The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 2735: Twins in the eyes of loved ones

"Actually, that is your illusion." Gu Yan said without changing his face, "I was very cute when I was a kid, handsome and cute."

With a ‘pouch’, Li Xinyao smiled uncontrollably.

Gu Yan looked at her dissatisfied, and she waved her hand to hold it back, but she couldn't help it.

"You have such a thick skin, do the emperor's employees know?"

Gu Yan thought for a while and said seriously, "I'm afraid I don't dare to know."

When he was in the company, although he was not as cold-faced as his father, he was definitely not the kind of person that employees could call "kindness".

Now the emperor secretly hopes that he will not behave properly, because instead of facing him, everyone wants to face Wang Xiao.

Well, at least on some minor issues, this special assistant is still very patient and won't just throw the project case like him.

"If you think about it, it's quite understandable that Mom doesn't leave her hands busy..." Gu Yan gently teased the sleeping little baby, and seeing his dissatisfied closed eyes and pouting his mouth, his eyes became gentle. "At that time, I had uncle to take care of me. My mother was busy with my studies and I was in kindergarten as soon as I blinked." Gu Yan looked at his son whose face was not as big as his slap, curled his lips slightly, "Mo Chen Didn’t grow up with her mother, Yan Yan had a

A dad who has always been guilty, thinks seriously, Mom really has no chance to take good care of a child. "

"So, I have it now!" Li Xinyao smiled and circled Gu Yan's arm, then picked up the little baby, "Let's go!"

"Yeah." Gu Yan answered and took other things.

The person hasn't left the ward door yet, someone walked in.

The coming person was indifferent, and there was a steady and quiet breath all over his body. The feeling was very reassuring.


Gu Yan and Li Xinyao glanced at each other, then looked at the person who came in again.

"Dad's research meeting was delayed, and Mom couldn't come through the operation. I'll come and see..." Li Yanxun said, "What's the matter, look at me like this?"

Li Xinyao chuckled, "It's nothing!" As she said, she stepped forward and squeezed her son directly to Li Yanzhen.

Li Yanzhen subconsciously took it, lowered his eyes, and looked at the little baby who was sleeping soundly, so young that he could see the handsome outline, his eyes flashed with excitement and excitement.

"When did you come back?" Li Xinyao asked.

"Huh?" Li Yanzhen raised his eyes, startled, and then secretly stabilized, "I didn't go to school or the laboratory today, I have been in the hospital!"

Li Xinyao and Gu Yan looked at each other again, and they were silent, but they made it clear.

"That's it..." Li Xinyao nodded, without saying anything, and walked out around Gu Yan's arm.

When he passed by Li Yanzhen, he almost bumped into him, scared him to hold the child tightly, and subconsciously stepped aside.

Li Xinyao smiled at the corner of her mouth, and walked towards the elevator with Gu Yan without piercing it.

"Hey..." Li Yanzhen held the child in a bewildered way, looked at the older sister and brother-in-law who were walking forward, and at the child in his hand, even more at a loss.

"You're so big!" Gu Yan whispered.

Li Xinyao curled his lips, "It seems that you are not the same..."

"Aren't you afraid of throwing your son?" Gu Yan asked.

Li Xinyao smiled, eyes flashing slyly, "Don't worry, although Xiao Jie loves to make trouble, but at this moment, he fell a dog to eat shit, and he must be able to protect his nephew."

"Yeah, agree." Gu Yan pressed the elevator down button.

"I can guess that it is Xiaoyan not Xiaozhen, it is because of the family's intuition, how did you guess it?" Li Xinyao wondered.

"Xiaozhen and Xiaoyin have different temperaments, so you can't pretend to be able to pretend." Gu Yan replied.

Li Yanqi has been a lot more stable since he was a child, but Li Yanqi has made a small jump, plus one is orthodox training, and the other is to follow the undecent fashion in Mo Chen's mouth. This basic temperament is finalized.

"Hmm..." The little baby groaned because he was uncomfortably hugged.

Coupled with his hands and feet being wrapped, he struggled hard and couldn't get away, as if there was a posture of crying...

Where did Li Yanyan hold a child, and how can he ever see such a small baby?

He hugged and followed closely, thinking that he would really cry next time, at least there are parents.

Well, he has to continue to pretend!

Graphite drove back to Changhuan Garden all the way.

"Huh, Xiao Zhen?" Jian Mo brought out the soup, and after subconsciously shouting, he felt that something was wrong.

In the past few days, the two of them ran to the hospital if they had nothing to do. What's more, apart from their studies, Li Yanzhen, who was basically in the hospital not in the laboratory?

She had seen Li Yanxuan hug the child, and she told Yining that Xiaoxuan would definitely be a peerless man.

But now... why is it so stiff?

"When did you arrive?"

Just thinking about it, Graphite Chen and Jian Yao came downstairs.

"..." Li Yanyan twitched the corners of his mouth, watching Graphite Chen winking.

He hasn't been exposed yet, why did Brother Chen take the stage apart first?

Graphite Chen Sui glanced at Gu Yan and the others, and chuckled, "Even Mom feels something is wrong with you. Do you think Sister-in-law and Brother can't tell?"

"..." Li Yanyan twitched the corners of his mouth, looking at Li Xinyao and Gu Yan who were smiling at him, "You guys are playing me!"

He looked bitter, still holding the little baby cautiously.

On the way, he had to pretend that Li Yanxi was steady and indifferent, and he was afraid that he would not be able to hold his nephew, but after a half-hour drive, he just felt that he had gone for a century.

"If you didn't want to play me, could I fight back?" Li Xinyao rolled her eyes, "I'm still an idiot after going out for a few years."

"..." Li Yanyan grinned and wanted to do something, but when he thought of it, he was still holding his little nephew in his hand, and suddenly fainted, and said with a soft snort: "It's your son, my nephew's face , Not against you."

Li Yanzhen followed Fengxing. Although he hadn't come back for a few years, he didn't feel unfamiliar at all because people usually made videos very often.

"If you can hug the child more naturally, I guess you can hide it for a while..." Jian Mo stepped forward with a smile and took the child, "Xiao Yu is much better than you."

"His character is normal." Li Yanzhen said with a grin. "Aunt Mo, do you have any food? I went to the hospital when I got off the plane. My dad and Xiaozhen were holding a research meeting. Stuff!"

"Yes..." Jian Mo said, and wanted Jian Yao to go to the kitchen to get some food.

"I'll do it myself." Li Yanzhen was not polite at all, and went to the kitchen in a familiar way.

After a while, he came out with a plate of food, chatting with everyone while eating.

Of course, what I'm talking about is nothing more than a trivial matter that some outsiders think, but the family listened to it with relish. "Brother Chen, I think I will give you a long face this time..." Li Yanzhen said, gnawing on the chicken leg, "You don't know, the old guy was about to explode when I left!"

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