The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2405: Jian Jie articles (85)

Gu Yan didn't speak, but looked at Li Xinyao who was being hugged by his classmates in front of him. He didn't know what was being said, and Li Xinyao looked helpless and collapsed.

"You talk about it," Wang Xiao said with a sigh, "You just made essential oils to give to sister Xinyao, and they have sent so many flowers to make you enough...I like this opponent!"

Being cheated by my brother, I can only suffer from that loss, and I cannot refute it.

This damage to the brother, he can be considered to find a balance.

"By the way, as a brother, I support you to face up..." Wang Xiao grinned, "Anyway, we don't buy a car anymore. I will support you in the ring with that little money."

Gu Yan glanced lightly at Wang Xiao's gloating look, ignored him, and looked at the flowers.

"However, looking at this posture, the other party's backing is not small... Even if I am a brother, I fully support you, but are you sure you can fight it?" Wang Xiao rubbed his chin, "From an economic point of view, this deal is inappropriate? !"

Gu Yan snorted coldly, "You are wrong!"

"Huh?" Wang Xiao puzzled.

Gu Yan's gaze fell on Li Xinyao, "No matter how much you do, you have to look at where is your heart?!"

"Can't stand it, let alone such romantic means..." Wang Xiao disagreed, "Who doesn't like flowers for this woman? It's okay for you to send flowers as essential oils, it's totally outrageous!"

"With so many flowers, I can make a lot of essential oils this time..." Gu Yan said thoughtfully, "Then, I made them and sold them. After discounting them, I gave them to one by one... Well, that's great! "

"..." Wang Xiao grinned when he heard it. He didn't know what to say?

"Does it fit?"

Gu Yanjun's face was indifferent, "Why is it inappropriate?"

"Damn!" Wang Xiao spit, "Gu Yan, although you use your rivals' things to turn into money, although it is in line with economics, Nima, can't you do it like chasing girls?"

This is not a disguised use of rivals’ money to buy things for a girlfriend, is this a good ass? !

Gu Yan ignored Wang Xiao, but fell on Dong Xuejiao's face inadvertently...

Although there is a distance, he still caught the slightest irrational emotion on her face.

"Xin Yao, you really don't know who it is?" a classmate asked.

"If you know, remember to tell me!" Li Xinyao looked at the flowers, "I can hit them on his face."

"Oh, you are completely full of people who don't know how hungry you are..." A girl leaned against Li Xinyao's shoulder with a fantasy, "If someone gives me so many flowers, marry me!"

"I'm more curious, is this person a crush or a psychological war?"

Li Xinyao also gradually condensed his thoughts.

It can be said that she has not been in Los Angeles for long since she was young.

It has only been three months since I came back this time, and the people I contacted are basically from the school and the hospital...

How could such a "crush target" be provoked?

"Xin Yao, Gu Yan..." Dong Xuejiao touched Li Xinyao.

Li Xinyao turned her head reflexively, and saw Gu Yan turning around. Wang Xiao just shrugged and turned around.

Frowning slightly, she heard Dong Xuejiao ask in a low voice, "Is Gu Yan angry?"

Li Xinyao dropped the corner of her mouth and hurriedly turned to chase.

Dong Xuejiao didn't move, but sneered at the corner of her mouth.

The other party's offensive by these flowers knows that the financial resources are definitely not low, so it is strange that Gu Yan doesn't feel the gap? !

In addition, Xin Yao has never been able to refuse Hua, and the other party also high-profilely said that it is someone who loves her... She didn't believe it, Gu Yan didn't feel like it.

"Xiaojie..." Li Xinyao caught up with Gu Yan with a little panting. Seeing that he just glanced at her, he smiled and asked deliberately, "Why, not happy?"

"My girlfriend is shown love by other men's high-profile, I can be happy, either brain disease or nerve problem!" Gu Yan said amusedly.

"I said Sister Xinyao, although you are not as good at provoking peach blossoms as Gu Yan, but provoking one is a big deal, I'm sorry for my brothers!" Wang Xiao said with a grin.

Li Xinyao stared at Wang Xiao, "I don't see your sadness, I only see you gloating."

"Is it so obvious?"

"Yes!" Li Xinyao pouted, then looked at Gu Yan and snorted, "Turn around when you are angry, and don't care about me!"

Gu Yan stopped, watching Li Xinyao's dissatisfaction and sighed, "Because I don't want you to be an embarrassment for the whole school, fool!"

Hearing what he said, Li Xinyao immediately opened her mouth with a smile.

"I will have class later, and when I'm finished, I will go to the market to buy vegetables, and at night I will make you boiled pork slices and sweet and sour tenderloin, and some side dishes...Huh?" Gu Yan asked.

"Hmm!" Li Xinyao nodded hurriedly.

Gu Yan smiled, and lightly brushed Li Xinyao's cheeks that were blown by the cold wind with her fingers, "Hua freezes and wilts as soon as it freezes, and there is nothing to look at... You didn't mean to go to the library to check data?"

"Well, I called my classmates to go together..."

"Yeah!" Gu Yan smiled as he watched Li Xinyao leave, then retracted his gaze, and walked to the Economic Management Department with Wang Xiao.

"Seriously, are you really uncomfortable or fake?" Wang Xiao asked, "Don't we still have some money? We can't lose the momentum..."

"For one by one, so many flowers, it's not as good as a meal." Gu Yan's mouth chuckled, but the black pupils gradually became deep as a sea.

Suddenly courteous... even knowing that he made essential oils and then sent so many flowers.

On the one hand, give one more subconsciousness under the habit, on the other hand, mock his behavior...

This person's identity is really intriguing!

Gu Yan thought about it, and a light smile flashed across his eyes, revealing a sense of clarity.


"Seventh Young Master, there is another urging from the old man." Qin Zhi said embarrassedly, "It's the end of the year. There are many decisions and New Year's Eve, you are not here..."

"If I'm not here, can the company fall?" Ji Lingshang's eyes fell into the vase, and he brought back a few Xiwu flowers from the flower shop today.

The clerk of the flower shop said that the flower language of this flower is "a passionate love".

A rare opportunity for Ji Lingshang, a faint smile appeared on that indifferent face, even if it was very shallow.

Are you deeply affectionate? !

Ji Lingshang's eyes moved slightly, he retracted his gaze, got up, and walked to the window...

I didn't live in the hotel anymore, thinking that I might stay in Los Angeles for a while, so I simply bought an apartment.

From this window, you can just see the logo on the Emperor's Building.

"Gu Yan hasn't done anything yet?" Ji Lingshang looked at the emperor's Logo and said calmly.

"No!" Qin Zhi paused slightly, "This person is so young that he can't think that the city is deep."

Qi Shaocheng Mansion is deep, it is created by the environment.

But Gu Yan lived as a child because of his parents' love, and his talents went smoothly along the way...Unexpectedly, such a person knew that Qi Shao was in Los Angeles, but he did not respond. "Today I don't know if I like the flower sent to Li Xinyao..." Ji Lingshang seemed to mutter to himself, then he lowered his eyes and smiled. As he narrowed his smile, his cold voice overflowed his lips. Find something for Gu Yan and Xiao Yi to do!"

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