The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2364: Jian Jie articles (44)

At the same time that Lu Yuanting's face changed in shock, Gu Yan had been paying attention to Li Xinyao because of Yu Guang, and almost both of them had subconsciously moved.

At the same time, Dong Xuejiao seemed to be worried about Li Xinyao. After shouting "Xinyao, be careful", she suddenly slipped...


Just as she screamed in panic, a staff member yelled, "Grab the safety rope..."

It's a pity that Dong Xuejiao, who suddenly fell silent, couldn't take care of it at all. He just wanted to catch something in a panic, but couldn't catch anything.

Gu Yan stared slightly at the climbing point. The hand that originally grasped the climbing point was loosened, and after pulling the safety rope, his foot climbed on the climbing wall... After a rapid decline, the person will still hit the climbing wall due to shaking, sending out Dong Xuejiao held her muffled. ,

All the actions are smooth and flowing, without the slightest stagnation in one go!

At the right time, Lu Yuanting took Li Xinyao in his hand regardless of his own safety.

However, because of rubbing, a row of blood was drawn on the white hands and arms.

Wang Xiao and Yan Yuying who were watching the show hurriedly stepped forward. After the staff carefully put down the four of them, they looked worried.

"Is the injury serious?" Yan Yuying looked at Lu Yuanting and Li Xinyao, then looked at Dong Xuejiao, who was still calm and wrinkled because of the pain. .

"Skin trauma..." Lu Yuanting glanced at his arm and shook his head slightly, looking at Li Xinyao with concern, "One by one, are you doing anything?"

"I'm fine." Li Xinyao shook her head, enduring the tingling pain from her waist, "I will handle such a situation."

Just now because of a sudden slip of her hand, she hit a bump in her waist.

Even a veteran rock climbing player cannot be foolproof, so when she was playing extreme sports, she had learned how to deal with emergencies.

Even if the senior didn't pull her just now, she wouldn't have a big deal.

It's just that now she's injured as a senior, except for being hit in the waist, everything else is fine.

Li Xinyao looked at Dong Xuejiao with a pained look, "A Jiao, are you okay? What is wrong, let me check it for you?!"

With that said, he looked at Gu Yan and wanted to care about him. He could see that his gaze was on Dong Xuejiao, and when he reached his mouth, he didn't ask a bit of anger.

There was an emergency doctor at the rock climbing site, and Dong Xuejiao had basically no serious problems except for the bruise on her body after the impact.

"That is to say, this young man is not chaotic when he is in danger, has a strong adaptability, and a good skill..." the doctor said with a smile, "Or, the little girl may have any suffering!"

The doctor said, while admiring him, he gave Gu Yan an ambiguous look.

Li Xinyao was applying medicine to Lu Yuanting, and she sighed secretly after she confirmed that there was no other problem except for the bruise.

"Senior Lu's hand is to be used for surgery. Fortunately, it doesn't matter..." Yan Yuying was also secretly relieved, "If there is any problem, you must be guilty for a lifetime."

With that, she winked with Wang Xiao.

God assists this kind of thing, not only he can, she is not bad.

Wang Xiao looked at impermanence on the surface, but Gu Yan, who was already undercurrents deep in his eyes, secretly gave Yan Yuying a compliment.

It's time to take this strong medicine, and it's great!

The doctor at the climbing site in the front praised Gu Yan ambiguously. Later, Yan Yuying made the relationship between Xinyao sister and Lu Yuanting also ambiguous. If Gu Yan and Li Xinyao can still be calm, he admires!

While thinking, Wang Xiao glanced at Gu Yan, whose handsome face was visibly darkened, and smiled secretly.

He will not admit that he is hurting his friends. After all, there are not many opportunities to see Gu Yan's internal injuries...

"Gu Yan, thank you just now!" Dong Xuejiao said with a grateful look. "If it weren't for your good skills, I'm afraid..." She paused, looked at Lu Yuanting with complicated eyes, and said, "Fortunately, Senior Brother Lu has quick eyes and quick hands. Yao is fine..."

With that, she looked guilty.

Wang Xiao and Yan Yuying looked at each other and sent a message in their eyes.

Dong Xuejiao's words, how many people really hurt? !

"It's okay!" After Gu Yan put down a few words indifferently, he didn't even look at everyone, but turned around and walked to the observation deck on the side.

There are several mountains around Los Angeles. In recent years, there are more and more people doing outdoor sports, and the tourism bureau and the government have also developed these places.

Standing on the observation deck and watching the red maple leaves swaying lightly in the sun and breeze, Gu Yan's eyes gradually deepened.

Li Xinyao looked at Gu Yan's long stature from a distance, lowered the corner of his mouth lightly, looked down at the drink that Wang Xiao had just given her, thought about it, and turned to go to the observation deck.

"I'll send it to Gu Yan..." Dong Xuejiao took two bottles of drinks from Wang Xiao at the right time, smiled and turned around and walked to the viewing platform.

Wang Xiao glanced at Li Xinyao and sighed secretly. After Yan Yuying said he wanted water, he took out a bottle of water from the bag and threw it to her, pretending to sigh, "You have to drink water quickly. What you want is the last bottle..."

Yan Yuying raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "That's right, what do I know, I will act first, and I will never hesitate about being'hypocritical'!"

Li Xinyao leaned on a tree trunk, listening to you, Wang Xiao and Yan Yuying quarreling there, his heart was very stuffy.

The conversation between Feather and Wang Xiao was quite normal, but I don't know why, she could actually hear a little overtone.

Lifting his eyes, his eyes fell on the viewing platform...

Dong Xuejiao smiled and passed the drink to Gu Yan, and then, while saying something, twisted the cap of the drink bottle.

Don't know if the bottle cap was too tight or it was pulled to the place just now, Dong Xuejiao let out a soft cry, bit her lower lip lightly, and hurriedly concealed her embarrassment.

Gu Yan glanced at her lightly, and after placing the drink bottle in his hand on the table, he said nothing, took the drink bottle in Dong Xuejiao's hand, twisted it open, and handed it to her.

"Thank you..." As Dong Xuejiao took it, her little heart was as itchy and warm as a cat was stuffed into it.

Gu Yan ignored Dong Xuejiao, took his own drink and took a sip, his eyes fell on the courtyard, deep and long.

"I like one by one for a long time..." Gu Yan suddenly said after a while, "I don't remember it for a while, or I never really thought about it. When did it start?!"

"..." Dong Xuejiao originally opened a drink bottle for her because Gu Yan, and while Xiao Lu was shy and shy, there was nothing in her head.

Suddenly, Gu Yan's words seemed to challenge her directly with an ice bucket, and it was cold from the top of the head to the soles of the feet.

"Yes, is it?" Dong Xuejiao didn't know whether it was embarrassment or sadness. After pulling the corner of her mouth hard, she said in a weird voice with difficulty, "I can't see are quite affectionate!"

A sneer crossed the corner of Gu Yan's mouth, "So, except for her, I won't like other girls!"

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