The Expensive Ex Wife of a Wealthy Family

Chapter 961: Then start with the female

Chapter 961

Li Xiaoyue's body suddenly stiffened, and she subconsciously looked at Mo Shaochen.

Mo Shaochen twisted his eyebrows slightly, looked at Ye Chenyu suspiciously, and looked at Li Xiaoyue inquiringly.

Li Xiaoyue's uncontrollable face flushed, and even her breathing became short because of Ye Chenyu's words.

Ye Chenyu slowly got up and looked at Li Xiaoyue looking a little at a loss. As her eyes deepened, an incomprehensible smile overflowed from the corner of her mouth...

Mo Shaochen's eyebrows tightened. He was not a curious person, but at this moment, he was very curious. What Ye Chenyu said to Li Xiaoyue, made her blush while putting away the sharp thorns.

Ye Chenyu continued to eat like a okay person.

The atmosphere became weird for a while, but the three people had three minds, no one spoke, they just ate silently.

"Let's go..." Mo Shaochen said, breaking the weird atmosphere.

After the three people left the restaurant, they went to the hotel...

Mo Shaochen subconsciously cooperated with Ye Chenyu's way of walking, and Li Xiaoyue didn't notice anything wrong. After chatting with Mo Shaochen about some points of the case, the three of them returned to the hotel.

After watching Li Xiaoyue enter the hotel room, Mo Shaochen called to Ye Chenyu who was about to return to the room, "Chenyu..."


"Go to my house for a drink?"

Ye Chenyu looked at the time, then shrugged, "If you are not tired..."

Mo Shaochen shook his head slightly, and then opened the door of his room. After walking in, he went to take two goblets and a bottle of red wine.

"So busy, there is still time to go shopping for wine?" Ye Chenyu glanced at the wine, "good vintage."

"When I came, I brought two bottles from Beichen Wine Cellar..." Mo Shaochen took the wine opener, opened the wine, and poured them on each other, "Is there any danger outside?"

"Huh?" Ye Chenyu shook the wine glass, looking at the wine glass hanging, lying lazily on the sofa, and putting his feet on the coffee table casually.

Mo Shaochen sat down opposite, "Someone wants to move me and Xiao Yue?" He pointed out directly.

"The sense of smell is sensitive..." Ye Chenyu gestured with a toast, took a sip, feeling the mellow fragrance across the taste buds, with a look of enjoyment, "Every time I get greedy, my favorite is to go to the blues."

He looked at Mo Shaochen, "The wages of those of us can't afford to drink a glass of it for a month..."

Mo Shaochen looked at Ye Chenyu and didn't interrupt him, although he didn't know why he changed the subject to red wine.

"I didn't understand this at first, but then I drank a lot of wine in Beichen..." Ye Chenyu continued, "I can also pretend to be a high-class person."

Mo Shaochen raised his hand, took a sip of the red wine, and continued listening.

"Later on a mission, there was a black boss who loved red wine especially..." Ye Chenyu laughed lightly, "I was by his side, and finally, he was successfully arrested..."

Mo Shaochen frowned, "Chen Yu, what do you want to express?"

"Shaochen, this is my task, you don't want to participate in how I do..." Ye Chenyu raised his eyes and looked at Mo Shaochen sharply.

"But I don't want you to use your safety to protect us!" Mo Shaochen frowned, "It's dangerous, you can just say that we don't have to go out for supper, hotel can also be."

"I stopped it, saying that there might be a hidden danger outside..." Ye Chenyu smiled, "How do you fight this lawsuit tomorrow?" He asked, "Even if you are used to it, what about her?"

Mo Shaochen was speechless.

Indeed, he has experienced too many things like this and is used to it, but Xiaoyue is different...It is possible that these reasons will affect her tomorrow's performance.

"Tomorrow is important, isn't it?" Ye Chenyu raised his eyebrows and chuckled and took another sip of red wine, as if the danger was not the danger.

"But if you are injured, she may be under more pressure." Mo Shaochen told the truth.

Ye Chenyu shook his head, "The opponent's goal is now for the two of you to argue. It's best if you have a chance to do it. If you don't have a chance, you won't be out of line..."

"Are you so sure?" Mo Shaochen asked with a frown.

Ye Chenyu smiled, "Sent me because of my rich experience in this area..." He raised his glass again, and then poured all the wine in his glass into his mouth.

Put down your legs and sit up straight, put the wine glass on the coffee table and get up, all in one go...

"Okay, Lawyer Mo," Ye Chenyu looked at Mo Shaochen playfully, "Don't worry about the way I do things. I should think of ways to end this case soon..."

As he said, he waved his hand and walked to the door, still muttering in his mouth.

"I have no experience this time. Next time I have a chance to go abroad, I should bring more instant noodles and mustard... The rice here is really not delicious."

Mo Shaochen watched Ye Chenyu's figure disappear at the door, and his vision was blocked by the closed door.

Drinking a clean red wine glass quietly placed on the coffee table, Mo Shaochen suddenly couldn't understand Ye Chenyu.

He is evil, listening to the people above, he doesn't follow the rules...

From today's point of view, more than not following the rules?

Simply do whatever you want!

The night was spent with everyone thinking and nervous.

The next day, the local news gave a large report on the hearing early in the morning.

After the first court session, the whole situation became stalemate...

"Stephen, how sure are you in this court session?" The tall man stood in front of the window, the morning light shone on him, his blond hair a little scorching.

Stephen sighed, "Mr. Blaine, the lawyer team from the other party is very strong this time. At best, I can only promise not to lose."

Brian listened and turned slowly.

The middle-aged man's green eyes were cold, and he only listened to him slowly speaking: "The two main arguments?"

"Yes." Stephen replied, "That man, obviously composed, always takes advantage of the loopholes when we exert our strength... and that woman has the sharp mouths that a lawyer needs most."

Bryan walked to the sofa, sat down, took the cigar and lit it, and after inhaling, he asked slowly, "What if they disappear?"

A strange emotion flashed across Steven's eyes, but he quickly converged, "As long as one of them is not there, this lawsuit will be easier to fight..." After a pause, he raised his eyes to look at Brian, "The two of them cooperate very well. Well, even, it can be called a golden combination."

Bryan continued smoking his cigar without speaking.

"But, as far as I know, they have only worked together on a case before..." Stephen wondered, "Although Zoe had fought a beautiful lawsuit in California before, obviously, the ability of the two of them together cannot be underestimated."

Brian flicked the soot and didn't listen to Stephen muttering there.

‘Boom! ’

"Come in……"

Someone pushed the door and walked in. He walked up to Brian and said respectfully: "Sir, I didn't have a chance to do it last night..." He handed the folder in his hand to Brian, "This is the information you want."

Brian took it, swept the circle indifferently, and then slowly said: "Since Mo is not very active, then start with that woman..."

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