The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2700: Time is a bit strange

Putting down the things from the past and the Tang family completely, Tang Sheng's smile was obviously relaxed and happy because of his ease.

"You are so smart..." Tang Sheng said in a little mysterious manner, "It's good to know it!"

Graphite Chen lowered his eyes and smiled, "Yes."

A light response, revealing the compromise of petting drowning, made Tang Sheng feel better.

"It's night there, right?" Tang Sheng asked.

"Yeah!" Graphite Chen raised his eyes and looked at Mo Kong outside the window, "I will return to Los Angeles tomorrow."

Faint words, saying things that are clear to each other.

If it were placed in the past, Graphite Chen would feel that such nonsense would not appear on him, but now, it happens frequently.

"Hmm..." Tang Sheng raised his foot slightly and shook it slightly, "It is possible that I will be there a few days later."

"Are there any delays?" asked Graphite Chen.

Tang Sheng made a dull "um" sound.

When she wanted to go to Mo Chen, everything was resolved.

Let go of the past, give up the equity of Tang International, and... and Chu Heng said that she is in love!

Originally, she was going to talk to Chu Heng at the end of the annual meeting tonight, but Chu Heng temporarily went to Aohai again, and she didn’t know which day she would return...

However, he will definitely come back after turning over the Nianlong's reception, which will only take a week at most.

Tang Sheng was still a little bit lost when he thought of not being able to spend the New Year with Graphite Chen.

But after another thought, abandoning the messy things of the Tang family, her life will be with Graphite Chen for the New Year in the future. Although it is a pity to lose this time, it can be tolerated for a better future in the future.

After all, the later you speak to Chu Heng clearly, the more harm will be done to him, and she doesn't want him to be sad.

Although it is impossible to do so, she can do the least harm to him.

"Okay." Graphite Chen answered.

He didn't ask much. After all, Tang Sheng would stay for a few more days, and he was afraid that the matter involved was also related to that place. He was already on the edge of walking a tightrope, and naturally, he had to avoid it.

Besides, there are some things that you don’t need to ask... right?


New York, JFK International Airport.

Yaoyao looked at Chu Luofan's ugly face and sighed and said, "So, are you being tricked?"

They didn't think much, so they came directly to the airport.

After passing the security check, Luo Fan remembered to check where Graphite Chen was flying and the corresponding boarding gate.

For the two of them, it’s not difficult to invade the airport’s information database to find information... It’s just that Luo Fan’s face remained dark when he found that the destination of the graphite morning was Los Angeles and the departure time was tomorrow morning. Measured.

Changing the ticket to tomorrow morning is really too much trouble for them who have passed the security check.

"Book me a direct flight to Los Angeles upon arrival." Chu Luofan said.

"Miss, you've all gone back. It’s not good to go straight away?" Yaoyao had a headache. "What do you say about your dad? Also, there are still things at school. The matter has been out for a while."

Chu Luofan looked at Yaoyao, thought for a while, grabbed his hand and said nothing.

Yaoyao rolled his eyes and shook his head unbearably, knowing that Chu Luofan had listened to her.

"However, this graphite morning is really a person..." Yaoyao said suddenly, "how do I feel, he seems to have caught your heart?" Chu Luofan looked at Yaoyao, and listened to her say: "This man, cause My curiosity.” As soon as the words fell, she felt the stern eyes around her, and she hurriedly backed back slightly, raised her hands and said, “Hey, don’t think too much, I just treat him

It's curiosity, there is no woman thinking about men! "

Chu Luofan actually knew it, but when she heard Yaoyao just say that, she was still upset.

"Luo Fan, I think this man is not easy to control, so let's forget it!" Yaoyao persuaded him, "What kind of man do you have, why do you have to spend so much thought on this man?"

Chu Luofan didn't speak, but his eyes fell to the front, his eyes full of anger and unwillingness.

Yaoyao looked at Chu Luofan and saw her expression. She secretly sighed and shook her head without knowing whether it was helpless or disapproving. He didn't speak any more, just took the phone to open the mini game, and bored the start time.


Dragon island.

Tang Sheng and Graphite Chen hung up after chatting for a long time to check the time, then got up and took a taxi, and went to the restaurant she had agreed with before.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Tang Sheng looked around and saw the time sitting in the corner.

This is a high-end restaurant. Time to eat here can still avoid a lot of shooting, as long as you don’t sit too conspicuously, such as by the window.

"Bah!" Tang Sheng walked to the front and didn't see the time when he saw her. While making some small reminding voices, he sat on the opposite side, "What are you thinking about? What are you thinking about?"

There was something flashing in the eyes of time, but it was only a moment, "I didn't rest well, I was in a trance."

Tang Sheng laughed when he heard it, "I said, you are used to the time when you are filming, and you can't sleep since you have not worked for two days?"

"Yeah!" Time dragged the end of the story a little bit irritably, but at this moment, she couldn't see any different emotions on her face, but there seemed to be something in her heart that pressed her and couldn't breathe.

Tang Sheng called the waiter to come and order, because she still had work in the evening, and she didn't order anything heavy, mostly light.

"I went to transfer the equity to the signing in the morning." Tang Sheng said with a smile, "From now on, I will be a free man with a large sum of money."

"Congratulations, you can start sitting and eating life!" Time said with teasing.

Tang Sheng immediately raised his hands and made a ‘V’, and his body swayed from side to side.

Seeing Tang Sheng being so happy, time was a little in a daze, but the uncomfortable feeling in her heart made her unable to breathe even more.

Is it true that one's happiness must be achieved by one's sorrow?

she does not know……

She only knows that some things shouldn't have happened but they happened. Afterwards, people can't delete them if they want to press DEL.

"Time, time..."


Time suddenly looked at Tang Sheng who was on the opposite side, his vision was a bit distracted because of his thoughts, and he was suddenly drawn back to the confusion that he could not gather, showing a daze.

"What's wrong with you?" Tang Sheng frowned, "How do you feel that you are a little weird, you always run away?"

"Heh..." Time twitched the corners of his mouth, and his eyes drifted from side to side. "Didn't I tell you that I didn't have a good rest?" Tang Sheng leaned back slightly, and then looked at Time very seriously. The spirit is really bad." She cast aside her lips, a little worried, "If you are like this, you have to go to the stage later, put on makeup or something, and have no chance to rest at night.

Can it work? "

"It's okay, wait for you to drive over, and I'll just squint in the car for a while." Tang Sheng still looked suspicious in time, and immediately joked to cover up the flustered emotions in his heart, "No, you, Miss Tang Jiasheng, can support..."

"Tang Sheng?" When the sudden voice interrupted Time, Time and Tang Sheng subconsciously looked towards the voice...

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