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The icy permafrost has replaced the crumbling temples, and as the world's enemy, Umdirloken is being hated by the entire world.

The icicles that rise suddenly, the ice storms that fall without warning, even the stones that are accidentally kicked up will eventually fall on his head. When the world is full of hostility to him, it seems to be hostile to him.

This is not caused by me on purpose, just because I, as the creator, regard it as an enemy, this world spontaneously expresses its anger. Although it cannot pose any fatal threat to him, in a hostile world everywhere, it is Be careful not to trip while walking, and worry about choking to death when drinking water.

The current world is not complete, and the only attributes that can be involved are ice and snow. Perhaps it cannot pose a threat to Emdilloken, who has already established his own world, but these hostility and attacks distract him.

"Damn it! You have the guts to come out of the turtle shell!"

Angry Umdi Loken never imagined that he, who is famous all over the world for his excellent defense, would call others a turtle shell, but sometimes, fate is so ironic. This time, it was the turn of the king of defense to attack the enemy. There is no way to defend.

On the seemingly fragile ice armor is the deadly kale blue flame, and the deadly ice covering the whole body is obviously impossible to touch. Even if Emdilloken has a heavy punch, he doesn't know where to swing it.

"Hmph. You have the guts to hit me." The opponent even launched a provocation.

Only at this time did he regret that he hadn't worked hard on the powerful earth magic. In this weird world, he couldn't condense the power of the earth element to form a powerful attack magic. Even if you want to dig a piece of land down and throw it at your opponent. But found that the ground is full of ice. Forcibly dug it up, but it melted into water in a weird instant.

In this world full of hostility, Urmdilloken has suffered enough, and he must be extremely careful with every step, otherwise he may stumble at any time, and the sudden ground sinking and shaking are even more dizzying troubles.

But in this world, the opponent suddenly showed a strange transformation. Angel's wings, demon's feet and scales, it's outrageous that such weird creatures that combine order and chaos exist, but after transforming, the opponent's combat power has increased dramatically.

The surrounding ice and snow turned into ice picks in his hands, and with a light pull, hundreds of ice picks turned into shotguns, and the entire ice and snow land turned into ice and snow turret positions under his control.

In the eyes of Emdilokan, the most dangerous. But it was still those bright frozen flames that shone with a bewitching blue light.

Just a little contamination, you have to dig out a piece of meat. And that guy didn't hesitate to throw the ice sword with frost flames, it was an insult to himself as a martial arts master.

As a senior monk, shooting flying arrows with a pitcher is the foundation of the foundation. For Umdi Loken, even if hundreds of elf marksmen attack him together, he can easily hit all the bows and arrows without any damage. An obvious layman's throw, which he can dodge with his eyes closed.

"Even if the ice is terrible, as long as you don't touch it!"

But what was strange was that the throw, which should have been harmless, suddenly accelerated when it reached the side.

"Damn! What did you do!?"

Obviously there is no change in external force, but the speed of the thrown long sword is slow and fast, and at the moment when he thinks he can avoid it, he often speeds up suddenly and passes by.

Before the cold flames could spread, the angry Emdilokan tore off a piece of his own flesh again, and roared at me, but my answer was to throw more flying swords.

In Emdilokan's eyes, the flying sword of the flying attack was several times faster, and the sudden acceleration made him lose the confidence to push away the flying arrow, and he dodged directly with a leap, but it was a pity that However, the flying arrow still hit him!

"Misjudgment? There are signs of any kind of acceleration. It is impossible for me to predict the error. Then, it is not Feiya who has accelerated, but I have slowed down!"

The roaring Umdi Loken was a bit ridiculous in my eyes, but when I heard his roar, it had already turned into "Yeah... I... slowed down..., what did you do... what!" funny drama.

Not only the sound, but also his movements are like an old movie played by a player that is about to break down. It is slow and fast. At this point, he has been deeply poisoned, and some of his existence and concepts have been "returned to zero." "Are.

Absolute zero, in a sense, is a concept exclusive to the alien plane. Under that temperature, the tiny ions that make up the matter will stop moving, and all energy will "return to zero", so it is called absolute zero.

But in this world, what constitutes matter is not basic particles such as atoms and molecules, but basic elemental units, and the so-called zero temperature of minus 273 degrees is actually not difficult to achieve in the hands of Master Ice, and there are even A creature that lives freely at minus five hundred degrees.

But the abomination is so weird, he does not create low temperature, but guides your own basic unit to its lowest point, reaching the "stop state" that is absolutely impossible to achieve theoretically, even with the concept of "absolute zero" There is no Ashe world, such an existence should not have been born.

"...Ice is originally the symbiosis of souls, did you get the idea from me?"

Every abomination is the fault of the world (), if this error spreads and causes a chain reaction, the entire system (world) may crash (destroy), which is why the abomination is regarded as a public enemy.

Obviously, releasing the frozen flame directly on the main plane is suicidal, but I have also found other ways to release this ability.

"A small amount, a small amount, so small that it can't be noticed, wrap him with ordinary ice, dilute it, let it flow out slowly, just like milk blended into coffee."

When my "freezing air" evolved into "death cold air", with the addition of these additional amounts, after the second evolution, it finally reached the extreme.

Eternal sleep freezing air: add to any ice attribute attack, each attack will slow down the opponent's full speed by 1%, this effect can be superimposed. There is no exemption. But after stopping stacking. It will dissipate automatically after ten minutes.

The seemingly useless ability is still retrograde in terms of versatility, but only after it has been tested will you know how terrible it is.

This deceleration effect is actually the process of leading the opponent to "absolute zero". During this process, he himself did not notice it at all, but the effect has already occurred, and the opponent has been isolated outside the normal time axis.

"Both body sensation and reaction slowed down unknowingly. For fighters, advancing or slowing down the reaction by 0.1 seconds is extremely fatal, and the difference of 0.1 seconds between the blades is enough to perish, let alone superimposed to your state, I'm afraid it's already The deceleration is over half. Now you feel that the time in the outside world is passing fast and slow, which means that your body's perception of time has been completely destroyed, no, it should be said that you have already lived in your own time. "

Even though he said so, Emdilokan was in a daze, which was proved by the last test. He's very poisoned, I'm afraid. In his ears, my words are just a series of high-speed track-changing noises.

", are you...saying...what!"

I laughed. If the "disaster freezing air" in the explosive state is a poison that can kill people in an instant, then this "eternal sleep freezing air" is a chronic poison that makes people sleep forever without knowing it.

As long as he was hit by an attack with frozen air for the first time, his sense of time would be messed up, one second faster and one second slower, which is definitely a fatal injury to monks with a strong sense of fighting rhythm. Later, he was still stupid enough to move the flying arrow empty-handed. The last moment of that mistake was a mistake.

One, two, dozens, Emdillokan was thrust into an arrow target, and thanks to his cruelty, he insisted on digging himself without a piece of good meat.

However, although he eliminated the instant death effect of the Calamity Freeze, the Eternal Sleep Freeze has been stacked even more.

Up to now, I am afraid that his somatosensory time is more than three times slower than that of normal people, that is, my three seconds, in his eyes, I am afraid it is only one second.

And this is already the result of his own amazing magic defense, but now that he has reached this point, the rest is very simple.

Spreading the wings, the transformation I have been preparing for gave me enough strength to fight against it. When the trapped tiger has entered the cage, the rest is nothing more than the final harvest.

"Snap." With a snap of his fingers, the frost flames on the ice armor disappeared without a trace, and all the frost flames gathered on the Ice Demon Sword that brought disaster over there.

While this ice armor made Urmdilloken shy and even ineffective in attacking, it also brought me tremendous pressure. The coldest ice stuck to my body, and my body, which had lost blood and suffered repeated injuries, was already weak. The hypothermia caused me to lose consciousness in my limbs, and the loss of body temperature and physical strength made my eyes dizzy and my headache cracking. I am afraid that even if I remove the ice armor now, my whole body will be frostbitten for the best result.

But what gave me the greatest pressure was still the frost on the ice.

After all, it is only the "coldest ice" and not the "hardest ice", and it is impossible for me to make the hardest ice. If Emdilloken fights all the way and dies together, it will definitely be broken in one blow the result of.

If it's just broken, it's fine, but if the broken frozen inflammation sticks to my body, I'm afraid it's the result of giving up the treatment.

The result that seems to be completely suppressed is actually a gamble. I bet that his elemental magic has not rested enough to forcibly manipulate elemental magic in a place where there is no elemental power. I bet that guy is cautious enough and will never go all out unless the situation is poor. Desperately, I bet the strength I am showing now has also frightened him, making him not confident that he can kill me with one blow.

I have to bet that the strength gap between the two sides is too big. Even if I use all my tricks and tricks, the strength gap is still too big, and the last missing piece of the puzzle is still a gamble.

"Look, I won the bet."

He will hesitate, dodge, and look for opportunities to fight back, but this is what I expect. I need time to let the freezing air of eternal sleep accumulate. Although the flames on the surface are dangerous, they can't kill many people. Under the pool, there are countless corpses of good swimmers.

But at this time, when he gave up the chance to fight desperately in the early stage, he has lost the only possibility of winning. Now, I will not give him the possibility of fighting to the death together.

Taking a deep breath, the ice armor has been shattered into ice slag, and they will only hinder my actions in the next battle.

Spreading his wings, getting close, and swinging his sword, this time there was no collision of sword and fist, he didn't have enough time to wait for death, and Emdilloken, who reacted in advance, was a full two seconds faster. But too fast and too slow is a result. His fist flew into the air. And my epee, which was equipped with disaster and freezing air, slashed fiercely on his only remaining arm, and the kale spread again.


Despair flashed in the eyes of Umdi Loken, and the fellow was also cruel, and he opened his mouth and bit off his arm, but at this point, when the cabbage ice and snow sword was placed on his neck, he knows. I fell down completely.

But when I was about to swing my sword down, the "brave and fearless" Umdi Loken made a sound.

"Don't kill me, I am willing to make you your master and become your most loyal servant. The wealth I have accumulated is enough to shame the richest emperor to death. I know the infinite mysteries and knowledge of this world, even the Lord of Arcane I know a lot. And even if I lose my status as the God of Earth Elements, I am still the strongest elemental lord. My strength is definitely not bad. As long as you give me time, I will become stronger. There is no benefit in killing me. My servant is endless wealth!"

Patiently listening to the intermittent begging for mercy is a test of patience. But I listened to it, and the more I listened, the happier I became, and I even laughed out loud in the end.

To subdue a god of elements? It sounds imposing.

Gaining wealth accumulated by an elemental god for countless years? Sounds like a good deal.

Have an elemental god as goons and minions? That's affordable and cost-effective.

Killing him is just an outlet, but making him my slave is an infinite gain. No matter how you look at it, it is a very cost-effective deal. For me who is used to calculating benefits, it seems that the decision has been made.

I laughed, and he saw me laughing, and he laughed too.


Then he paled suddenly.

"Do you want to survive? It's human nature, but do you know how many people died in your earthquake? How many people died in the war you caused?"

Emdilokan's eyes were a little dazed, as if he didn't know why I was mentioning this at this time.

"The death toll in the earthquake was 376,452, and the death toll in this war was at least two million. So, I can understand that you want to survive, but I want to ask you, are you Kill them for money, have you asked them if they want to survive!"

"Ants can be with me"

Emdilokan still wants to distinguish, but I have lost my patience. After the war, it took a full month just to clean up the corpses under the broken bricks and tiles. The scenes of human tragedies and the crying of relatives are still there In my ear, now that the sinner is under my sword, and I still treat my fellow ants as ants, how can I control my emotions.

"Ants? Ha, yes, we are indeed not as powerful as you gods. You are immortal and powerful, while we are short-lived and weak. Why, why can't you **** bastards let us go, why are you so strong? The battle between the gods always drags us mortals as cannon fodder!"

"As long as we Lan people live in peace, why do you want to repeatedly destroy our homeland? It was like this for more than three hundred years, it was like this for more than two hundred years ago, and it's like this even this year. You insist on forcing the country to overthrow and the people It's not safe at night. Could it be that our Lan people have offended you? You noble gods and lords can't do well, if you want to fight a war, go on your own, and don't drag us to suffer disasters, okay?"

"Why can't you let us go!"

"Why don't you guys go fight that damn holy war yourself!"

"Why are you stupid existences qualified to be called gods!"

"Why haven't you repented at all until now? Are mortals just a group of ants that can be trampled to death in your eyes? We are human beings, not ants!"

My roar is still echoing in this space, and the countless echoes are getting louder and louder. The wind and snow are moaning, the icebergs are howling, and the plains are singing together. Their anger represents the will of this world, and all the voices are angry. He questioned Umdi Loken, but he still didn't show any remorse.

"As long as you let me go, I will make it up to you. I can understand your anger at the loss of property. As long as you let me go, I will give you ten times the compensation. Besides, life is fast, very fast."

Yes, in their eyes, mortals are a group of ants that reproduce extremely fast, and it is a supreme honor to die for the gods, and their own life and death are nothing.

So, I laughed, and laughed back angrily.

So, the sword fell, the sword light flickered, and the head of the noble god flew up.

The pupils of the fallen head were still full of disbelief, but I raised the head that was turning into stone, and made a declaration to the whole world, and I fulfilled my oath.

"I, Roland Lan, swear, no matter who you are or how noble you are, as long as you dare to trample on my clan's territory and kill my clansmen, no matter where you hide, I will find you and kill you!"

"? Never!" (Forgive? Never!) (To be continued...) ()

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