." Li Yunze responded and hung up the phone.

"I just heard you say to draw blood?" Ye Ziyu got into the car and handed Lin Xiangnan the ice coke.

"The second brother just said let me take you to take a blood test to see if you are suitable for continuing training." Lin Xiangnan found a reason.

"No need..." Ye Ziyu slapped her eyes, "I look as strong as a cow, can eat, sleep and wear."

Lin Xiangnan laughed at Ye Ziyu’s own description, “When a doctor is a doctor, he always has some occupational diseases...” As he said, he put the Coke on the water cup rack and started the car. “Anyway, there is Huakang. Also drop by, let him take a blood test in the past."

"Oh." Ye Ziyu responded without refusing.

She regarded this as Li Yunze's concern for her as a younger brother... Anyway, a tube of blood is nothing!

Mainly, the recognition from her boyfriend and brother made her very happy.

Seeing Ye Ziyu sipping milk tea contentedly, he had no doubt about the blood draw. Lin Xiangnan's heart couldn't tell how he felt.

Tzuyu has always been a person who knows how to satisfy. She knows what needs to be fought for, and clearly knows what belongs to her... never unrealistically want something that does not belong to her.

It is precisely because of this character that she lives very clearly, but she was once "tired" because of him.

Lin Xiangnan's mood suddenly became a little heavy. He was able to eliminate in advance the damage caused by Ouyang Meng, the severe battle, or even She Xiaobao, but what about him? !

Gunshot wounds, bomb wounds...

And the Silence that he still has, all the damage comes from him.

Tzuyu's previous life is her memory.

He couldn't deprive her of her memory, but he was afraid that after her memory was retrieved, he and her would not be able to face the things that stood in the middle.

And kids...

It is cruel to exchange the child's life for Tzuyu's memory, whether it is for Tzuyu, the child, or him.

Lin Xiangnan suddenly laughed at himself in a miserable heart. He understood that it was such a difficult choice when he did it.

It's no wonder that at the beginning, the third brother, such a strategist, would also be in pain.

"What's wrong with you?" Ye Ziyu felt some emotions overflowing from Lin Xiangnan, biting the straw, looking at him curiously in the bottom of his eyes.

Lin Xiangnan tilted his head and glanced at Ye Ziyu, then retracted his gaze, and said with a restrained emotion: "I'm just thinking, if you are not suitable for continuing training, will you insist on continuing?"

"How could it not be suitable?" Ye Ziyu curled her lips, "I might have caught the thief who stole the battery..." She looked very proud, "Look, there are so many women, and now I can only stay. What do you mean with Qin Fei and Weng Xiaojuan?"

"What does it mean?" Lin Xiangnan asked along with Ye Ziyu's words.

Ye Ziyu rolled his eyes, "It means I'm a cow!"

"..." Lin Xiangnan was amused by Ye Ziyu.

"I'll tell you, you don't have to be polite, just tell me... if I'm afraid, I don't deserve to be your girlfriend!" Ye Ziyu finished speaking, shook his head hurriedly, "No, it's my fiancée!"

Listening to her insisting on emphasizing the title of ‘fiancee’, Lin Xiangnan’s mouth overflowed with a cheerful smile, but her worries deepened in her heart.

When we arrived at Huakang, because we had already passed the normal shift, the doctor who received Lin Xiangnan was on duty in the emergency department.

The process was very fast, and several tubes of blood were drawn.

"Young Master Li confessed, I will call you when the result comes out." The doctor said after motioning to the nurse to take the blood for storage.

Lin Xiangnan nodded, "Trouble."

"Young Master Nan, you are welcome!"

Lin Xiangnan nodded with a chuckle, and took Ye Ziyu back to the training camp.


"Wait, I'll go to the hospital..." Li Yunze took a piece of paper and handed it to Li Yanzhen, and then took the bowl of soup Li Yanzhen wanted.

"What's wrong, is there an emergency room?" He Yi Ning Shun asked.

Li Yunze put the soup bowl in front of Li Yanzhen, "Xiang Nan suspected that Tzuyu was pregnant, I went to have a blood test."

"Do you want me to go with you?" He Yining asked, "After all, I am professional in this respect."

The corners of Li Yunze's mouth moved. He just wanted to say something, but finally shut up.

At first, only two were detected because of his own blood test, but later it became three. Yining laughed at this for a while...

Oh, shame!

Think about when he has made mistakes since he entered the medical profession?

He actually made a mistake in his own child...Although, gynecology is his weakest.

"It's just whether you are pregnant or not, I can still detect it!" Li Yunze sighed softly, "You plan to laugh for a lifetime of this matter, right?"

He Yining laughed, "I don't mean that, but I feel you are looking forward to it..." She nodded, "Well, it's also a very important memory of life."

"..." Li Yunze twitched his mouth, feeling a little bit heartbroken.

In the end, He Yining did not go and stayed at home to take care of the twin brothers.

After Li Yunze had eaten, he drove back to Huakang and went directly to the laboratory.

Ye Ziyu's blood has been sent over. He came to test not only whether Ye Ziyu was pregnant or not. If she was pregnant, did Silence fission and what happened?

When Jian Mo carried Silence on his body, he was doing research, and he understood the process quite well.

However, even if Ye Ziyu is pregnant now, the impact on Silence is not great... after all, it is the initial stage.

Time, after the blood was put into the machine, slowly passed with the sound of running...

While waiting for the results, Li Yunze took Ziziyu's blood smear and went to do a test on the content of Silence first. There was a soft sound of ‘di’. Just as Li Yunze watched the blood smear value change, there was a sound of report printing from the machine over there...

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