The beheaded heads turned into pitch-black stones and gradually began to weather, and those parts wrapped in eternal ice were too dangerous for me, so they could only be placed here.

The nightmarish stone giant finally fell, and what followed was the storm tide of the earth element, they were mourning and singing.

"Emdi Loken is dead, and this plane has lost its owner." Elemental Tide is spreading the news frantically.

After losing the Throne of Elements and the Lord of Elements in succession, the gate of the Earth Elemental Plane lost its barrier, and the tide of Earth Elemental, which always transports elements to the planes, unexpectedly reversed, and violent sandstorms blew up the entire plane. madness.

At that moment, all existences above demigods received the explosive news of the fall of the God of Elements. This plane and the position of the Lord of Elements were vacant, and he was looking for a new master.

"Is Umdi Loken really dead? Completely dead?"

It has been too long since the God of Elements has fallen, and it is impossible to check whether Naumdiroken has a predecessor. The lords who evacuated as early as the appearance of the abomination, were anxiously waiting for the news of the battlefield in their lairs, but now they are full. She accepted the message from the plane blankly, but then, she was extremely ecstatic.

"This mountain that has been pressing on the top of my head for thousands of years has finally fallen, and I will finally have the day when I will be in charge."

But what followed was another piece of news that made people dumbfounded.

The Throne of Elements completely collapsed, and the tide of earth elements in all planes began to flow backwards. A new Throne of Elements was being formed, and the new Lord of Elements would probably not appear until after the Throne of Elements was formed.

Leaving aside the earth elemental lord who is full of emotions, the ones who can't accept this scene the most are probably the wind elemental lord Camdiran and the water elemental lord Aylos.

Enemies are often the ones who know each other best. They knew the strength of Umdi Loken, and when they found out that Roland, who was only in the golden rank, actually went to fight the opponent to the death alone, although he didn't say anything on the surface, but in his heart. But they already regarded Roland as a dead man who was beyond his control.

in their eyes. No matter what achievements Roland has made, they are just short-lived mortal deeds. After all, it is only a short brilliance, a passing cloud.

Rookies always get attention, but only evergreens are respected, in their long years. I have seen many heroes with amazing talents and omnipotent geniuses, but there are still very few immortals who can survive for thousands of years or ten thousand years. For them, those who live to the end are truly worthy of respect object.

"Eagle of Aesolo? I seem to have heard of it,

It has been famous for about three thousand years. Pity. It seems to have died of a sudden plague. Hey, mortals are too fragile to take a nap and die for hundreds of years. "

They do have the capital to be proud of, too many heroes who have risen suddenly. Falling at a faster speed, but for these old antiques, there is only one existence that must be respected, and that is to pass the test of time and defeat the strongest among them.

Umdi Loken is not easy to deal with. This is an ironclad proof that countless sacrifices have been made in exchange for their lives, and the two elemental gods have personally understood it repeatedly. Borrowing the power of elements at will, they have bodies with unlimited health and unlimited magic power. They may be able to defeat them, but it is basically unrealistic to kill them.

But now the elemental storm sweeping across the entire plane will not be fake. Not only was Emdilokan defeated, but he was also completely dead. Such a result that completely exceeded expectations made them at a loss.

Although their goal was to get rid of this big, unsightly piece of iron, no matter how much preparation they had made, there was still a voice in their hearts telling themselves repeatedly that killing him was impossible, as long as they didn't fail again.

"...As long as you can seal him, no, as long as you seriously injure him and let him sustain the injury for decades, that's enough."

In a sense, Emdilokan, who has been able to suppress the other three elemental gods for countless years, is indeed powerful. I am afraid that they have been psychologically shadowed in countless confrontations.

Obviously, this is also the reason why they didn't work hard, and they obviously hated Emdiloken to death, but they were unwilling to go to the front line and fight with each other desperately.

In fact, their fear is not considered a mistake. The success of killing Umdi Loken, apart from the fact that it was weakened to the weakest state by accident, the biggest hero is not the "disaster freezing air" of the shadow of the evil , but as the "winter permafrost" of the ** world.

Of course, the Lord of the Earth Elemental Plane cannot be killed, but when he has been isolated to another world and cannot absorb even a trace of the Earth Element, it is more miserable than when he is on the main plane. His elemental throne has been destroyed, so it is possible to keep him in the "winter frozen soil" forever.

Roland was definitely not the only one who noticed Emdil Loken's fake death, but he was probably the only one who made up his mind to kill him and exhausted his energy to prepare the lore trap.

"How did Umdi Loken die! How could he die? Isn't he immortal in this plane?"

But the facts are in front of them, they can't help but believe it or not,

But after the brief ecstasy when the old enemy fell, what the two elemental gods and earth elemental lords felt from the bottom of their hearts was the deepest fear.

"He can kill even Emdilokon, if we are in a hostile position..."

In a sense, there is nothing wrong with this fear. It was originally an alliance of interests aimed at a common enemy. When the common enemy fell, the covenant relationship would naturally be dissolved, and the original relationship between the two parties was extremely delicate. Cam Dillan and everyone still have a comrade-in-arms friendship, and Ayiros had a hostile relationship with unpleasant experiences in Oran. Before the two sides were together, they pretended to be confused, but they didn't turn their faces.

But at this time, the reactions of the two elemental gods were obviously contrary to expectations. Camdillian's face was full of prudence, and anxiety inevitably appeared on his pensive face, while Ailos, after a short hesitation, Cheerful.

Renee saw this in her eyes, but she didn't express it on the surface, but she knew it in her heart.

"Camdir'an has an army of elements and wingmen, maybe he has some ambitions for the Northland. It's not sure what he has arranged, but Ailos probably thinks that we are strong enough to resurrect her husband Have more confidence. It seems that Brother Roland is right. The Lord of Storms is an ambitious man with luck. Ambition is much greater than strength. Although once a plan is made, it will probably fail. But we still need to be more prepared, but it is in our hands There are hostages, and Ayiros can win them."

With a sweet smile on his face, but secretly planning in his heart. A certain princess has been with the two black princes for too long, and it seems that she is destined to become darker and darker......

Suddenly, a slight earthquake interrupted their silence, and a huge sandworm crawled out from the ground. Before being attacked, it spit out a half-dragon man covered in green slime. With a lot of messy things...

Well. The picture is so beautiful, in order to avoid blinding the dog's eyes and the appetite for dinner, it is better to put a mosaic on it and fast forward directly.

"Ahem." Someone just landed on the ground. Then he suddenly spit out a piece of disgusting stuff... Keke, let's continue to put on mosaics, and put on the face of this moving filth as well.

"Sorrowful Wind Arrow, it seems that your new gameplay has improved again. Give us a reason to destroy you inhumanely."

People with malicious intentions surrounded him, but Beifeng raised his head.

"What nonsense, I am the hero this time, even Lord Roland is very grateful to me, if I hadn't destroyed the Throne of Elements, I don't know who won and who won!"

Hearing this, the faces of the people on the main plane eased up a bit, and the two masters of elements also showed a look of enlightenment, but...

"What are you going to do!"

Well, in a sense, after the earth elemental lords who regretted the destruction of the elemental throne shouted that I destroyed the elemental throne, the boy Beifeng's taunting skills have probably been practiced to the point of pulling monsters with his face.

Fortunately, there were not many elemental lords present, and he didn't have the confidence to turn against the strong here, but at the same time, Camdir'an's face turned into a liver color, and the earth elemental lord saw his eyes full of Hatred and daring to speak out, no matter how stupid he is, he knows that he has been cheated, but the situation is not stronger than the other party, and he dare not turn his face like the earth elemental lord.

The lords of the elements looked at Camdil'an with unfriendly eyes. Since they can't clean up the mastermind behind the scenes, and dare not settle accounts with the Lord of Storms, then, let's clean up the direct murderer in front of him to relieve his anger.


Before the elemental lords planned to have a "heart-to-heart talk" with Beifeng, Renee suddenly made a sound and stopped everyone.

"His Royal Highness Renee, you are really a good person. I apologize for misunderstanding you before. I promise that the bastards under my command will stop spreading rumors about you and Lord Roland."

A certain person probably played too much just now, drank too much neurotoxin, and his head was not clear enough, so he exploded continuously.

"Well, it's actually okay to continue spreading the word. No, it should be said that it's good to spread more. It'll be fine if everyone agrees... Cough, it's just a joke, please don't take it seriously except Beifeng."

This time it was the turn of a certain princess to lose her integrity, but Roland was not here, and obviously no one could teach her a lesson and punish her.

Clearing her throat, she asked the current point.

"Ahem, I just want to ask, why didn't brother Roland come out, is he okay?"

"He said that there is still something to do. By the way, he needs to practice in this plane for a while. He wants us to leave him alone and go back first."

Glancing at the palace that had gradually collapsed, Renee nodded. From another way of perception, she knew that nothing would happen to Roland, and there was a reason to leave now, so she just backed away.

"Everyone please feel free. In our place, beating Beifeng is a daily behavior for three meals a day. His skin is very thick, so don't worry about being beaten to death."

Well, someone was immediately dumbfounded, and then directly squatted down with his head in his arms.

"Don't slap your face, I will return my lover later!"

Well, let's not ask him how he found his lover on the earth elemental plane, nor complain about what kind of existence he would like. At least for now, this favorite "eating, sleeping, and sad wind" is staged again .


In fact, when the coalition forces from the outside began to fall apart as expected, I did have some troublesome things to deal with, and it seemed impossible to go back in a short time.

Constructing a more complete "Winter Frozen Earth" requires extremely high-quality earth elemental fetishes. Originally, Umdirloken was indeed a very good choice, but at this time, I have a better choice.

"Is this the Throne of Elements?"

The white crystal seems unpretentious, but the surrounding is subtle and the magic power fluctuates, and he has been turned into pieces.

"It should be said to be a fragment of the Throne of Earth Elements...Your Highness, your frostbite is too serious, please don't move around, this magic circle should be able to gradually recover from your injuries. But I still suggest that you continue after your injuries are healed." Fusion."

Heloise fell into a deep sleep again due to excessive energy consumption, and the task that was originally expected to be performed by him can only be handed over to the backup.

Shenyin's Storm Eagle is preparing the best healing circle. He was not used as the last insurance, but now he has become my most urgently needed attending physician and assistant.

As an archdruid, manipulating the power of nature and healing are essential tasks. With him, I can feel a little relieved.

But for his persuasion, I smiled and didn't answer. Some things really couldn't be said. Do I want to say, "Iye just sent a message, and the blocking can last for a week. If there is something to do, hurry up."

Looking at the fragments of the Elemental Throne whose magic power is rapidly fading in front of me, knowing that the newborn Elemental Throne must be drawing power, I gritted my teeth and incorporated it into the world.

"Then, let this frozen land have real land, and let my world go one step further."


Well, someone complained about the second grade, in fact, Roland has always been a second grader in the late stage, a guy who pursues saving the world in life, he must have been a second grader from the beginning to be hopeless. ()

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