The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2352: Jian Jie articles (32)

As soon as Graphite Chen's words came out, the four ghosts' eyes lit up.

Qiao Yu frowned slightly. Obviously, he didn't expect Graphite Chen to say that.

After all, her mission in training is to become Chen Shao's bodyguard at no cost.

"Dare you?" Graphite Chen looked at Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu still had an indifferent expression, "Okay!"

There was a faint smile at the corner of graphite Chen's mouth, and he looked at the four ghosts, "You choose someone..." He looked at the time, "Eat first, one hour after the meal, right here, beat Joe Rain, stay close."

"Yes!" The four ghosts responded at the same time, looking at Qiao Yu one after another.

Although they were excited, there was no slightest contempt in their eyes.

Although it seemed that Qiao Yu was only seventeen or eighteen years old, they all knew that it was not easy for them to stay with Graphite Chen in XK.

Several people returned to the villa together, and the servant had already prepared the food.

Qiao Yu looked like an invisible person. Graphite Chen didn't talk to her. She would never speak first except for things.

Unlike her, the four demons and demons obviously have different personalities. Although they have not seen each other for many years, they are not unfamiliar.

"When is Young Master Chen going to return to the Mo Palace?" The big ghost Ajun is the most stable of the four, and he thinks more about small talk.

"In a few days," Graphite took a sip of the exotic juice at hand, "There are some things that need to be dealt with first."


The little ghost Aying just wanted to ask something excited, but was stopped by a look from the big ghost.

The kid is the youngest of the four, and has a baby face. He is already in his twenties, but he looks like a high school student.

His character is also the most free of the four. Sometimes he is too casual, but he is a little less restrained and stubborn.

Graphite Chen looked at the little ghost looking down to eat something aggrieved, and a few invisible faint smiles crossed the corner of his mouth, and he did not pierce it. He just asked the big ghost about the past few years.


Shi Shaoqin was cutting the sunflower disk with scissors, while Carney put it in a basket, wringing his eyebrows, and moving his mouth several times. He wanted to say something, but he still endured it.

Qingqing took someone to pick a flower tray from another sunflower field, and saw Carney's pair who didn't know how to describe it all a long way away, as if anxious, as if urgent, but also a little helpless...

"Shao Qin..." Kani endured for a long time, seeing that the basket was almost full, Shi Shaoqin even cut the flower disc there with a calm expression, and couldn't help it, "That...Star summoned the star."

"I know." Shi Shaoqin let out a faint voice, and continued his actions without any expression.

"..." The corner of Carney's mouth twitched, suddenly there was a feeling of choking in his throat by something.

Of course he knows that Young Master Qin knows, but if he knows but is not moved, this is the problem, right? !

Carney dullly accepted another flower plate that Shi Shaoqin handed over, and threw it directly into the basket with a bad temper, looking sulking.

Shi Shaoqin glanced at him lightly, retracted his gaze, and continued to cut the flower disc, "If you don't want to do it, just get out!"

There was no emotion in his voice faintly, as if he just said casually.

Carney really wants to "get out", watching Young Master Qin do this, he feels aggrieved in panic!

The boy Star, hasn't seen him for six years. After picking up XK, he didn't come back to Mo Palace the first time...

The more he thought about it, the more angry Carney became.

He was very angry, thinking about it, Young Master Qin should be very angry too? !

"Star didn't come back, naturally there is a reason why he didn't come back..." Shi Shaoqin didn't let Carney pick up the flower tray this time, put it in the basket by himself, didn't even look at him, but knew what he was thinking, and said, "I don't **** off."

"..." Carney slumped his shoulders.

Shi Shaoqin looked at the flower plate that had been cut to the same extent, motioned for him, and walked to the drying side.

Since he was a child, Star knew what he had to face and his responsibilities.

He is an excellent child, and he also carefully cultivated him. As for his temperament, no one in this world knows better than him.

When things are done, Star will naturally come back to Mo Palace.

After waiting for six years, why should he be in a hurry?

"When will the guns ordered before arrive?" Shi Shaoqin asked suddenly.

Carney was carrying a basket of sunflower disks, originally muttering to himself there, but was suddenly asked by Shi Shaoqin, subconsciously looking forward, "Huh?"

Shi Shaoqin frowned slightly invisible, and glanced at Kani with some dissatisfaction.

Carney grinned secretly, and suddenly reacted, "It should be only these few days."

"Yeah." Shi Shaoqin replied lightly, not knowing whether he thought Carney was an annoyance or what, after asking him to put down the basket, he sent him away.

I heard earlier that Xiao Ye had a very powerful gun assembler, and that person had a heir. I thought he should have prepared it for Star.

XK doesn't touch arms and other things. If that person comes to Mo Palace with Star this time, he can get some good things from him to prepare for Star and his people.


Monterey's evening sun fell on the sea, softly with a hint of coldness belonging to autumn.

Qiao Yu stood in the yard with a ponytail, waiting motionless.

"Which one of you is going to fight?" Graphite Chen leaned lazily on the fence, his eyes falling on the four ghosts.


The answer was Ergui Amei.

Graphite Chen nodded with a slightly raised eyebrow, and a slight smile crossed the corner of his mouth, "Go!"

After the demons came to the fore, Stone systematically trained them based on the characteristics of the four of them.

The boss is stable and capable in all aspects, but in combat, he is almost close to the second.

The third child, Ah Wei, is most proficient in disguise. As for the kid, the most powerful is the computer.

It is said that after he went to XK, Shishi arranged for him to go to his younger uncle and study systematically for a while.

Qiao Yu looked at the two ghosts who were a head taller than her, with a cold voice, "Go!"

Both of them are not much talkers, in order to be around Graphite Chen, naturally, they are not polite to each other... After pulling apart, neither of them intends to be merciful.

Graphite Chen hooked his finger at the little devil, and when the others came closer, he peeled off the orange he had just played with in his hand, "Who do you think will win?"

"Second brother!" The little ghost said without thinking, with uncontrolled self-confidence in his eyes.

Graphite Chen chuckled and gave the peeled orange to the kid, "You guys, although you didn't underestimate Qiao Yu, you never thought that you would lose?"

The kid was going to eat oranges happily, but his face suddenly changed when he heard Graphite Chen say this!

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