The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 79 The Flower of the Law

"Don't let go of those who pass by. If you buy it in two minutes, you won't lose money. If you buy it in two minutes, you won't be fooled. As long as you give us two minutes, we will give you a new life choice! My brother, the Holy Light will take care of you."

"Anything is possible, Sister Huanxiao wholeheartedly welcomes you. Mother Earth is flickering (protecting) you!"

"Whatever you want is cheap, what you buy is affordable, don't come again when you can't miss it, the whole store will be cleared, and it will be sold at a loss! Try it first, buy it, quality assurance, ten penalties for fake ones! Bejana's golden signboard is trustworthy."

"Dangdangdang, the God of War is good, the God of War is great, if you believe in our God of War, you can cure your disease, and strengthen your body without disease, whether it is a cold or the tenth stage of tuberculosis, as long as you believe in the God of War, it is guaranteed The old man Wang in the neighboring village was seriously ill ten years ago at the age of ninety-three. He joined our God of War church and not only came back to life, but he is still in good spirits. He beat up a dozen young men just two days ago."

If you think this is the slogan of a hypermarket, you have completely misunderstood it. This is the large square in front of the Lord's Mansion of Lens City, and it is the most crowded and bustling place in the whole city. The gongs and drums are all respected priests of the true God.

"Hey, big brother, are you interested in the Church of the Goddess of Wealth? If you join now, you will get two bottles of shampoo."

"Pfft, shampoo? The Laughing Sisters over there teach cooking oil, you lack sincerity."

"...Wait, let me ask the archbishop. We should also have cooking oil reserves. Don't worry, the cooking oil is out, toilet paper and shampoo are okay. By the way, I still have two months of free communion coupons here .”

"Deal, but can you wait a little longer? I just joined the Church of the God of War, and they only let me withdraw after three months."

"Okay, join before the end of the year, and quit after the year. The annual task must be completed."

"Cut. I need to help complete the yearly task with so little. I'd better go to the Church of the Goddess of Wealth."

Well, he thought it was too little, so he turned his head and left, but judging from the dozens of bags of small gifts in his hands, how many times has he joined and withdrawn from the membership?

In the past, these respectable old gentlemen should wait for people to come to their churches to spread their beliefs and teachings of the true God, instead of being businessmen they looked down on in the past. Stop pedestrians in the square. Freebies everywhere. free promotion.

reason? Very simple, a powerful opponent came to this city, she gained unbelievable prestige at an extremely fast speed, and a large number of believers in other churches changed their beliefs. The annual task that seemed to be completed has directly become an impossible task.

Kolos, the wild elf judge!

At the mention of this name, all the respected regional officiant will itch their teeth with anger. She completely ignores the unspoken rules that everyone has agreed upon. She neither made any brochures nor prepared any gifts, nor did she just stand on the square and smile gently. , there are countless young men who take the initiative to ask, and even take the initiative to convert in order to win the beauty's smile.

then. In just half a month, the number of believers in the God of Law in this city has skyrocketed, and in this world with a true God, believers are the source of power of the True God and the cornerstone of the Church of the True God. It is an annual task that every priest must complete.

The total population of the city has not increased, and the Church of the Law has grown rapidly. Naturally, other churches have suffered. In the face of believers who have been withdrawing from the church, other churches are naturally in a hurry.

Well, there are already poor young female pastors wearing thin single clothes, handing out leaflets and gifts to passers-by while confessing, but unfortunately, as long as Koloss smiled, the situation turned around again.

The situation has developed to such a point that even the respected and respected retired old priests also took to the streets, holding thick paper bags of gifts, and started their career as salesmen.

Of course, "beauty" alone is not enough. The key is that the teachings and propositions of the God of Law are very attractive. First of all, he does not set up a church and does not need to pray for the name of God, which means that he does not need a regional church at all. Then, Naturally, there is no need for dedication and donation.

Due to the existence of reincarnation and true gods, it is not only a fact that non-believers will fall into the river Styx after death, but also a slogan for the gods of order to promote their beliefs. Therefore, humans, as people of order, generally choose a true god of order to believe in, but the church You also have to eat, so the donation of one-tenth of the total wealth has become an unspoken rule established by the churches.

But now there are some people who don’t play their cards according to the rules. He directly shouted that there will be no church and no active collection of donations. As a result, an avalanche of benefits will snowball.

First of all, a large number of businessmen have converted, and this is equivalent to two regions at the same time attracting investment from a businessman to set up a factory. One is an annual tax rate of 10%, and the other is zero land tax. When other conditions are not much different, as long as there is no brainstorm, Basically choose the latter.

Of course, other churches are also hesitant to lower the amount of donations, but this is not something that can be decided by a regional church. Moreover, if the price war is fought over costs, the other party does not even have a church, but the veritable zero cost, how can it be fought.

Secondly, Sleepless, the god of law, is a true god of order, and this female judge can actually provide basic job transfers.

Yes, basic occupations are basic occupations such as mages, priests, and paladins. With the help of the broken pages of the artifact, within half a month, the city has gained nearly a hundred justice knights, and more than a dozen judges ( Inquisitors need a high level of intelligence to work)

As Sleepless ascended to the True God, the advanced professions Justice Knight and Judge became basic professions. This does not mean that the law system has weakened, but that the entire law system has greatly strengthened.

First take up the profession of paladin and warrior, and then reach the gold rank to advance to the fair knight. This is destined to limit the number of fair knights, and the talents cultivated by other families are not as trustworthy as those cultivated by themselves from scratch.

In the past, there were not many true gods who could provide basic occupations. The most famous ones were the paladins and priests of the holy light of the Holy Church. The popularity of justice knights and judges itself shows that the legal system has unlimited potential.

So, in less than two weeks, the God of Law has become the hottest topic in the whole city, and Kolos has become a household name.

Of course, there are still some flaws in the white jade, such as this beautiful female priest (the judge is equivalent to the priest), after preaching, she always asks "Is there a magic thing that turns into a man?" Laughter is even more heartbreaking. It makes people wonder whether the sleepless God of the Law really likes cute boys, which forces this beautiful pastor to search everywhere.

"Sleepless, the God of Law, likes cute boys the most." Rumors have already spread.

"Boy, you sister, I'm straight!"

Well, when I heard this rumor, I immediately crushed the teacup in my hand and became furious.

Even though it has become a habit to get shot while lying down due to the pathetic luck value, if I become the patron saint of gays and cute boys because of this, I might as well die.

Kolos originally came to the surface to look for treasures that would lift the curse or change her gender again, but she just traveled around at will. She also underestimated her sense of responsibility as a law enforcement officer.

She applied for a missionary mission. Just left from the underground world. Along with her application, it is said that Snow Hoof received hundreds of applications for missionary missions in one afternoon. Of course, so many people left suddenly. Naturally, it will have a huge negative impact on the Supreme Court.

Xue Hoof was not approved, but he seemed honest and honest, but he was actually a black old cow when he was cut. Naturally, he didn't feel at ease. He directly said that there were only two places, and you decided for yourself.

Well, the group of hopeless old bachelors in the trial hall were beaten into a dark sky. It is said that there were more than 300 people who participated in the private gang fight, and less than 10 were able to go to work the next day. It was really tragic. ,

And in the end, a golden peak spellcaster won. A fair knight at the pinnacle of gold has naturally become Kloss's "flower protector" (traveler). I am really incomprehensible. Kloss, a legendary judge, needs your protection?

Yes. The night elf Kolos was originally a top judge converted from an archdruid. Although her personality was soft and not strong enough, she was seven hundred years old and her strength was never low.

As for her who attaches great importance to responsibility, even if she has a personal matter, she really puts missionary work as her top priority, and puts finding the treasure that can lift the curse behind. I am really grateful for her devotion to duty, but can I not ask the other party after missionary work? Whether there is a strange thing to change the boy, it is the key point to make it look like looking for sex-changing items.

"Just have fun secretly, Mr. Former Sleepless One."

Well, the stupid cat saw it, and even though it kept complaining, I was actually very happy.

After all, the divine power server that was bought after everything was not in vain, and the belief in the law is also spreading at a high speed. Of course, without setting up a church, as long as you believe in the law, you can use the power of the law, which is bringing the rapid spread of the law belief At the same time, it also caused the Sulfur Mountain Supreme Court of the part-time Law Church to lose control over the users of the basic law, and these were also what I expected.

The church of the God of Law is destined to develop in a state of disunity, which also makes other churches breathe a sigh of relief. After all, in their traditional concept, the church is the foundation of maintaining their faith.

"As long as the faith in the law can spread, it's not important for the church or anything else. If there are too many people, too many people, and too many speakers, it will start to revise the original teachings instead."

[I promise to imitate the God of Holy Light, give up myself, and incarnate the rules of the law. From then on, I am the law, and the law is me. Faith and the power of the law do not need to chant my god's name, only believe in, Enforce the rules of the law. 】This is my vow to ascend to the gods.

"I have said in my oath of God that the law itself is the insomnia, and the insomnia will also be transformed into the law itself, which is tantamount to giving up the self completely. It is impossible for the true God without the self to give the oracle. Then, the church that serves the true God will naturally It doesn't matter anymore. Since this is the case, as long as the law spreads, the divine power server of Sleepless One will eventually become as powerful as the God of Holy Light, and my next goal can be launched."

"Heh, you can be ashamed, but there are not many gold medal judges like Ke Luosi, and the progress in other places will not be so fast."

"So, if good steel is to be used on steel blades, let her go to the Alan Empire with us."

"Huh? Can you ask the Sleepless to give an oracle? She is wholeheartedly looking for the clue to undo the curse."

"Of course...not. However, I have a handwritten message written by the Sleepless One before he ascended to the gods. I guarantee that it was written by the Sleepless One himself! And, follow me, once a month for a chance to draw a lottery, it's better than this headless chicken." It’s much better to look around. At least, you don’t need to let more people think that Sleepless really likes boys!”


Last week, I worked an average of 9,000 overtime in seven days. As a result, I felt uncomfortable all over the body, had headaches and drowsiness during the day, and this also led to a recent decline in quality. I finally got better after a good night's sleep. If I'm in a good state tonight, there's another chapter. If the state is still so bad, it's only tomorrow ()

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