The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2706: thinking of you

Tang Sheng answered almost as soon as the bell rang, and hurriedly put it to his ear, "Mo Chen."

A voice filled with excitement and joy, and a touch of sweetness came, and with a longing miss, it instantly made Graphite Chen's heart soften.

"What are you doing?" Graphite Chen asked with a smile.

Tang Sheng's eyebrows flashed past the little daughter's shyness, but the bottom of his eyes was clever with a mischievous smile and said, "I miss you..."

The corners of Graphite Chen's beautiful mouth raised slightly. For such a sentence of "missing you", even if I could hear it every day, it seemed that it was not enough!

"Thinking about you...what are you doing?" Tang Sheng added a few more words after a deliberate pause.

Graphite Chen lowered his eyes, his smile deepened, apparently a little helpless for Tang Sheng's cunning, but more joy.

"Brew coffee." Graphite Chen sat in the corner of the shop by the window, and the sunlight came in through the clean glass and fell on his body, warm.

"We haven't seen each other for a week..." Tang Sheng muttered a little disappointed.

Is it only a week? !

Graphite Chen tilted his head and looked out the window.

It’s only been a week, but it’s been a long time? !

"It's only been a week, but it feels like I haven't seen it for a long time..." Tang Sheng said in a soft voice.

Graphite Chen's eyes deepened slightly, and he felt the same for the two people. That feeling made him feel very wonderful.

"But," Tang Sheng's voice suddenly became brighter again, "when I think of being together in the future, I also feel expectant, as if time won't go too slow."

"Yeah." Graphite Chen faintly responded, but there was a trace of anxiety in his eyes, slowly dissipating over time.

"Do you miss me?" Tang Sheng asked suddenly, raising his eyebrows.

Graphite Chen smiled slightly, and said in a slightly joking voice: "This needs to be understood."

Tang Sheng curled his lips and said with a little triumph: "Well, you miss me, and you miss me especially, you miss me more than I miss you!"

Graphite Chen looked down and laughed again.

Tang Sheng seemed to feel the mood of Graphite Chen at the moment, and deliberately asked with a smile "Hey", "How is it, you have seen me with a thick skin, haven't you seen me so thick?"

"No," Graphite Chen said softly, "I have seen many honest people, but you are the most honest."

It seemed that there was a hint of teasing smile, but the warmth that pierced people's hearts fell in Tang Sheng's ears. The joy at that moment was like the fireworks bursting out of Mo Kong, brilliant and dazzling, making people forget the others.

"So, do you think I really do more than I think of you?" Tang Sheng was happy, rubbing against the tree trunk with a small body.

A Liu leaned against the corner of the back kitchen and the front aisle while drinking coffee. He kept looking at Graphite Chen. Seeing his expression, he felt heavy inexplicably.

"Every time I come to Los Angeles, no matter how long I stay, it is Chen Shao's happiest thing." The kid gnawed on a baked chicken wing in his hand, and looked at Graphite Chen while talking on the phone with a smile.

A Liu tilted his head and glanced at the little ghost, "Do you think that Shao Chen is back in Los Angeles at this moment?"

"Of course." The little devil looked very sure, "Speaking on the phone with Madam Gu yesterday, I just heard a few words, and just smiled exactly the same as now."

Ah Liu's eyes are a bit confused.

Just now, he didn't think about it at all, he instinctively believed that Tang Sheng might have made this call.

But at this moment, the kid said that, it seems that Madam Gu is also possible...


Dragon Island, Jiuqu Mountain.

Jiuqu Mountain is a mountain range with many bends. The top of the mountain is full of thorns. When the mountain flowers bloom all over the mountain, it is a beautiful landscape from a distance, and from the top of the mountain, you can see more than half of the dragon. Views of the island.

This mountain was originally famous on Long Island because of its unique scenery and many bends. Later, because of the engagement of Long Xiaoche and Ning Xiaoyou who were in power in the Long Family, Mu Ziqian appeared with a smile on Ling, and there was a race car about the power in power, and various versions circulated...or suspense , Or conspiracy, or love, etc.

, Various versions of the story.

Because of that racing competition, many racing parties in Jiuqu Mountain nowadays use it as a competition site.

Therefore, various traffic accidents have become news from time to time in this mountain.

Regardless of the official warnings, it cannot completely prevent such accidents from happening.

Today, the top of Jiuqu Mountain is still densely covered with thorns.

A more ordinary black car and a white trot parked there. There were two people, one dressed more formally, one dressed very casually, one looked clean, and the other looked a little depressed. Foolish.

"Zhao Gan, I just want to know if it was an accident or not." The man in a suit asked.

The corner of Zhao Qian's mouth sneered, "You have found it all, and still ask?"

The man in the suit sneered, "I have to be very sure."

Zhao Gan casually pulled out a thorny branch and slowly said with a sneer in his eyes: "You Tang family are really interesting, come to me in a few waves..."

The man in the suit did not speak, but waited for Zhao Gan to continue.

"To be honest, I sometimes find it ridiculous." Zhao Gan looked at the man in the suit, "Where did you come from your self-confidence, think I would deal with you?"

"Money, status!" said the man in a suit.

"Are you serious?" Zhao Gan wanted to laugh, but asked with confirmation.


"Hahahaha..." Zhao Gan burst into laughter immediately, as if he heard a big joke, all of them bent over slightly, "Tang Yi, do you tell me about money and status? Hahaha..."

Tang Yi ignored Zhao Gan's laughter, but stood there indifferently, looking at the beautiful scenery of Long Island, waiting for Zhao Gan to finish laughing.

After Zhao Gan laughed for a while, he suddenly stopped his smile, and replaced his face with disdain, "Tang Yi, as a member of the Tang family, you are probably the least qualified to talk to me?"

A cold sneer flashed at the corner of Tang Yi's mouth, and he slowly retracted his gaze from a distance, tilted his head to look at Zhao Qian, "If I didn', would you come to meet me?"

In a word, it seemed to be spit out word by word slowly, and every word revealed a commanding domineering attitude.

Zhao Gan stopped talking, and for a moment, he saw the ferocious gaze that looked like a beast from Tang Yi's line of sight, which made his back chill.

"But why should I believe you?" Zhao Gan gritted his teeth.

Tang Yi didn't speak immediately. After several seconds, it was as if he wanted Zhao Qian to slowly feel the torment of waiting for an answer, "For me, it is the Tang family who can let Tang Sheng put down his grudges and not be guarded!" Zhao Gan didn't speak anymore. He just looked at Tang Yi and met his moodless eyes. After a long time, he slowly said, "I ran into it deliberately after receiving the news!"

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