The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2434: Jian Jie articles (114)

"Young morning, what is the name of the store?" the store manager asked, "I'll go through the formalities."

Graphite Chen looked around, the corners of his beautiful mouth raised slightly, and he slowly said, "Sunflower and the sea."

In this shop, Graphite came out of XK, and when he was in Monterey, he was arranged in Los Angeles.

They didn't know Ah Liu, and at the time, he also predicted his state of mind when he returned to Los Angeles, contradictingly making him wonder what to do.

He believes that many things are predestined.

Whether it's meeting or reunion...

"Xiao Yi, many things are destined... Whether it is the encounter of two people or other things, there will be traction in the dark, do you believe it?"

Ji Lingshang's words reverberated in Xiao Yi's mind, starting from eating last night to today... these words are inexplicably like brainwashing, and they keep spinning in her mind.

"Mr. Xiao, do you look awkward?" Yu Na put the file on the desk, "Would you like to make a cup of coffee for you?"

"Good." Xiao Yi nodded and rubbed his temples.

But because last night I had a fight with Ji Lingshang's deep guy at dinner, and then when I got home, he didn't fall asleep very much all night because of his words, and the pain in his forehead was like an explosion.

Xiao Yi took a file a bit irritably, but didn't even bother to read it.

With a soft ‘pop’, Xiao Yi closed the folder again.

Why did Ji Lingshang say those things to her? Does he know her well?

What if she didn't dare to take that step?

What if you are alone?

Even if you stay with the emperor, you will feel unhappy in your heart. What does it matter to him?

From the moment she was adopted, she got a good education and a more comfortable life than others, she knew what she needed to pay?

Her duty was to wait!

Whether it's Gu Yan or the emperor, she has only one responsibility!

Xiao Yi squeezed his hand slightly, and when he didn't use much force, something flashed in his mind, and there was a touch of surprise in his eyes that froze because of what he was thinking.

"What does Ji Lingshang want to do?" Xiao Yi muttered, grabbing his mobile phone and dialing Ji Lingshang's number.

The phone was picked up, Ji Lingshang did not speak, Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Don't mess around!"

With the warning, there was a bit of anger.

"Come on?" Ji Lingshang sneered, "So, you thought about what I said all night, what did you think of?"

The feeling of being able to be seen through his mind without being in front of him made Xiao Yi want to throw something.

"It's not what I thought of, but what are you going to do?" Xiao Yi's voice still bit the forbearance of anger.

"What am I going to do?" Ji Lingshang snorted coldly, "Then you just wait and see."


The hung-up sound of ‘toot toot’ came, with an even more irritating mood, making Yu Na who had just come in to deliver coffee a little startled.

In her impression, Xiao Yi is a strong woman who combines temperament and cultivation.

And at this moment, the strong woman was so angry...well, she looked like a girl with a temper, and she could see normal emotions and what she should have at her age.

Yu Na is very curious, who can make Xiao Yi do this.

After Ji Lingshang hung up the phone, there was a gloomy breath on his face.

Before he answered the phone, Qin Zhi was reporting the actions of Ji's youngest in the past few days, but he didn't know whether to continue.

As he was thinking, Qin Zhi's phone vibrated, he took it out, glanced at the call, and then picked it up. After listening to the other party's words, he covered the microphone and asked, "Seventh, the person in charge of the Los Angeles Hotel is here."

Ji Lingshang did not speak, but turned his head and looked out the window...

The weather today is not very good. The sunlight is occasionally covered by heavy clouds, which makes it somewhat weak.

"You go to deal with it."

"That..." Qin Ji couldn't figure out Ji Lingshang's thoughts, wondering whether he agreed to give the emperor's New Year's Day venue some time.

Ji Lingshang sighed secretly, then retracted his gaze and spoke faintly: "Retreat all the venues."

Qin Chi heard this, grinned secretly, and answered, "Yes!"

The moment Ji Lingshang went out in Qinzhi and closed the door, he laughed at himself.

When Ji Lingshang did something, when he hesitated and gave in?

Xiao Yi, what I said last night, you all understood it as malicious, but I... still gave in!

"Mom, what should love do to make each other happy and not feel uncomfortable?"

Faintly helpless, a trace of sorrow filled the air, Ji Lingshang was suddenly confused...


"Here!" When Wang Xiao saw Gu Yan enter the Emperor's Mansion, he opened his mouth and waved silently.

Gu Yan walked over and glanced at what Wang Xiao was holding. "Is it nervous?" Wang Xiao looked around. "Really, I wasn't so nervous at first, but when I entered here, I don't know why. , It’s quite nervous.” As he said, he looked at Gu Yan a little sad, “I don’t know if it’s because you didn’t interview with me.

Therefore. "

Gu Yan chuckled lightly, "So, you pulled me to accompany you, is it a tranquilizer for you?"

"It wasn't originally. I saw you here at this moment. I really felt relieved..." Wang Xiao curled his lips. "You said that I've been hanging out with you every day. What if I don't mix with you? Feeling weird?"

Gu Yan's eyes deepened, and his calm was restored in a flash, "So, if I don't plan to submit a resume to the emperor next, how about you?"

Wang Xiao looked entangled, "If you don't have an interview, then forget it. The interview is..." He paused, thought about it, and then grinned, "What a great opportunity, you have to feel the atmosphere first! "

Gu Yan lowered his eyes and smiled, and when he raised his eyes, he jokingly said slightly, "It seems that I am not that important."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Wang Xiao gestured to the front desk, "I'll get an interview certificate."

Gu Yan watched Wang Xiao go to the front desk to get the interview card from the back and his eyes were slightly deep. It seemed that he was worried about something, but it was not very serious.

After Wang Xiao got the interview certificate, the two went to the public elevator together to the personnel department floor.

Leaded to the lounge by the assistant of the personnel department, Wang Xiao watched the people waiting for the interview in secret. "Let me take it, this is a bit more competitive!" Wang Xiao paid attention to the people waiting in the lounge just now. He did not see the slight gestures of Gu Yan and his assistants. "If this is the interview passed, even I won’t be here in the future.

life experience! "

Gu Yan and Wang Xiao sat down in the corner, listening to the excitement that Wang Xiao couldn't contain with the low voice, the smile at the corner of Gu Yan's mouth also rose slightly.

The interviewees are fast or slow, some are downcast, and some are excited... You don't need to ask, just look at the face to know the situation. "It's over, I didn't feel nervous just now, but now I am nervous again..." Wang Xiao swallowed and looked at Gu Yan because he was nervous, "Are you nervous?"

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