The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 221 The Ultimate Weapon

The battlefield is in full swing, but a certain existence who is not willing to be lonely suddenly jumps out and angers the sense of existence. watermark ad test watermark ad test

[Since we want to dig through the tunnel and reach the Throne of Elements in the depths of the ground, then the question arises, which one is better to learn how to dig to the end...]

"Come on your sister, strong your sister, digging and digging everywhere, don't you bother me, this meme is already worn out."

Well, for the system that has been active a little too much since it was resuscitated, since it is already annoying to this, let's change it.

[Learn to be a chef, new to Fang, we have all kinds of subjects here except not teaching how to cook with an excavator. 】

"After all, you are still an excavator! Do you like this meme so much?"

[Learn it, get a good job, study at X Big Jade Bird, exclusive teaching of electronic information mining technology in the new era! 】

"It's not just digging, it's endless, ignore, ignore."

Decisively ended the rant about the mysterious sound (system), and I tried my best to focus on the main topic.

"Cough, be serious, it's a war now."

"It seems that you are not serious."

Even though he said so, the dissatisfaction of the people around him was still palpable. Even Margaret was full of resentment when operating such a large-scale formation magic. Manipulating cannon fodder and arranging traps are multi-purpose.

It's true that it's outrageous to be lazy and chat behind the hot water, but now even if I want to do something, I'm afraid I have nowhere to intervene.

Umdillokan has been surrounded by siege, and too many people want to find him to liquidate. The moment he was trapped. Both the enemy and us in the entire battlefield flocked there.

"Just get rid of him. I will be the next god of earth elements!" This is relatively straightforward.

"Emdi Loken, the revenge of my grandfather/father/brother can finally be avenged!" This is a national hatred and family hatred, but it is not a bit too much. Is Umdi Loken that bad? If you want to rebel, can you? Another reason.

"Gulu Gulu" Well, this guy can't speak the common language yet.

The most positive ones are probably the various earth elemental lords. Just now they clearly retained their strength and strength,

However, he dispatched all his combat power to pounce on his enemy, and in order to seize the opponent's soul and divine power in the first place, all the noble elemental lords basically went into battle in person.

Under the sky, all kinds of flying gargoyles and dragons fight each other, giant statues, earth elemental warlords and other huge monsters abound. Earth elemental creatures are generally huge and strong, and it is just a war belonging to giants.

Under their mutual Bo. The whole continent trembled, and the mountains trembled in fear. But the Lord of the Earth has never had the habit of retreating.


With another heavy blow, the tower giant flew up and slammed into the distant cliff, collapsing a large part immediately.

One punch at a time, except for the Lord of the Wind Elements, no one survived that punch. Emdilokan showed his amazing strength with his record, at least this old dog still has a mouth full of teeth.

Even though he was seriously injured, Urmdilloken was still very strong. The punch that defeated Camdillian vaguely created a space crack, breaking the limitation of space rules with pure physical force. From seeing that scene , I gave up my plan to fight hand-to-hand with him without hesitation.

"Using pure physical power to rise to the regular level, and using brute force to break through the limitations of space, is this the legendary Wu Po Void, if he is not injured, fight against Cang X?"

"Junior, take my Space Shatter Fist!"

Well, I won’t complain about this weird naming, and I won’t scientifically analyze how much energy it takes to break the space with brute force, but the fact that this is obviously unreasonable is right in front of me.

At this time, Emdilokan is using his own body, and under the addition of the Throne of Elements, he has almost endless power, which is completely different from the incarnation on the main plane.

If Phillips appeared in front of it, it would probably be the result of two punches to death.

But no matter how strong Umdirloken was, or how obvious the difference in strength was, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Camdiran, who is also the Lord of Elements, would not easily admit defeat.

"Camdiran was so useless, he was beaten half to death by Emdilokan with one punch, and then ran away like a shrinking turtle."

If this kind of news spreads, Camdil'an's wind elemental lord has come to an end, and none of the elemental lords under his command will obey such a leader.

"Taste the wrath of the storm!"

The endless thunder was summoned and turned into thunderstorm arrows. The storm whipped continuously on the top of Emdilokon's head, blasting it apart abruptly.

Obviously, Camdirian had learned the lesson just now, gave up the stupid idea of ​​fighting the Lord of the Earth hand-to-hand, and planned to bombard his old opponent with long-range spells.

Endless scheming earth elemental creatures surrounded Umdi Loken, and he comfortably summoned all kinds of thunderstorms in the distance, which was safe and eye-catching, and his reputation was not bad if he won.

But obviously, he still underestimated his opponent.

Nahum Di Loken dodged an iron mountain, and unexpectedly directly broke through the limitation of the space, and landed on top of Camdirian's head, and then there was a whole set of gorgeous combos.

"Mount Tai crushing, smashing Huashan, throwing over the shoulder, throwing over the chest, pinching the nape of the neck, throwing the rabbit on the eagle, throwing the waist, the iron bridge, the depth bomb... I didn't expect that Emdie Roken was still in the major wrestling league. "

"You are still in the mood to explain, hurry up and help, it will be even more difficult to deal with that guy when he is out of trouble. Damn, he still has the ability to teleport." Emily is in a bad mood. I heard that Emily Roken is good at In hand-to-hand combat, she is also good at melee combat and plans to show her hand, but looking at this super kung fu kid, she has no chance of winning.

"Don't worry, the more massive the object is, the more energy it consumes when teleporting. If his teleportation can be used at will, Kaid, who has cast spells, will have been eliminated long ago. And when he is seriously injured, at least his physical strength will be obvious. Insufficient, the maximum output will not last long."

"What am I worried about? It's none of my business to win or lose. I'm just curious about how he achieved this level of physical strength. Take him down. I want his musculature as research material. At least give me an arm or a thigh. No Promise me to strike now and show you."

All right. Sure enough, I thought Emily was worried about the battle situation, and I was so weak, this is the true nature of a witch.

"Huh? Your inference is correct, he did become weaker after teleporting."

Sure enough, even though Camdil'an was hit all over his head, he was not injured as much as he was in the previous punch, and he still didn't lose at this point, and occasionally he was able to fight back twice.

But watching allies being beaten like this is not an option, so. I started the next step ahead of schedule.

"Sad Wind, are you still okay?"

In the communication equipment provided by the goblin, someone's rough cry came.

"...Dig, dig, dig, dig, which is better, which one, which one, which one is the best, the League of Gentlemen is looking for Beifeng, and the dream of emigrating Dong Lan can be replicated, as long as 998, 998! Yes Yes. You heard it right, it’s not 8888. Not to mention 88888, as long as 998, you can learn the operation and domestication skills of the Digging Beast that was passed down in the secret of Beifeng!”

"Do you like excavators so much? There is no end to this meme!"

After my roar, it finally quieted down there, only the sound of digging was still ringing.

"Well, Your Highness, it's just that the underground is darker, and singing is bolder."

After a while, there was a sad wind's explanation.

"Hmph, I also forgot the mission because you had such a good time with those sandworms. Did you guys invent some new way to play? Are you enjoying yourself? Do I want to apologize for disturbing your pleasure? ah?"


"Hey, don't be silent at this time, did I guess right! Hey, talk! I'm very disturbed!"

Well, as long as Sad Wind is involved, don't pursue the specific details, otherwise this book will be harmonized sooner or later...

But the report on the situation over there came back soon, and the lair of Umdi Loken was also protected by its divine power. Yes, because I didn't follow the old path of the underground labyrinth, and dug from the ground to the ground in reverse, I have avoided many traps and obstacles. The only obstacle is the extremely strong rock formation.

In fact, this trick was used before Tiao Hu Li Shan, against the same person, but it doesn't matter if it works or not.

"I do know the approximate location of the Throne of Elements. It is about 300 meters below the horizon, but the closer to the earth the higher the density of elements. It will take a lot of time to dig there."

"More than three hundred meters? It's about the same as expected. How long will it take for you?"

"About two hours."

Glancing at Emdi Roken, who was performing an empty-handed fight against the "Tiger", he shook his head helplessly. If we really waited for two hours, all our allies might be dead.

"It's too late, start plan b."

"Do you really want to use it? That plan b is too dangerous."

"It's true, let's start it quickly."

"Is it necessary? I can't think about it anymore. It's too dangerous!"

"Must, this is the best way now, and this plan is not dangerous at all. Time is extremely precious at this critical moment, what do you mean by pushing back and forth."

There was silence for a while, I thought he had already started to implement my plan, but I didn't expect words with an embarrassing tone to come from there.

"...What exactly is plan b? I didn't read too many words before, but it was too dark underground to read. I just turned on the light, but I couldn't find it. I guess I accidentally fed the plan to a certain cutie. "

On the spot, I almost crushed the communicator.

"You say so much to cover up that you forgot what plan b is?! Hey cutie? Why don't you feed yourself too, thinking you are worried about the consequences of plan b? I'm so weak! You wait, kid, Waiting for you to come out #¥%..."

No one has ever aroused my anger so easily. No wonder the urban management people take "eating, sleeping, and playing sad wind" as their daily routine. This girl is too irritating

Well, even if you get angry again, it is impossible to beat that guy through the communicator, life is still going on, since that guy has forgotten what the plan is, let me explain it to him.

"You draw an arc to move, and draw a coordinate for me..."

After talking about the plan, I let out a long sigh.

"When I get to the main plane, I will put this guy in the rare animal zoo as an exhibit! This indeed meets the standard of a rare animal."

"Are you sure that's punishing him instead of rewarding him..."

Amyra's words made me silent, and after a while, I made up my mind.

"Then send him to the gray blood elves to help rebuild. There are a lot of elves and beauties, and many boys want to go, but I think there are all elves and beauties next to them, but the surrounding area is so desolate that you can't even find a rabbit. I see, this is the most terrible punishment for that girl."

"Your Highness! Please don't do it! I will implement Plan B immediately. Ensure that your request is completed with high quality and efficiency. Please don't send me to hell. If you really insist, I would rather stay in this world."

Before the communicator was turned off, the begging for mercy had already come over. This man who did not take the usual path would actually be afraid of something. The good job that countless young and middle-aged people dreamed of was actually a nightmare in his eyes, and this hell-like He is actually willing to stay on the Earth Elemental Plane.

"Didn't you say that this world is hell?"

Before I finished speaking, I immediately remembered the strange followers when I met him. It could be used to hold an exhibition of creatures on the plane of the earth element. After a little guessing what he was going to do, I didn't want to guess at all. What did you do.

"Shut up and work hard for me, otherwise I'll send you to heaven where there are only fairies and beauties. Why are you so awkward."

At this time, above our heads, shadows have shrouded the battlefield below, and a giant is slowly moving.

"That's a bird, that's a midget helicopter, that's a superman, no, that's a giant duck."

Yes, it is the ultimate big yellow duck at the core of our plan b this time.

The mobile fortress Big Yellow Duck is supervised by the Great Stone Shaper Einslow himself, with countless towers built by giants, huge and boundless, looking up from the ground, he is a huge floating island.

Although it hasn't had time to install any weapons on it, it's just that its huge mass gives it irresistible kinetic energy, no matter what obstacles it encounters, it will reach its destination.

And in order to make it come in handy directly, we even parked it in the air to stand by.


The appearance of the huge mobile fortress changed the situation of the entire battlefield. The mighty posture shocked all the witnesses, even Emdilloken was shocked when he saw it, and when he found the place where the duck landed When the time comes, teleport directly to the rescue.

And as expected, the big yellow duck that had just landed inserted its feet into the ground, spread its wings, opened its mouth suddenly, and let out a roar.


At that moment, the entire battlefield stopped for it, or it should be said that no one expected the duck to quack so distinctively.

And Amyla couldn't help nodding.

"It's an amazing and excellent design. Do you think I will say that? Roland! It's your bad taste again. Are you going to throw embarrassment into multiple planes?"

"Hmph, stupid mortals will never understand the genius of design. See, this is just the beginning."

The feet under the huge body have been firmly inserted into the ground, which is its fulcrum, and the spread wings represent the shift of the center of gravity. The upper body that begins to tilt is the best balance device, and then, the body that is full of strength It bowed its head abruptly.


In the end, the big yellow duck ate a mouthful of dirt and spit out another mouthful of dirt, ate another mouthful of dirt, and spit out another mouthful of dirt

"Damn it, there's such a big commotion, you're still an excavator! Ah, why do I have to pay back." Adam's rant undoubtedly explained everyone's aspirations, and everyone around nodded.

[Learn to dig, that family is strong] At this time, the system jumped out again unwilling to be lonely. Ever since I formulated this plan b, it has always been attached to this stalk.

"Enough of you! This is the big yellow duck, the ultimate weapon, the mobile fortress, not the excavator!" ()

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