The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 219 Small Forbidden Curse

The God of Law is fair, but in a sense he is harsh. As the incarnation of "justice", he always performs his priesthood according to the legal concept of his own existence. The growth rate surpassed all gods.

Even if the back door I left can only temporarily affect it, some troubles cannot be avoided. For example, as a member of the God of Order, he will instinctively spurn the Chaos. Renee is doomed to lose her status as a knight of the law.

[Renee, Level 60 Law Knight (front)/Level 20 Aurora Knight/Level 14 Hell Black Knight, total level 94, overall level 97, comprehensive evaluation median among legends. 】

I don't know what Renee did, and I don't want to know whether she lost her status as a law knight because she used demon power or did something else to cross the line.

But judging from the fact that demons can gain power from destruction and sacrifice, and Renee's ridiculously fast growth level, she probably didn't do good things.

Even though most elemental creatures are just wild beasts without self-awareness at all, even if they can be reunited after being destroyed, it is not the reason for mass killing. This may be the root cause of her losing her law career.

And the reason why I can still keep my legal profession is probably because I am extremely good at exploiting legal loopholes. In my eyes, this plane expedition is just a relatively large-scale hunt for fugitives.

Yes, fugitive, Umm Droken, homicide, war crime, genocide, destruction of public property, heinous criminal.

Its first act changed the terrain, taking part in this war as the orcs' accomplices in war crimes. And the second shot with anger destroyed the defense line of Hongfeng City. Countless soldiers died on the spot. And the subsequent bloody battle in Xue Ye traced back to the source, and I am afraid that he will have to record a blood feud against him.

And the plain orcs who attacked at last, if they were not forced back by the gray blood elves and Ciro's expeditionary force, might directly cause the entire battlefield to become unbalanced. It is not certain that the entire northern land will fall, and the orcs will be in power. A new round of race The carnage came. After all, I can't turn the tables on that kind of situation, and I can't use the trump card of God's descending to deal with mortals.

I am not a righteous law enforcement officer, and I have never recognized the so-called justice in this cruel world, but the eyes of those innocent civilians who died innocently and the soldiers who protected their homes are still vivid in my eyes. Loken has paid the price, and I'm afraid I'll still have trouble sleeping.

"Attention everyone, concentrate on attacking the Throne of Elements, I don't believe that bastard can still be a coward!"

Seeking justice for the innocent dead? Not that noble. Just looking at that guy is annoying.

After the guy caused the accident, he hid back to his hometown and thought the matter was over, so he slept with peace of mind. I thought no one could rule him, but I don't intend to stop there, let this bastard go down too, and be a companion to those civilians who died innocently.

At this time, the battlefield has reached a stalemate. As expected of the oldest god of elements, Emdilokan, summoned by various ancient covenants, countless cannon fodder were forcibly dispatched to the battlefield.

Sharon, one-handed troll, Cazorla elemental knight, giant sandworm, descendant of titan, earth gnome, rock dwarf, mountain giant, Avalon giant beast, all kinds of ancient races that have disappeared in history, one Jumping onto the battlefield, it is almost possible to hold an earth element biology museum here.

But we are not too far behind here, and we are not bad in terms of number theory.

Emira's death garden, Margaret's rune puppets, rune giants, and the army of earth elemental lords take turns to play, isn't it just like cannon fodder, who is afraid of whom.

The elemental creatures on both sides are entangled and fighting with each other, the dragons are roaring in the sky, and the tower giants and their symbiotes step into the battlefield together. many.

But this has been expected from the very beginning. As my home stadium, if Emdilloken is still a bachelor, I will doubt whether there is any conspiracy.

This kind of continuous call for reinforcements obviously shows that he is already in trouble, and his next step

"If it hasn't appeared yet, it's obviously delaying time. Emdiroken is not the kind of softie who is afraid of death. Then, it takes time to have a hole card."

Thinking of this, I don't plan to wait any longer.

"Kaid, it's your turn."

"Don't need to evacuate your own personnel? Even if you are acting, you have to do a full set."

"No, as long as the opponent is not stupid, it is basically impossible to release it. If we really don't even have the ability to stop the curse, then we can just cut it off."

"Ha, it's easy to say, it's not you who cast the spell"

Even though he complained so much, judging from the tide of elements behind him that had risen several times, the forbidden spell had already entered the preparation period.

Among the major countries, the country of mages has always had a good reputation, but if there is anything unreasonable, it is probably because of the overly persistent pursuit of various spells.

As a large-scale deterrent weapon, forbidden spells are also regarded as an extreme of magic. It is said that more than half of the forbidden spells that have appeared in this world have been collected in the capital's vault. This is undoubtedly a terrible deterrent in itself.

But in fact, having the information and theories of the forbidden spell does not mean that it can be used. First of all, the requirements for the caster are very high. The existing records of the caster of the forbidden spell are definitely in the single digits, and the most important thing is that the forbidden spell is not easy to use. .

The magic power of a mage is limited. The reason for such a huge power must be linked with the rules of the world and the source of the elements. This is often a very cumbersome, complicated, and dangerous process. Basically, once a curse mage enters the guidance Casting spells, he can be regarded as abolishing most of them.

The casting time of forbidden spells is generally long, and the shortest one is less than a few hours. You don’t need to think about it. During this period of time, he can’t move, can’t stop casting spells, and must continue to chant spells to guide the magic. Deadly magic backlash, or bite the bullet and get hacked. No matter how you deal with it. Mostly still a dead one.

And once you start preparing the forbidden spell. The unbelievable fluctuation of the forbidden spell is equivalent to broadcasting "I am going to bomb a large area, and kill me if you don't want to die" to the entire battlefield. As long as you are not stupid, you will try your best to stop it.

And the worst thing is that the forbidden spell itself will consume the vitality of the user, reducing lifespan by ten years or something. It's really not empty talk, some top-level forbidden spells. It even directly requires the user to sacrifice their lives and souls. The conclusion is that the forbidden curse mages generally live shortly whether they use the forbidden curse or not. There are far more forbidden curse mages hidden under the table than on the surface.

Of course, this is only a limitation of mortals, just like the "Rain Capital" in Oran, the forbidden spell of divine power is much stronger than that of mortals in terms of concealment and effect, but even so, the Lady Storm and the God of Water Elemental Paid a huge price.

Forbidden spells that borrow divine power also have an unknown flaw, that is, most of them lack direct lethality. Even if he could kill his opponent, it would most likely be an indirect killing using certain rules. I don't think the true god will have compassion for mortals. This is probably another manifestation of the gods not allowing direct interference in reincarnation.

The era of throwing forbidden curses at random on the battlefield of ancient gods and demons has passed. Even if there are forbidden curse mages in modern wars, they are at most only used as a deterrent, and they will not be used unless it is a last resort. After all The Forbidden Curse Mage also wanted to live a few more years.

But there are exceptions to everything. In modern times, there was a mage who didn't abide by the unspoken rules at all. He threw forbidden spells like cabbage at will, causing a series of troubles.

Well, that's me, the Lord of Eternal Night back then.

And the reason why I dared to act like this at that time was mainly because there was an endless army of undead as a barrier. Even if a strong person broke through in front of me, my loyal "Crimson Hound" would teach them the consequences of randomly opening Wushuang. Magic backlash and damage to vitality, because it is the body of a lich, I don't care about it for a long time. If there are any serious sequelae after playing, isn't there still a system to end it?

Now I don't have the ability to release forbidden spells, but Kaid does. With the help of Amyra and Margaret, two top mages who are masters of truth, I borrow the power of endless elements from the earth elemental plane , Kaid Yilai, the elementalist of the earth element, can use the forbidden spell Continent Subsidence (unfinished).

Well, it is indeed unfinished. Kaid’s strength is not enough to control the continental subsidence technique, which is also ranked among the top forbidden spells. The completed form of this forbidden spell is to directly cut the continental plate of an area from the surrounding area, or It is terrible to sink into the sea, or simply buried in the ground.

And Kaid's forbidden curse land subsidence (unfinished)

"Probably, it was an earthquake that made everyone hide under the table, but it couldn't hurt anyone."

Aside from this subtle lethality, at least this forbidden spell is indeed complete, and before Kaid failed to cast the spell due to lack of ability, it was indeed an out-and-out top-level forbidden spell posture.

At this time, countless rocks were suspended in the air, and thousands of "floating islands" suddenly increased. The never-ending wind and sand in this plane lost its power strangely. Only the more terrifying elemental tides witnessed the storm. before the calm.

"Target, Throne of the Elements."

The Throne of Elements is equivalent to the lair of the God of Elements in this plane, and it is also the channel for him to connect with the plane of elements. Just change the owner.

But if this "top-level forbidden curse" destroys everything around it and cuts off the connection between the Elemental Throne and the plane, I am afraid that the birth of the next Elemental God will have to wait for the new Elemental Throne to be born, at least in a thousand years.

We do know that the forbidden curse is parallel imports, those predictions are impossible to happen, but in the eyes of Emdilokan, it is a manifestation of the cruelty of the opponent, as long as he is still alive, it is impossible to sit back and watch all this happen.

This is the ruthless move that must be saved when attacking the enemy, turning passive into active. To put it bluntly, helplessness is just fishing with a hook.

However, the development of the incident was as expected. Less than two minutes after the fluctuation of the forbidden spell, a white shadow appeared on the battlefield, and he was rushing towards Kaid at high speed.

"Finally, Umdi Loken appeared, the evil fish has bit the bait, and it's time to draw the net." (To be continued...) ()

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