The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2698: Do you have to be so cruel to me?

When Chu Luofan heard this, it was inevitable to lose heart.

"Well..." Chu Luofan shrugged, "I was thinking about meeting him abroad. It's a coincidence, but I didn't expect you to be so busy these two days that you didn't have time to have a meal together..."

"Have a chance!" Graphite Chen finished speaking lightly, nodded slightly, and walked past Chu Luofan without saying anything.

Chu Luofan stood there, unable to react for a long time.

Generally speaking, what she said just now, whether it's politeness or something, can she drink something together even if she can't have a meal together?

Graphite Chen actually ignored her hidden meaning and left without saying anything? !

Chu Luofan opened his mouth slightly to laugh, but found that he couldn't laugh.

She turned around and watched Gite Chen had already walked to the elevator, clenched her hand slightly, her coquettish face was full of anger.

Take out the cell phone and dial the Yaoyao number.

"What's wrong?" Yao Yao's voice was a little confused.

"Change the ticket and leave tonight." Chu Luofan said, and people had already walked to the elevator on the side of the hotel.

"Huh?" Yaoyao frowned, "Why?"

"The plane of Graphite Chen is leaving tonight." Chu Luofan said, "you change the time to be later, we go to the airport earlier."

"Okay..." Yaoyao pouted and answered.

Chu Luofan hung up the phone, then looked back at the elevator in the main building, "I don't believe it, if I sway in front of you, you can still ignore me like this."

"Morning, do you want to change to the evening?"

After entering the elevator, the big ghost asked suspiciously.

"No." Graphite Chen said lightly.

"That's just..." The big ghost twisted his eyebrows, "I'm afraid I might encounter it at the airport tomorrow."

"No." Graphite Chen is still two words.

The big ghost heard it and didn't ask anything.

The elevator rises, and two people are reflected on the elevator wall.

Graphite Chen's eyes were slightly deep, and his eyes flashed coldly.

Chu Luofan was afraid that he would change his contract, so he naturally followed the original plan and Feiluo City would be fine tomorrow.

After thinking, the elevator arrived.

At the moment when the elevator door opened, Graphite's phone vibrated and received a message.

Sheng Sheng: There is one thing I am embarrassed about. Whether I do it or not, it will hurt others. How do you think I should choose?

Looking at the content of the information, Graphite Chen could guess what Tang Sheng was referring to without thinking about it.

Long Chuheng!

Only Long Chuheng was the only one who hurt him. For Sheng Sheng, he would not know how to choose. Graphite Chen replied as he walked: If it is all damage, then the earlier damage is 80% less likely than the later damage. Shengsheng, there are many choices in life. When you have not made a choice, you never know that you will give you your choice

What is the answer, but we cannot avoid the choice because we are afraid of the answer.

Tang Sheng looked at Graphite Chen's reply and twisted his eyebrows slightly. He always felt that he knew what she was asking.

Tang Sheng sighed secretly and sent a message: I miss you, want to hold you, and want you to hold me...

Graphite Chen only felt that something in his body quickly grabbed his nerves, and saw the corners of his beautiful mouth raised slightly, replying: I miss you too.

Seeing the reply, Tang Sheng raised the corners of his mouth unconsciously.

At this moment, she found it difficult to choose, and it suddenly became easier.

Yes, if it's all hurt, let the hurt heat up this morning, so there will be more time to heal the hurt.

Thinking, Tang Sheng dialed Long Chuheng's number.

Long Chuheng sat in a rest pavilion in the Long Family Mansion. He saw the call, but didn't pick it up immediately. He just looked at the name on the screen, as if his heart was hurting.

Just when the call was about to be disconnected, Long Chuheng picked it up and put the phone to his ear, "Sheng Sheng..."

"The Tang family's annual meeting is over, I am looking for something to do with you." Tang Sheng said.

A self-deprecating sneer crossed the corner of Long Chuheng's mouth, his gaze fell forward and said: "Suddenly something is going on. I am going to Aohai tomorrow. There is no way to participate in the Tang Family Annual Meeting."

"Huh?" Tang Sheng was stunned, "Why is it so sudden?"

"Well, something happened to Feiye." Long Chuheng finished speaking and asked, "What can I do? If you are not in a hurry, wait until I come back."

Tang Sheng thought, this can't be said on the phone, and he answered, "Let's talk about it when you come back!"

"Okay..." Long Chuheng replied, and all that was hidden in the word was pain under sourness.

Hanging up the phone, Long Chuheng laughed at himself again and murmured, "Shengsheng, do you have to be so cruel to me?"

As the words fell, Long Chuheng's self-deprecation at the corner of his mouth became more and more intense, revealing the pain under sourness.

The phone vibrated again because of the incoming call.

Long Chuheng calmed his mind slightly, glanced at the call and answered: "Time..."

"Chu Heng," Shizhao shouted, feeling heavy. He didn't know what to say, but he seemed to have a lot to say, "Are you free? Have a drink?"

"You will have a show tomorrow. Drinking today is not good." Long Chuheng said lightly. Even if he wanted to have a drink at the moment, he still reminded him intimately.

Time is a public figure. Drinking is too easy to swell the next day. For her, black fans and counter-marketing will naturally not let go of this opportunity to black her.

"Just want to have a drink..." The obvious emotions in the words of time are not very good, "Well in life, there must be so many irrational indulgences."

Long Chuheng was silent, and after a few seconds, he responded, "Okay." After a pause, he said, "The old place."

"Yeah." Time answered, and immediately got up and changed his clothes. Instead of riding in the nanny car, he borrowed a car from someone who was not known by the paparazzi and was related to her and left.


new York.

After Graphite Chen came back, and after confessing some things with the big ghost and others, he completely handed over the ghost killing to them, preparing to return to Los Angeles in the rare leisure time and spend some days with his family.

"I found out," the little devil rubbed against Qiao Yu again mysteriously, "Young Master Chen has something wrong recently."

Qiao Yu glanced at the kid indifferently, but did not answer.

Because, she knew that even if she was an air, the little devil could talk to herself and finish what she was going to say... in complete constitution.

"Look," the little ghost picked his chin slightly in the direction of Graphite Chen. "Although Chen Shao always thinks alone, but recently, it obviously doesn't seem to be thinking about major events, and occasionally faces Feeling melancholy!"

Qiao Yu glanced at the kid again and ignored him.

She probably knows why Shao Chen is doing this.

Tang Sheng.

Except for Tang Sheng, he would never think of a second person.

The little devil was still whispering on the sidelines, although Qiao Yu was very annoying, but after a few years, he was used to it.

Following the little ghost's simple analysis, Qiao Yu sighed secretly.

She doesn't understand love, but maybe because she doesn't understand, she can see clearly... Don't know why, she always feels that Tang Sheng will harm Chen Shao in the future. And the more she felt that she was worried about this, the more Chen Shao could handle it, but the more she felt that it would be a mess in the end... There was no reason, it was a woman's sixth sense.

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