The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2220: Have you ever had a child?

Lin Xiangnan's expression was slightly solemn, he was silent, and nodded, "Yes."

He didn't want to lie to her, at least, when the problem came, he felt that Tzuyu had the right to know.

"Why do you suspect that I am pregnant?" Ye Ziyu curled her eyebrows curiously, "Suddenly..." After a pause, she suddenly murmured, "My aunt is a few days late, I thought it was recently Training is too tiring, so it leads to retreat?!"

Lin Xiangnan tilted his head to look at Ye Ziyu who had explained to him, his eyes deepened.

"However, did I tell you when my aunt will come?" Ye Ziyu asked in a daze, "Or, I am at the same time as before?"

"You were not very accurate before, and it is often a few days after pushing forward and pushing forward..." Lin Xiangnan only felt heavy, "When I get to the hospital, my second brother will send someone to give you a check first, and then when the check is over, I will give You say why I doubt it, okay?"

Ye Ziyu thought for a while and nodded.

The hand was placed on the lower abdomen involuntarily.

Even if you are sure you are pregnant now, you shouldn't see anything in the little one, right?

But I don't know why, she touched her lower abdomen, and suddenly there was an unspeakable melancholy and sadness in her heart, which gradually spread in her heart...

Seeing Ye Ziyu who suddenly became quiet, Lin Xiangnan felt mixed.

He couldn't feel Tzuyu's happiness, and he could even feel a touch of sadness...

Is it because she doesn't want children? !

After thinking, the car has arrived at Huakang.

Lin Xiangnan and Ye Ziyu got out of the car, and they saw a car stopping a few parking spaces.

"Second sister-in-law?!" Lin Xiangnan saw He Yining, somewhat puzzled.

"Why are you here?" He Yining closed the car door and asked without knowing it, "Didn't you go to the training camp?"

"Tzuyu feels a little uncomfortable, so come and have a look." Lin Xiangnan said, "Second sister-in-law is here, it's okay."

He Yining's research in gynecology in recent years has been very fruitful. It can be said that Li Yunze's weakness is completely filled, and the husband and wife are invincible together.

"You mean Tzuyu..." He Yining was surprised, and then approached with a smile. He took Ye Ziyu's hand and said jokingly, "These brothers, they don't have any other skills. None of them fell."

Ye Ziyu's face was a little red, and he glanced at Lin Xiangnan, and placed his hands on his lower abdomen subconsciously.

I don't know why, as long as she moves like this, she will feel an inexplicable sense of desolation in her heart...

What happened to her?

Since she heard that she might be pregnant, her emotions were wrong?

Obviously, when she saw so many children playing together at the second brother and second sister-in-law's house, she also imagined that she and Xiang Nan's children were running behind everyone...

He Yining, in order to make Ye Ziyu feel relaxed, she checked directly.

Naturally, this was also arranged by Li Yunze, and it was not a coincidence that Ning came over.

"Tzuyu is a little bit wrong..." Lin Xiangnan looked at Li Yunze aside with a solemn expression, and told him what had happened in the training camp just now.

After hearing this, Li Yunze twisted his eyebrows, "It stands to reason that Silence shouldn't have caused such a situation..."

"Second brother, Tzuyu heard that she might be pregnant, and she has been in a bad mood, not happy, and seems a little resisting." Lin Xiangnan's eyebrows wrinkled deeper.

"No," Li Yunze said soothing, "How could Tzuyu resist your child?"

Lin Xiangnan didn't speak, or that he was confused right now, and didn't know how to describe Ye Ziyu's state of knowing that he might be pregnant.

He just knew that it was not resistance, but a kind of sadness and pain that filled the whole body and couldn't let go.

Why do you feel this way? !

Outside, there was a dignified breath...

Check the room, the atmosphere does not seem to be very relaxed.

"You don't seem to be in good condition?!" He Yining asked while checking.

"I don't know why..." Ye Ziyu was silent, "It just seems to be empty in my heart, a little uncomfortable."

"Why?" He Yining looked at Ye Ziyu, "Is he not wanting children, or is it too sudden and I don't know how to deal with it?"

Ye Ziyu thought for a while and shook his head, "Neither... I want to have a child with Xiangnan and I am looking forward to it, but I don't know why, it's very empty."

He Yining twisted his eyebrows slightly.

"It's like...what have I lost?!" Ye Ziyu described after thinking about it.

"Could it be because of the lost memory?" He Yining continued to check.

Ye Ziyu shook his head again, "I don't know..."

Starting from knowing that she was Lin Xiangnan’s fiancee Ye Ziyu, she didn’t really want to know the memories of the past so urgently?

Because, now they continue to love each other, better than anything else!


Regarding the child, she didn't feel this way before, but when she heard that she was pregnant, she couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

"You are in good health, so much training, the embryo implantation is also very stable, great!" He Yining said after the inspection, "However, I do not recommend that you continue to participate in training, after all, the first three months is a dangerous period. If you continue to exercise so much, no matter how good your body is, what can't be guaranteed?"

After a pause, He Yining said tentatively: "Of course, if you don't want this kid, it's another matter."

"I want it!" Ye Ziyu blurted out without thinking, "I want him/her!"

He Yining smiled, "It seems that you can only stop training."

"Yeah." Although Ye Ziyu was a bit regretful, she would only choose children when choosing between training and children.

Even though, my heart is still empty to sadness.

VIP ward.

Because it was determined that Ye Ziyu was pregnant, Silence's affairs were about to be put on the agenda, and Li Yunze let her stay on the grounds of observation.

"Would you like something to eat?" He Yining asked, "Wait for the restaurant to bring some food over."

"Trouble your second wife." Lin Xiangnan nodded.

He Yining shook his head with a smile, and left the ward with Li Yunze who had finished drawing blood, giving Lin Xiangnan and Ziziyu some space.

The silence made the air in the ward become somewhat depressed.

Lin Xiangnan didn't know where to start talking about Silence, nor how to tell Ye Ziyu, it is possible that Silence would affect the child...

No matter what Tzuyu thinks about the child, she just told her that she had a child, saying that Silence had an impact on the child and was too cruel to her.

However, the current situation is not enough.



The two spoke almost simultaneously.

Lin Xiangnan looked at Ye Ziyu, with doubts in his eyes, waiting for her to speak first. Looking at Shang Lin Xiangnan's gaze, Ye Ziyu raised her eyebrows and asked, "Did I have a child before I lost my memory?"

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