The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 909: Go crazy, calm down!

Chapter 909 Go Crazy, Calm Down!

The phone rang and there was no ring, and no one answered it.

Gu Beichen frowned slightly, and pressed the replay button again... But still no one answered!

Jian Mo's mobile phone is in her bag, no one hears the phone ringing in a noisy environment...

"What's the matter?" Ye Chenyu frowned slightly when he felt the invisibly overflowing breath on Gu Beichen.

Gu Beichen subconsciously pressed the replay again, "Mo'er won't answer the phone..."

"Didn't you hear it?"

Gu Beichen's brow furrowed tighter, and then dialed Jian Jie's cell phone, but no one answered.

At the same time, Jian Jie's phone was in the back seat of Gu Beichen's car, and the screen dimmed...

"No one answered?" Ye Chenyu also twisted his eyebrows.

Gu Beichen stood up abruptly, and walked out without even saying anything...

While walking, he dialed Jian Mo's cell phone again.

This time, someone picked it up...


"President Gu?"

Both sides spoke almost simultaneously.

Upon hearing the voice of a strange man, Gu Beichen instantly frowned, "Excuse me, you are..."

"Mr. Gu, I'm a passerby..." The man's tone was obviously a little nervous under invisible pressure, "That...that your wife and children...have...have a car accident..."

With a ‘boom’, Gu Beichen only felt that something exploded in his head, causing him to lose his thinking and calmness.

He didn't hear what was said on the other end of the phone, he just felt a blank in his mind.

After a few seconds, Gu Beichen closed his eyes, and when he opened them, Mo Tong was already scarlet, "Where?"

"At the viaduct of the East Second Ring Road," the man said hurriedly, "I have already called for an ambulance..."

As the man said, the sirens of the ambulance could be faintly heard in the phone.

"Send it directly to Huakang!" Gu Beichen could only say these words calmly by gritting his teeth.

He hung up the phone, got into the car hurriedly, and galloped towards Huakang...

The police car and the ambulance arrived almost at the same time. The ambulance personnel first checked Jian Mo and Jian Jie, and the traffic police handled the express car.

The two sides proceeded with their own affairs in an orderly manner, and the crowd of onlookers did not disperse.

The front face of the express car was deformed, and Cheng Qing's forehead was bleeding because it hit the windshield...

The doctor also gave him a preliminary examination. From the outside, there was nothing wrong with him, but he still needs to be taken to the hospital for examination.

Cheng Qing watched the doctor put Jian Mo and Jian Jie on the simple hospital bed, with a weird and bloodthirsty smile.

Even, because of the blood streaks winding down on the forehead, the eyes were filled with blood, making the soles of the feet chill.

"Just now it seems that he hit him deliberately..."

"I didn't pay attention. When I heard the sound, it was already at the scene of the crime."

"It was a pedestrian signal at that time. Shouldn't the express car slow down and stop? It was still so fast, and it hit it straight... It must be intentional."

"Is it a grudge?"

"I don't know if it was Gu Beichen or Jian Mo..."


The crowd was whispering. After a little understanding of the situation, the traffic police signaled everyone to disperse and not to continue to block the traffic. At the same time, they called the surveillance system to call out the surveillance video of this section.

No matter what, if Jian Mo really has a case, let alone Gu Beichen's means, even if he does not hold him accountable, the driver's criminal responsibility will not escape.

The ambulance soon sent Jian Mo and Jian Jie to Huakang Hospital, which is not far from Huakang, and the best hospital is Huakang!

As soon as Jian Mo and Jian Jie were sent in, Li Yunze got the news.

"Notify the attending physicians of all departments and enter the operating room together..." Li Yunze looked cold and looked at his left hand.

After the recovery, although it is almost done, Li Yunze knows that he does not have the slightest deviation in minimally invasive surgery, and he cannot fully guarantee it.

"Little Li, are you in the operating room?" a nurse hurriedly asked.

"From the monitoring point of view, no entry!"

"Okay!" The nurse hurriedly arranged.

Jian Mo was pushed directly into the operating room, and Jian Jie was pushed into the examination room.

According to preliminary observations, Jane was only fainted when he was pushed aside. There shouldn't be much problem.

Of course, you have to go through a full-body examination to know the result...

But Jian Mo's injury is not optimistic!

The footsteps of ‘dangdang’ came hurriedly. Li Yunze tilted his head to see that Gu Beichen was enveloped in hostility, but in an instant, it filled the corridor.

"What's the situation?!" Gu Beichen gritted his teeth and asked, completely disregarding the traffic police and others who were with him, but looked at Li Yunze with a fierce look like a beast.

Li Yunze looked solemn, "Xiaojie is okay, Jian Mo is not too optimistic..."

Gu Beichen closed his eyes, and the moment he opened them, bloodthirsty gritted his teeth and asked, "Who?!"

In one word, Li Yunze saw his murderous aura.

"Bei Chen, calm down..." Li Yunze said solemnly.

No matter how many things they have done secretly, but on the surface, there is nothing that must be done.

This world, especially the political and legal institutions, may be allowed to keep secrets...but you will never allow you to challenge the untouchable majesty.

"Calm down?" Gu Beichen laughed at himself, then yelled, "It's my wife and my son lying inside... You calm me down?! How can you calm me down?"

The people in the corridor swallowed secretly, and the traffic police did not dare to step forward to "understand the situation."

In their cognition, no matter when the emperor's situation changes, or the case of Jian Zhanfeng's falling from a building some time ago...Gu Beichen, this man, is so cold that it makes people feel that murder is invisible.

But at this moment, he is just as crazy as he can step on his minefield with a single word...

Everyone has a consciousness at this moment.

That is, if Jian Mo had three longs and two shorts, this man would be completely crazy and let the world and himself be buried together!

The news in Los Angeles was because it was Jian Mo and Gu Yan who had been involved in the car accident. It was like a locust crossing the border, and the news spread quickly.

Some people hesitate, some are sitting on the sidelines, some are worried, naturally... there are also some schadenfreude.

"Yunze..." Gu Beichen sat weakly on the chair, losing the domineering domineering spirit that was going in, as if he was about to be exhausted, "If..."

He did not go on, he was afraid to think about it!

Li Yunze looked at his brother, he wanted to tell him: nothing will happen.

However, as a doctor, Jian Mo's situation...really not optimistic!

He couldn't comfort Bei Chen like this, if there was a case, he was afraid that Bei Chen would not be able to stand it completely because of his comfort.

Time has never been so long...

It was only an hour, as if it were as long as a century.

This kind of suffering made Gu Beichen feel that it was longer than three months in Mo Palace...

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