Qin Zhi frowned slightly invisible, raised his eyes, lowered his doubts and asked, "When is the time scheduled?"

Ji Lingshang looked at the outside with a deep vision, narrowed his eyes, "Tomorrow morning."

"Yes!" Qin Chi answered and turned to make arrangements.

However, at the moment when the door was closed, looking at the increasingly indifferent back, he secretly sighed.

Tomorrow night will be the family gathering of the Ji family. The Ji family is well-known in country D, and naturally there are many people.

Straight line, side line, every family gathering is like a small cocktail party.

As a direct child, Ji Lingshang has never attended a biennial party except for a family gathering when he first returned to Ji's house.

Even if the master asks every year.

Many people in the Ji family look down on the status of the Seventh Young Master as an illegitimate child, and because of the master's favor, and the "predatory" of the family business by the Seven Youngers over the past few years, it has aroused the original dissatisfaction with the Ji family's powerful patriarch.

Obviously and secretly, there are countless people who want to bring down the Seventh Young Master...

It seems to be a beautiful scene, but in fact, sometimes alive is the Qishao who walks on thin ice. Indifference has become his only emotion.

He closed the door and closed the light sigh on Qin Zhi's face.

Ji Lingshang has been standing by the window for an unknown period of time, just like this.

The sunlight shifted slightly, and a light was refracted just below the earlobe of his left ear, winding to the hair, and a scar that was still visible but not very obvious was slightly revealed.

Because of the dazzling sunlight reflecting on the glass, he slightly narrowed his coquettish peachy eyes, and indifferently a touch of mockery passed across his indifferent face.

The phone vibrated in his pocket.

Ji Lingshang didn't move.

The vibration stopped, but after a few seconds, it started again.

Ji Lingshang took it out indifferently, didn't even look at the electricity, and immediately put it in his ear without taking the lead to speak.

"This family gathering is a year-round gathering. You must come back!" Old Ji's voice was low, "Also, when can I go to Los Angeles? I have to rush tomorrow?"

"Suddenly want to go." Ji Lingshang's voice was indifferent, without any emotion.

Ji Lao's expression is not very good, "You are not a child anymore, and you just talk about wind and rain."

Ji Lingshang's mouth swept across the corner of his mouth with a cold sneer, "It's really not a child, but what should I do?" The faint words were provocative, "I like to talk about wind and rain."

"..." Because of the dullness, Ji Lao's chest fell together, but after all he suppressed the anger in his heart, "Ling Shang..."

"Nothing else, I'm hanging up!" Ji Lingshang interrupted Ji Lao.

"Then come back to have a meal with me tonight, right?" Old Ji's voice was pleading as a father.

Ji Lingshang was silent, his eyes deepened, and it took a long time before he spoke: "I have something to do tonight."

"..." The corner of Ji Lao's mouth twitched. Before saying anything, Ji Lingshang had already hung up the phone.

Listening to the hung-up tone of ‘beep beep’ from the phone, Ji angrily threw the phone directly onto the front coffee table.

Because of the strong force, the phone slid out and fell on the thick coffee table cushion.

The butler on the side picked it up, placed it on the coffee table respectfully, and said, "Sooner or later the seventh youngest will understand you, why are you angry with yourself?"

"Huh!" Old Ji snorted annoyedly, "He just thinks I'm sorry for Su Meng, so he won't make me feel better."

The butler sighed softly, without speaking.

Miss Su Meng committed suicide by jumping off the building due to depression. You can't blame the master for this, the master is more sad than anyone else.


"Why is Ling Shang going to Los Angeles suddenly?" Old Ji frowned slightly, "Is there anything going on in Country Z?"

The housekeeper frowned slightly and shook his head.

But then, what suddenly came to mind?

"I heard that Qi Shao has been very concerned about the Emperor Group recently, and there are a few small actions aimed at that side." The butler said, "The department store that the Emperor invested here seems to have been stopped by Qi Shao the other day. Up."

When Mr. Ji heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he looked puzzled, "When did Ling Shang and the emperor tie up?"

"This is not quite clear..." The butler hesitated, "Master, do I need to check it?"

"Forget it," Ji Lao breathed a sigh of relief, "He is a bit colder, but he knows what he does, let him alone!"

"Yes!" The butler smiled faintly.

Although the master is angry, it is true that he spoils the Seventh Young Master... How many children in the Ji family can't envy this? !

It's a pity that Qi Shao doesn't care...


Los Angeles.

The setting sun passed through the already yellow leaves, hit the car softly, through the car window, and fell onto the beautiful couple in the car who had just met each other.

"Mom guesses that the meal is ready, do you want to eat together?" Li Xinyao asked with a smile.

"It won't pass," Gu Yan looked at the time, "I will go to Country D tomorrow. I will go back to the company to check something later."

"Oh..." Li Xinyao's voice was dull without knowing it.

Gu Yan chuckled, "Want me to appear in front of Uncle Li and Aunt Ning with you?"

Li Xinyao rolled her eyes, "You think too much." She curled her lips, "Let's go!"

Gu Yan rubbed Li Xinyao's head with a chuckle, and drove her back to Li's house.

"I'm home..." Li Xinyao said, but didn't move.

Gu Yan nodded lightly. Seeing that he had nothing else to say, Li Xinyao mumbled secretly before turning around to drive the door.

But at the moment she turned around, Gu Yan suddenly pulled her back...

Because of inertia, when Li Xinyao was suddenly pulled back, her lips happened to fall on the lips that Gu Yan was waiting there on purpose.

Gu Yan teased with a chuckle, "So reluctant to bear with me?!"

Li Xinyao stared, "Gu Yan!"

Gu Yan saw that Li Xinyao was a little annoyed, and when he was about to push him away, he put his arm around her waist, and the kiss deepened.

Xu has just confirmed the relationship. Xu is because the emotions that have been hazy in his heart are instantly picked up. It is on the bright side. Two people who have guessed from two children to now are adults. Such a small ambiguity makes it easier for the heart to throb. Down confused.

"One by one, our relationship is confirmed now. You want to keep me away from some people, you know?" Gu Yan's voice was bullish and threatening.

Li Xinyao did not speak, but nodded with a smile.

Satisfied, Gu Yan kissed Li Xinyao on the forehead again, "Go back!"

"Then I'm leaving..." Li Xinyao smiled, her eyes full of sweetness under the smile.

"Yeah." Gu Yan nodded, watching Li Xinyao get out of the car, and said when she was about to close the car door, "I will miss you."

Li Xinyao's action of closing the car door stalled, that is, for a moment, leaving a playful "I won't miss you", closing the car door, turning around and entering the villa.

Gu Yan was a little bit dumbfounded, but obviously, Jun's face was happy.

"One by one, we will keep going well..."

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