Chapter 932

The begging words are all nervous.

Gu Beichen's eyes were burning, and he didn't want to let go of any possibility...

However, Jian Mo didn't have any response to give him back.

There was self-deprecation at the corner of his mouth, and Gu Beichen closed his eyes in pain, gradually gathering all the expectations and begging under his eyes.

Only one year!

It has only been a year since Mo'er coma...

With such a low probability as Yunze said, how could he expect Mo'er to wake up so quickly? !

Li Yunze opened the door and walked in. He, in a white coat, is always a little different from his usual evil appearance. Well, he obviously needs to be well-dressed.

"What?" Li Yunze frowned slightly, feeling the aura permeating Gu Beichen.

Gu Beichen's eyes still have no emotions, and his voice is hoarse and said: "Yunze, I think I can always have fantasy recently..."


Gu Beichen raised his eyes, "I always feel that Mo'er is about to wake up, and there is even a reflex in his nerves."

Li Yunze looked at Gu Beichen. He was a calm person. He had completely lost his calm for a Jian Mo.

In fact, it was really difficult for Jian Mo to wake up...even, minimal.

However, he dared not tell Beichen of such a conclusion.

There is hope, people always have faith, don't they?

Li Yunze personally checked Jian Mo on a routine basis. Everything was okay, but there was no data at all to show that Jian Mo was waking up...

But there are some things that data can't give.

Gu Beichen went to the bathroom. Li Yunze glanced at him from behind, and finally looked at Jian Mo, "Jian Mo...If you love Beichen, can you work hard with him?"

He waited hard for you to wake up, you worked hard for him to wake up...

Li Yunze stared at Jian Mo deeply. After a while, a touch of emotion suddenly flashed in his mind. Then he took out his cell phone and sent a text message to He Yining.

Li Yunze: Meet me at night!

He Yining read the simple five words for a long time...

She didn't know what Li Yunze wanted to do this time, it's just that sometimes people really get tired... She tossed about it all by herself, would she continue to toss it?

"Doctor He," a nurse said in a hurry, "There was a serial car accident nearby, and many people were sent to the clinic. The director asked you to go down and help."

When He Yining heard this, he couldn't think about anything. He put the phone on the desk subconsciously, and hurriedly got up and took the stethoscope and ran out...

Just as she had just entered the elevator, Li Yunze, who could not reply to the text message for a long time, called...


The night seemed to come a little earlier in the rain.

After nightfall, the light rain, which was originally just a patter, gradually became a little bigger, and the rhythm was a little chaotic as it hit the glass windows with ‘pong bang’.

Gu Beichen sat by the bed.

Xu was inexplicably sad because of the rain.

"Today's mood is a bit bad," Gu Beichen did not hide his grief, "Mo'er, in a year, I found that I became a little hypocritical."

Pulling the corner of his mouth, Gu Beichen looked at Jian Mo with deep eyes.

She "sleeps" so peacefully every day, it will always make him have an illusion, the next moment, she will wake up.

Before Mo'er depression, although he knew the symptoms, he couldn't empathize with him.

Now, as if he was suffering from a phantasy, he suddenly understood that the torture of suffering from gains and losses is a little bit of cannibalization of inner hope...

Gu Beichen felt that such a feeling was desperate.

One night, Gu Beichen and Jian Mo talked a lot, there was no order, a little messy... But in the end, they all turned into extravagant hopes.

"You said, you have to give me a daughter..." Gu Beichen spoke softly, leaned down, and gently pressed his cheek to Jian Mo's hand, not daring to use force. "I haven't been with you from beginning to end. Have bred a child that belongs to us, do you really bear the heart to make me regret it?"

Gu Beichen gently closed his eyes, and moved Jian Mo's hand from his cheek...

He was afraid, and he pressed her when he was asleep.

Already after three o'clock in the morning, the rain outside was much heavier, hitting the window, and the rhythm was messy and upsetting.

Gu Beichen hadn't gone to bed for many days. He just lay beside Jian Mo every day, feeling her breath, so he could tell himself that Mo'er would wake up.

"Mo'er," Gu Beichen closed his eyes, his voice filled with faint sadness, mixed with the sound of rain, "I'm so scared, what I woke up and waited for is never going to be restored... I'm really scared, never before. Scared."

Gu Beichen's voice showed a hint of choking, "That''s too cruel to me, do you understand?"

His voice fell, and a drop of tears overflowed between Jian Mo's closed eyes, winding down the corner of her eyes... it scalded her skin.

On the heart rate instrument, the fluctuation of the heart rate became flustered, and the number showing the heartbeat also rose a lot in a short time, as if it represented the person being monitored, and the mood was flipping and fluctuating at this moment.

The rainy night is long and impetuous.

When Dongfang showed a ray of light and it rained all night, it gradually stopped...

Jian Mo slowly opened his sour eyes and entered the clean ceiling. In the air, there was a faint breath of hospital.

Flicking her eyes weakly, she moved her gaze slightly, and finally landed on Gu Beichen who was lying on the hospital bed asleep...

A faint smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and Jian Mo just looked at the way Gu Beichen was asleep.

After a while, she raised her hand weakly, and gently moved her fingers across Gu Beichen's frowning eyebrows, trying to flatten him.

The slight movement caused Gu Beichen to open his eyes suddenly.

He looked at the hand shaking gently in front of his eyes, and after a few seconds in a daze, he sat upright with a pair of eagle eyes, staring at Jian Mo closely.

Jian Mo and Gu Beichen's eyes met, her complexion was not very good, but there was a distressed smile in her eyes.

Gu Beichen frowned slightly, then laughed at himself, "Mo'er, I have become more and more fanciful in this dream..."

Jian Mo frowned slightly, but did not respond.

"Before, I was only dreaming, dreaming that you are waking up," Gu Beichen lowered his eyes. "But today, I dreamed that you woke up..." He ridiculed himself, "I am too urgent." ?"

Jian Mo finally understood what Gu Beichen was talking about. Her nose suddenly became sore, and a thin mist of water appeared under her eyes. "Achen..." She pressed the corner of her mouth, "Good morning!"

With a ‘swipe’, Gu Beichen’s gaze lifted sharply, looking at Jian Mo in surprise.

The tears in Jian Mo's eyes flickered, "You's raining, I should wake up..." Then, her eyes were red, "You are not dreaming."

As she said, she slowly raised her hand, and gently touched Gu Beichen's cheek with her fingertips, "Do you feel it? Not a dream..."

The gentle touch made Gu Beichen suddenly realize that this time, he was really not dreaming, he was awake!

He is not in a dream...



"Husband..." Jian Mo said, tears overflowing, "Why am I willing to leave you alone?" She sniffed, her voice a little dry and hoarse because of the long time in bed, "How can I bear to make you scared... …How can it not count to speak to you?"

"I also want to tell you good morning and good night every day..." Jian Mo's voice choked badly, "I will have dinner with you, travel together, and Xiaojie and our future children..."


Gu Beichen shouted hoarsely after all, Ren, already got up, deeply kissed Jian Mo's choked lips...

Not a dream!

Not a dream this time...

Full of kisses under complicated emotions, expressing requests under domineering.

Gu Beichen even, afraid of this moment, was still in a dream...After all, he had too many such dreams.

The corners of Jian Mo's mouth were numb. He had just woke up, but because of lack of oxygen, he was a little confused.

"Um..." Jian Mo snorted.

Gu Beichen left her lips like an electric shock, looking at Jian Mo with nervous eyes.

Jian Mo looked at this man distressedly, watching him cautiously, and his eyes were redder, "Achen, this is not a dream..." She truly felt his panic and fear of hesitation, "I woke up... …"

The sentence "This is not a dream, I woke up" made Gu Beichen feel the most beautiful voice in the world.

Yes, even if he kissed Mo'er, he was scared, afraid that his dreams would become more and more real, and his sadness after waking up became more and more enlarged.

His Mo'er, she was saying ‘good morning’ to him, she called him ‘husband’...

"Mo'er..." Gu Beichen's voice was dull and magnetic, "Thank you, thank you... remember the way back."

Gu Beichen leaned over, closed his eyes and kissed Jian Mo's cheek carefully, feeling her breath, calling her name over and over again...

If two people really love each other, there will be no obstacles that cannot be overcome.

Even though he is afraid every day, he never wants to give up...

And so is his Moer!

Mo'er, everything is over...

I will never let you leave me again, never!

Jian Mo allowed Gu Beichen to kiss her skin, and his lips were burning with her newly recovered nerves...every kiss seemed to confide her thoughts since she fell asleep.

Achen, thank you, waiting for me without giving up... You are working hard for me, and my efforts are also for you!

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