The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2400: Jian Jie articles (80)

Jian Mo smiled at He Yining, who was a little depressed.

"You are very happy..." He Yining smiled and stared, "This son has been a good man since he was a child!"

"Second Sister-in-law, Third Sister-in-law is happy of course." Ye Ziyu raised her eyebrows and said, suddenly looking sadly at Lin Xiangnan, "Suddenly it occurred to me that I will be in this situation after Xiao Qiyue. Sad."

"According to my daughter's current development..." Lin Xiangnan groaned, and then said with a smile, "I guess it's the man who needs to worry about it."

Ye Ziyu thought for a while and thought it was quite right.

Lin Xing nowadays is a completely female man. Inspirational is to go to the military academy and then leave the army.

"Boss Long did they say when they will come over?" Li Yunze and Gu Beichen chatted, resolutely not saying those things that Li Xinyao said to him when Li Xinyao went to Huakang to find him in the afternoon.

Now Gu Beichen, the whole Ming Sao and Secret Sao who were taught by Jian Mo made people criticize, he naturally couldn't let him be bright and secret!

"I'm afraid it's only recently?!" Gu Beichen is not sure, "It depends on the training situation of Yi Xun."

"Actually, thinking about it, being a dragon family is also very tiring..." Li Yunze said with feeling.

Whether it is a candidate for power or a princess, who is a naturalized child of the Long Family, which is not a kind of schoolwork or training?

On the one hand, it is the responsibility of identity, on the other hand, it is also to better protect yourself.

Gu Beichen smiled, "Standing on a high place, as long as you want to be motivated, which child is not tired?"

Many people have seen the scenery of high-ranking people, but who knows the effort behind them?

"President Gu..." There was a loud voice from upstairs.

Everyone looked downstairs subconsciously, and then looked at Gu Beichen with a smile.

Gu Beichen had already gotten upstairs, with a small smile on his thin lips, completely a slave to his daughter.

"Dad, this question..." Gu Xi saw Gu Beichen coming in, flipping the paper and pushing aside.

Gu Beichen looked at the question in the first year of high school, secretly sighed, and explained it to Gu Xi. After she understood it, she said: "Yan Yan, although hard work is very good, we also need to understand what stage of life we ​​should learn and do. what?"

Gu Xi grinned, and raised her pretty face with a small proud eyebrow and said, "That's not good... You and your mother are so good, your brother is also very good at games, and the future sister-in-law is also very good... I can't lose too much. ."

Gu Beichen was a little helpless, "But I hope you can enjoy what life has given you when you fulfill your responsibilities at this stage... We can't stop learning, but life is not all learning."

"OK!" After Elf Gu Xi raised his hand and made a gesture, he circled Gu Beichen's arm and took a bite on his cheek. The elf smiled and said, "Don’t worry, Mr. Gu, I’m done with this set of questions. , Go to the next copy!"

Gu Beichen was kissed by her daughter, and her heart was wrapped in honey.

Rubbing Gu Xi's head indulgently, Gu Beichen left a sentence, "Then I won't disturb you", then turned around and left the room.

"Looking at some of the children in my brother's family, I suddenly felt that my family was Lin Yang Alexander." Lin Xiangnan sent a message.

"I'm envious," Jian Mo said with a sullen mouth, "I don't know why Yan Yan likes to make papers so much, isn't it annoying?"


Everyone looked at each other and laughed.

"Sansao, if you are like this, how many parents have to make you want to beat you?" Ye Ziyu said with a smile, fully speaking the aspirations of many people.

Of course, not including her.

Because, compared to Lin Xing's current ability, she prefers Lin Yang's current temperament, and with a bottom line, she is like a child.

However, sometimes it is really too amusing!


"I will leave the car here and let Ziyang come and drive tomorrow."

"Then I will send you back one by one?" Xiao Yi asked.

Gu Yan smiled and shook his head, "I will walk with you one by one."

Xiao Yi smiled clearly and nodded, and looked at Li Xinyao and said, "I'll go now. I'll make an appointment for dinner when I have time."

"Okay!" Li Xinyao smiled and nodded, "Sister Yi, take care of yourself!"

Xiao Yi smiled, raised his eyebrows and nodded, then turned into the car.

Watching Xiao Yi's car leave, Gu Yan consciously took Li Xinyao's hand and walked towards the night market...

The night of late autumn was a bit cold. When passing a shop, Gu Yan pulled Li Xinyao in.

"What are you doing?" Li Xinyao frowned slightly and looked at the store.

Gu Yan walked directly to the place where the scarves were hung, looked around, and motioned to the clerk to take one of them.

Li Xinyao laughed, letting Gu Yan wear a scarf around her. At that moment, it was not the warmth in the body, but in the heart.

"The general plot is that when the girl is cold, the boy took off his jacket and gave it to the girl..." Li Xinyao curled his lips and said deliberately.

Gu Yan smiled, "If there is no other way, there is a shop next to it, why do I have to take it off?"

"..." Li Xinyao just said casually, but he didn't expect Gu Yan to refute seriously, and suddenly became a little depressed.

Gu Yan smiled and squeezed Li Xinyao's nose, "Aren't you stupid? I'm cold, can I warm my hands? When I hold you, I feel cold, don't you feel bad?"


Li Xinyao felt that Gu Yan was right!

The clerk on the side had already laughed, and looked at Li Xinyao with envy.

Gu Yan's appearance is so attractive, such a man, he spoils a girl in this way, is a woman, and can be envied and jealous.

After Gu Yan checked out, he pulled Li Xinyao out of the shop and continued to the night market.

Hualin Night Market is an old-fashioned night market in Los Angeles. It is near the commercial street and only two kilometers away from restaurants.

Stepping on the bustling night, Gu Yan's warm palm wrapped Li Xinyao because he practiced surgical sutures and distinguished herbs all the year round, and he was not as smooth as a girl's hands. It was the most dull happiness that had disappeared from the body's aura.

"You mean, Dong Xuejiao is also intern in Shuya, and you are still in the same class with you?" Gu Yan asked, frowning slightly.

"Yeah." Li Xinyao nodded, suddenly hesitated a little on his face.

Gu Yan tilted his head and glanced at Li Xinyao, without piercing her thoughts at the moment.

Not stupid, nor stupid.

Some things, she didn’t understand, but she didn’t want to think about it seriously...

And he, although he wants to protect her, he doesn't want to turn her into a bird in a cage, and has no ability to deal with anything by himself.

The next day, the sun was a little dull from the morning, and before noon, it was shrouded in clouds.

The wind blew, and immediately felt a chilly wind rushing into the skin from the gap in the clothes, making people shiver.

"The situation just now..." The director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine led Li Xinyao and Dong Xuejiao to the nurse's station while talking about the patient's situation just now.

As soon as the three of them arrived at the nurse's station, they were attracted by a large bouquet of champagne roses, which seemed to be less than eighty.

"Doctor Li, yours!" A nurse smiled and pointed to the card on the bouquet.

Li Xinyao's first reaction was Gu Yan, stepped forward and took the card and started...

Originally expecting and happy, Li Xinyao frowned slightly when she saw the words in the card. The signature is ‘the one who loves you’, but this word is not Xiaojie’s? !

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