The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2339: Jian Jie articles (19)

In the end, Gu Yan did not ask Li Xinyao to send him and Wang Xiao to the airport.

They waited for the intermediary to come and collect the keys, then took a taxi and left...

Li Xinyao, who stood at the gate of Xiziwan and watched their car leave, had such a subtle expression that she kept watching their car disappear...

Gu Yan looked at Li Xinyao further and further away from the rear view mirror, her eyes squinted slightly.

One by one, remember to think!

A slight smile was drawn across the corner of Gu Yan's mouth, and when he retracted his gaze, there was a domineering and deep eye that belongs to the king.

The most direct way is to prescribe the right medicine. Since she likes to eat, he will let her not miss him, but also think about what he has cooked.

The plane, in the late summer sun, climbed.

Gu Yan was reading a newspaper with a newspaper, but Li Xinyao's face always appeared in his mind because he thought that there was no extra oily spice, and his thin lips curled up and smiled slightly.

At home, Dad knows nothing about cooking.

My mother cooks deliciously and very homely, but if she keeps her mind on her mind, she won’t be able to.

He suddenly rejoiced, because after being separated from one by one, sometimes when he thinks of snacks, he will start to study the diet.

If you eat a lot and watch a lot, you will naturally learn more...

"Gu Yan, do you have any hidden skills that I don't know?" Wang Xiao asked in a low voice, "Really, after eating the food you cooked, I suddenly felt that if I eat something outside in the future, it will be nothing. "

"It's not as exaggerated as you said..." Gu Yan flipped through the newspaper, which happened to be the entertainment version, promoting a movie just released by the entertainment company of the Emperor.

Wang Xiao naturally knew that he was exaggerating, and he had a purpose.

"Back to Los Angeles, I didn't plan to cook for you." Gu Yan's voice remained faint, "Either you make it or take it out."

"Damn!" Wang Xiao looked desperate, "Hey, I suddenly want to be attached to Sister Xin Yao..."

This treatment, one day at a time? !

Sure enough, he who "cares" first is just a piece of grass!


"Hey, it's not as good as Xiaojie!" Li Xinyao sighed while eating the boiled fish.

"It's almost..." Yan Yuying nodded in agreement, "However, you used to love this restaurant the most."

"Isn't that made by Xiaojie before?" Li Xinyao pouted, "You don't know, the breakfast that I went to eat that morning, everything else was okay, it was the oily pepper, really, spicy and not dry. It smells..."

With that said, Li Xinyao couldn't help but swallowed.

Yan Yuying looked at Li Xinyao and said ‘haha’, feeling a little sad for Lu Yuanting.

However, after returning to Los Angeles, both of them were in Huakang, and it is possible that both were studying in Luoda...This road of pursuit of heart, now it is really impossible to see who wins or loses.

"Oh, now that I have eaten the things he has made, I can't help but compare." Li Xinyao took a mouthful of rice with a look of nostalgia.

"To grab a man's heart is to grab a man's stomach... This sentence really applies to women." Yan Yuying shook her head and sighed, "However, Gu Yan is really playful. "

Li Xinyao nodded and agreed.

"You think, obviously you can eat with your face, but he has a strong ability... I heard that he has been in Lingji for two months and has several difficult contracts. It's really... not a handsome guy who can't cook. Good salesman!" Yan Yuying sighed, "Fortunately for such a man, his family conditions are similar to mine, or he should be jealous!"

"..." Li Xinyao twitched the corner of his mouth and whispered in a low voice, "Then he is really jealous."

"Huh?" Yan Yuying didn't hear clearly.

Li Xinyao smiled and shook his head, "Nothing..."

Li Xinyao tilted her head slightly, looked out the window, and suddenly became curious about Gu Yan who hadn't seen him in 11 years.

For example, when will he cook?

It's so delicious...

It feels that if anyone is the girl in Gu Yan's heart in the future, it must be very happy.

Thinking about it, Li Xinyao smiled inexplicably.

"What are you giggling about?" Yan Yuying asked.

Li Xinyao was taken aback and looked at her suspiciously, "Did I smile?"

"..." Yan Yuying said speechlessly, "At this point, I think I'm silly to fantasize!"

Li Xinyao rolled his eyes, ignored Yan Yuying's complaints, and didn't know what happened to him just now.

After the two had finished their meal, they went to the hospital together.

Today, the classes of two people happened to fall together, and it was all night.

After the talent changed clothes and returned to the department, Li Xinyao's phone rang.

Take it out, see Lu Yuanting's, pick it up, "Senior?"

"I will be the director's deputy for the operation next week. I recommend you to be the second."

"This...isn't it appropriate?" Although Li Xinyao said this, there was obviously a flash of light in his eyes.

Lu Yuanting chuckled, "Then I tell the director, are you inappropriate?"

"Don't don't!" Li Xinyao said hurriedly, "I am suitable, I am suitable!"

The smile of Lu Yuanting's mouth widened, "Take a good look at the patient's case. Although I believe in your abilities, it is a special case for an intern to be the second mate. Don't go wrong."

"I promise not to shame you!" Li Xinyao's voice was full of energy.

"Be on duty well, tomorrow morning I will bring you the one you love to eat early..." Lu Yuanting said without giving Li Xinyao a chance to refuse, "It happens that tomorrow morning I am going to go to the surgery."

"Good!" Li Xinyao answered.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xinyao flew up happily because he thought of having a chance to be the second mate, and hurriedly asked the nurse to find the information of the patient to be operated on.


XK training camp, Mpumalanga, South Africa.

The afternoon sun shines through the leaves and falls on the grass, bringing with it the warmth of South Africa just in spring.

At the exit of the **** forest, Xiao Mu, whose hair was already half-white, was still very strong in spirit.

"How long is the time left for Mo Chen to stand on his own?" Xiao Mu asked indifferently in his voice.

"There are less than three hours left." A Liu's voice was faint, looking at the exit, there was a look of expectation that did not belong to him in his calm and composed eyes.

Six years... Graphite Chen was only 12 years old when he first entered XK, and it has been six years!

From accepting XK's cruel training to entering the **** forest that must be experienced by the person who takes over XK's affairs, the people waiting outside at this moment are all growing up with him or witnessing his growth.

A pair of apricot eyes of a girl who looked only seventeen or eighteen in tight combat uniforms was cold.

Obviously, she was looking forward to it, but she couldn't see any expression on her childish face.

"Qiao Yu, do you think Mo Chen can come out at the time he said?" Xiao Mu tilted his head and asked the expressionless girl with a smile.

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