After Feng Xing woke up, he found something casually filled his stomach and walked to the laboratory.

In the past few days, he put down all the research in his hand, and devoted all his attention to the research of UR virus cracking. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as sleepless sleeplessness.

For a genius like him and a close disciple of a ghost doctor, it is rare to study a thing to such a point.

After all, for him, a lot of things that others find tricky, he is here to catch it.

The Silence of Mo Palace is something he has taken seriously over the past 20 years.

Because that thing will fission in different situations, it feels a little tricky.

But so what?

For him, is it not a matter of minutes?

The problem is that UR is different, it cannot be said to be a medicine, it is already a virus.

Thinking of what the master said at the time that he also failed in the end, Fengxing sighed lightly, a little melancholy, and at the same time he developed a desire to conquer the UR virus.

Thinking, Fengxing has caught the doorknob of the laboratory and pressed it...

Li Yanyan listened to the voice, his pupils widened unconsciously and hurriedly looked back at the upload progress bar... 99%!

There is 1%!

Li Yanjin's face became anxious, and his breathing became extraordinarily heavy because of tension.

He didn't want to miss the opportunity to upload this time. It took several hours for Xiaogui remote to cut into the system to import, but he did not expect that the uploaded file was too large, and because of some irreversible reasons, the upload of the data was very slow.

‘Kang Dang! ’

Suddenly, there was a voice that shocked Li Yanzheng's nerves that were already tense.

Feng Xing's hand that had just been pressed down was also released by this sound, and when the door opened a gap, his body trembled from shock, subconsciously looking if he thought it was the situation behind him.

Li Yanyan looked at the little gap where the door opened, with a complicated expression on his face and hurriedly glanced back. It was still at the 99% progress bar, making him wish he wanted to automatically add a 1 to it.

"Fortunately, being awake, coming to sleep like this can scare people..." Feng Xing mumbled and opened the door and walked in, "What are you doing?"

When Feng Xing saw Li Yanzhen standing there holding the computer, he suddenly froze wherever he was going.

It's just that the location of Li Yanyan's station is not easy to judge where he is going?

"I..." Li Yanyan said with a quick turn in his heart, "I just heard the noise, I want to go out and see what's wrong?"

"Then what are you doing with a computer?" Fengxing wondered.

"I was going to go to the potion store to find potions." Li Yanzheng said hurriedly after a glimpse, but then he thought about how he answered popular questions so cleverly on weekdays, and immediately said awkwardly, "You care. I!"

Feng Xing looked up and down Li Yanqi, with a disgusting expression of "This kid is not because there is no progress in this research, so is it stupid", "Haha", he went to study UR these days. there. There is no breakthrough in Li Yanjin’s recent research. Although this research is difficult, it is not because there is no breakthrough, but these days, his mind is focused on how to get the secret research of Fengxing. Can follow graphite morning


Li Yanzhen was a little guilty, and Yu Guang looked at Fengxing as he walked towards him...

Although I knew that Fengxing was a great **** in the pharmacy world, he should not be able to find out his instrument data when he was exported by an imp, but he was still worried.

"Aren't you going to the potion store?" Fengxing's voice suddenly came.

Li Yanyan was startled, "I suddenly don't want to go!"

"Boy, something is wrong with you today!" Fengxing looked at Li Yanyan and began to examine.

"Also, it's not that the research you gave this time is too difficult." Li Yanzheng still had a guilty conscience and did not dare to look at Fengxing.

It was really thrilling just now, it was only a few seconds away, and it was a waste of all previous efforts!

No matter what the sound was at that moment, he thanked...well, God must have felt that he needed to follow Brother Chen, so he helped him secretly!


Long Island, Mansion No. 9.

Yu Moqiu met Feng Jingyu just after talking with the Tang family.

"You are not here today, Xiao Nuo is also willing to come with you." Feng Jingyu followed Yu Moqiu's line of sight and saw that Yu Nuo was holding a dinner plate somewhat bored, looking at something left and right.

"It's too big, it's time to go out." Yu Moqiu said with a faint smile, "What's more, Long Dao is so talented and Xiao Nuo has to broaden his horizons."

When Feng Jingyu heard this, he laughed, "It seems that you, a brother, are not very satisfied with Young Master Chen?"

"Xiao Nuo is very simple, I don't want her to come back to cry in the future." Yu Moqiu did not evade the question, "If you can give Feng Shaodu a headache, how can I let my sister follow?"

"Mr. Yu is too presumptuous." Feng Jingyu smiled, "Even Chen Shao, don't you have many places to use you?"

If it seemed to be a joke, Yu Moqiu didn't take it as a joke at all.

Everyone is a smart person, and you can pretend to be stupid occasionally, but if you pretend to pass it, you can fake it.

"Some things, with the help of me..." Yu Moqiu raised his hand slightly and raised his cup to signal, then slowly said the second half, "...It's useless."

Feng Jingyu laughed, and also raised his glass.

The smiles of each other were wicked and yin, and the other was wicked to see everything through. A few conversations seemed to have reached their bottom line, and each other did not continue this topic.

However, there are some things that Graphite Chen can't think of, and naturally some Feng Jingyu can't see through it... For example, the true relationship between Yu Moqiu and Graphite Chen.

Yu Nuo absent-mindedly moved to the rest area, and when he sat down, he saw the bodyguard sent out before returning.

"Miss, everything is done." The bodyguard said.

Yu Nuo's delicate and childish face suddenly smiled. According to a negative test, it does not match her age, "Well, I see."

The bodyguard said nothing, and retreated into the dark.

Yu Nuo was in a good mood. He hadn't eaten what he had just eaten with a plate, and now he was in a mood.

Time, I want to see if you want your feet or an image when you walk down the stage... Hidden in your shoes, you can't touch it, it will be looming after a few steps, and it will not stop because of the weight of your body. It pierced the soles of the feet in several places...Huh, no matter whether it is the injury on your foot or the image, I will make you suffer.


Uncertainty... She began to endure it, she could not bear it anymore, she still lost her image, and killed two birds with one stone in the end!

Thinking of this, the smile on Yu Nuo's face was even brighter.

"Miss, can I sit here?" At the right time, a man came over to talk. Yu Nuo immediately closed his smile and looked at the man, "No!"

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