The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 349: I feel more and more fun

Chapter 349

Chu Zixiao had already confirmed that Jian Mo had been given the medicine, and he instantly frowned and helped her to get up.

"Yeah..." Jian Mo snorted softly. The male aura drove her. By instinct, she kept leaning against Chu Zixiao.

Chu Zixiao's body was already stiff.

Obviously knowing that Jian Mo is using Chinese medicine at this moment, not voluntary...

However, when the fragrance of her body was flowing between his nose, the heat in her body was like the dry wood that was lit, and it instantly burned.

"It's so hot..." Jian Mo was sad and began to hum, because of the Chinese medicine, she completely lost consciousness.

Chu Zixiao's heart kept trembling, Jian Mo's body kept arching against him, his thoughts were already confused.

Even if it is a gentleman, how many people can hold it back?

Besides, Jian Mo is the woman he loves deeply?

Breathing became hurried, not only Jian Mo who had Chinese medicine, but also Chu Zixiao.

"Please... uh..." Jian Mo was about to die uncomfortably, her whole body seemed to be on fire, and her whole body was plunged into despair, she could only keep rubbing against Chu Zixiao to seek rescue, "Okay. Hot... uh..."

Chu Zixiao's eyes have turned scarlet, and Jian Mo has completely wiped out all his sanity...

"I'm so uncomfortable..." Jian Mo's nose was suffocated, and she was about to cry as if sad, and her little hand was clutching Chu Zixiao's shirt tightly, her face completely pitiful.

Chu Zixiao stared at her deeply, and there were two forces in her heart that kept tearing...

Jian Mo kept rubbing against Chu Zixiao because of sadness, and even slipped his lips over the skin under the collar of his open shirt.

This time, Chu Zixiao's last reason was completely dismantled.

"Momo, this is what you provoke me!" Chu Zixiao gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth, his eyes bursting with wild flames.


At the right time, Jian Mo snorted, feeling like he had answered Chu Zixiao's words.

Chu Zixiao's eyes deepened, he leaned over and hugged Jian Mo, then... went to the elevator.

As soon as the elevator door opened, it was opened by the door of Xiangyu's charter...

Chu Zixiao hugged Jian Mo into the elevator, Mu Xiaoran stepped out, looked around subconsciously, and walked to the bathroom.

"Sister Mo..." Mu Xiaoran stood at the door of the bathroom and shouted. There was no movement inside, so she walked in, "Sister Mo?"

No one responded, Mu Xiaoran frowned slightly, and then knocked on the door one by one.

"Sister Mo, are you there?" Mu Xiaoran didn't see Jian Mo's person until he pushed aside the last grid.

The furrowed eyebrows tightened a little bit, and Mu Xiaoran looked around suspiciously, and finally went out of the bathroom and returned to the box.

"Sister Xiaoya, Sister Mo is not in the bathroom," Mu Xiaoran said worriedly, "Is it..."

"You care about Momo." Mo Xiaoya said, taking out her cell phone in confusion and wanted to call Jian Mo.

Mu Xiaoran was still worried, but the corners of her mouth twitched, "I am with Sister Mo, should I care about her!"

"Don't be nervous, I'm not jealous..." Mo Xiaoya pursed her lips and teased, but saw a text message from Jian Mo, "Momo just texted me, so I'll go back if I feel uncomfortable."

"Oh..." Mu Xiaoran chuckled her lips and watched everyone playing lively, because she was worried about Jian Mo, she suddenly lost her mood.

Sitting aside, Mu Xiaoran wondered if he should give Gu Beichen a notice...

However, I don't know what's going on right now, will she make a big fuss if she informs it?

Mu Xiaoran hesitated here. Shi Shaoqin's cell phone rang in another lounge on the 18th floor.

"Huh?" Shi Shaoqin slowly whispered.

"Young Master Qin, Chu Zixiao took Jian Mo away!" A somewhat solemn voice came from the other end of the phone, "In addition, it seems...Jian Mo seems to have had an attack."

Shi Shaoqin's long and narrow phoenix eyes suddenly narrowed slightly...

There is Silence in Jian Mo's body. In order to make the time coordinated, the amount of people to take is not large, even if he has personal physical problems, it is impossible to happen right now!

"There is always someone sabotaging the game..." Shi Shaoqin sighed softly, his long voice overflowing with beautiful lips, " makes people unhappy!"

Mo Sen secretly swallowed, and his heart tightened because of Shi Shaoqin's words.

"Young Master Qin, do you want to stop it?"

Shi Shaoqin did not speak immediately, and was silent for a long time before speaking slowly: "Since someone is willing to participate, let's make the game more fun."

There was no opening at the other end of the phone, just quietly waiting for Shi Shaoqin's instructions.

"People are staring at Chu Zixiao..." Shi Shaoqin's mouth twitched and smiled, "Gu Beichen was invited over."

"Yes!" The man answered, and only after Shi Shaoqin hung up the phone, he took the phone.

Shi Shaoqin got up, walked to the window, and sighed while looking at the **** under the bright neon lights in Los Angeles.

"Actually..." After a while, Shi Shaoqin slowly said, "Jian Mo is also a good choice to let Chu Zixiao come."

Mawson's Adam’s apple rolled down and looked at Shi Shaoqin quietly

Shi Shaoqin laughed suddenly, that kind of smile was very weak, but it was enough to confuse people's eyes and make people forget the heavy breath of him...

"Whether it is Chu Zixiao or Chen... it is beneficial to me." Shi Shaoqin's smile deepened, "I feel that the game is more and more fun!"

Mawson swallowed subconsciously, only feeling that his whole body was wrapped in cold air.


Mu Xiaoran was a little uneasy, and even some could not sit still.

Xiangyu's people have been playing very happily. With their happy laughter, her heart seemed to be grabbed.

After forbearing, Mu Xiaoran took the mobile phone and edited the text message to Gu Beichen.

There was a vibrating sound from the mobile phone. Gu Beichen did not move, but watched Gu Mohuai calmly and said: "Second Uncle, if you have the ability, the emperor is there, you..." Thin lips made a deep smile. Seeing through the depth of indifference, it is like an ancient pool, swallowing everything around at any time, " can come and get it!"

After that, Gu Beichen didn't say anything, just took the phone out and swiped the screen...

He thought it was from Jian Mo, but it was Mu Xiaoran.

Sister Mo felt uncomfortable after drinking a glass of bartending and said she should leave first!

Gu Beichen frowned slightly, and then dialed Jian Mo's phone... but it kept ringing and no one answered.

He stood up without saying anything, and walked away in a stride.

Gu Mohuai's eyes deepened, as if he was a little surprised at Gu Beichen's behavior... However, there was a sharp, sharp and smooth under his eyes.

Just as Gu Beichen and Xiao Jing left the restaurant, Gu Mohuai took out his mobile phone and called Jian Heng, "It's done?"

"Um..." Jian Heng responded with a faint smile, "Chu Zixiao has taken Jian Mo away."

Gu Mohuai answered the phone and hung up the phone, with a narrow smile at the corner of his mouth... His eyes fell on the red wine glass Gu Beichen had drunk, and it gradually deepened...

After today, between Gu Beichen and Chu Zixiao, I can't go back again!

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