"Aurora Knight? Isn't that a legend?"

In the past, there was a special establishment of the Aurora Knights in the Royal Knights of the Land of Mist. They were rare fourth-tier (golden) soldiers among humans, but they should have disappeared with the fall of their homeland more than 300 years ago.

But as time went by, that legendary knight gradually became a legend that was questioned. After all, their number was never large, and they never left the icy and snowy Northland.

The advantage of human beings is that they grow rapidly, but on the other hand, due to the relatively short lifespan and heyday of relatively long-lived species, there is always a bottleneck in the average combat power of human countries.

For example, it takes seven to ten years to train a mature white wolf knight, which means that a rookie can become a qualified knight until he is seventeen or eighteen years old at the earliest, and when he is in his forties, all aspects will decline rapidly. It is impossible to exceed 20 years. The period between the ages of 28 and 35 is the peak period of a Cavaliers.

And after deducting the equipment bonus, most of the ace knights will not be able to reach the third rank in this life, so there is a saying of silver dignity. In most human kingdoms, knights who reach the silver rank can automatically obtain the lowest rank of nobility .

And those lucky ones who have successfully stepped into the golden rank can obtain the reputation of masters in all races, which has surpassed the scope of hard work, and is destined to be the patent of a few geniuses.

The God of Destiny is fair, the more a fighter relies on weapons and equipment, the harder it is to enter a higher level.

In such a comparison, human beings are far behind other races. Adult elves have no difficulty reaching the silver rank, and adult upper elves have no pressure to reach the gold rank through hard work. With excellent basic attributes and racial talents, as long as the weapons and equipment are not too far behind, there is no pressure to fight two at the same level.

But the reason why human beings overwhelmed all races to become the overlord of the continent was due to the extremely cumbersome and complicated classification of arms and excellent equipment manufacturing technology in addition to the population base. Special, elite, ace, each mature arm has its own exclusive equipment and tactics.

Relying on the addition of equipment, the arms with an average level of two (bronze) can become the main force of all countries. The Oran Empire is so strong, and its average level of three white wolf guards is indispensable.

The Misilol violent dragon gun they configured is indestructible after being infused with magic power, and the violent throwing gun that detonates at one time can withstand the full blow of low-level gold. The storm sword with flaming sprockets is a terrifying cutting machine in melee combat. With the help of these sturdy weapons and the indestructible Misilor light armor, and with the investment of the mighty Oran Empire regardless of cost, it is possible to This average third-tier ace light cavalry unit (the reason why it is light cavalry is because the equipment is overweight, and the existing fine-bred horses can no longer be equipped with heavy armor, and can only be equipped with light armor that protects vital points. And this light cavalry unit It is notoriously slower than heavy cavalry.


This is already the level of the ace guards of the super empires. Moreover, it is the result of the rapid development of alchemy technology and alloy smelting technology in the past hundred years. However, according to legend, more than three hundred years ago, in that icy and snowy country, there was a golden-rank heavy armored knight named Aurora Knight. Doubtful.

"The average gold rank and the average silver rank are very different. What kind of mounts and equipment can improve the combat power of a bronze rank warrior to a gold rank? Are they all dragon knights? There are a hundred of them like this A few knights are enough to sweep the world."

"But the other party did send over information and instructions, and also sent a set of equipment samples, and, after preliminary inspection, the complete Aurora Knight has indeed reached the fourth-order level."

Dassos opened his mouth wide, his face full of incredulity, this kind of weapon of the country is free to give away?

At the time of negotiations. That Roland did half-jokingly say that he would use the Aurora Knights to exchange for the three major third-tier arms of the Oran Empire, including the White Wolf Guards, but in fact, the existence of the Aurora Knights has always been questioned, and if they really exist, their value is indeed true. Above the three third-tier arms, everyone just took this as a joke.

Therefore, at that time, Dassos agreed without hesitation, and said that if he was really willing to change, he would also provide 1,000 sets of equipment samples for each of the three major arms.

This is just a verbal promise with a joking nature. After all, even if the Aurora Knights really existed, they should have disappeared into history. Otherwise, the Donglan Principality would not have been defeated repeatedly. The national power continued to decline.

But now that the information on the arms and equipment samples has been sent, it is still the most difficult time for me. What is the situation? Are you planning to change ways to show submission?

Dassos was overjoyed immediately and asked:

"Something? Have you tested it?"

Soon, when the samples were sent to the imperial court, Dassos's joy suddenly turned cold.

It is indeed a gorgeous and beautiful armor that is a work of art, thick and beautiful, the spiky spines are obviously not for beauty, and the cold air around makes people feel the taste of magic.

But... the equipment was melting, and it was already full of stagnant water.

"Isn't this an ice sculpture? Why is it equipment!"

"According to the information sent by the other party, the armor of the Aurora Knight is made of special ice, and we have tested it. Before the special magic power fades, the hardness of this ice armor is actually three times that of our Misilol alloy. times more, but only a quarter of the mass."

"The Aurora Knight's mount is a spirit creature called the Ice-cold Ogre. It is clearly stated in the data that they have signed a contract with Lan Zhi's bloodline and will provide a batch of larvae as Aurora every twenty years. Knight's mounts, this kind of accumulation can be accumulated, and I am afraid that they have accumulated a lot in the past three hundred years. In other words, Donglan Principality still has at least one ace knight order as its trump card."

Immediately, Dassos suddenly realized.

This is not only a show of favor, but also a display of strength. The ice armor and spirit mount of the Aurora Knight are obviously special products of the Northland. They may not be able to leave the country at all, but if they are invaded by war...

"It's no wonder that the coalition forces composed of more than ten countries suffered heavy losses. Will this ice armor and design help us?"

"Extremely helpful. Although there are many flaws, this is probably the pinnacle that human arms can achieve. As long as we can digest these theories, our White Wolf Guard will go further, and maybe a new army of at least the third level will be born."

Nodded, hesitated for a moment, and finally Dassos came to a conclusion.

"Give her information on arms other than the White Wolf Guard, promise to give her the information on the White Wolf Guard three years later, and show enough goodwill. Develop trade and trade, by the way, give those three dwarves a better treatment. Gemini The reappearance of her might lead to the rise of Donglan Principality again... By the way, by the way, ask her if she would like to have dinner with me."

Not long after, while rejecting the embarrassing invitation, he looked at the "gift" from Dassos. I smiled quite satisfied.

The Aurora Knights did exist, and they were the main force of the Royal Knights of the Land of Misty in the past, but unfortunately the altar of the contract with the Ice Ogre tribe is in the coldest north, and it is not even the territory of the Land of Misty now. The world is not an easy thing.

This ice armor is actually a Xibei product jointly made by me and the Banshee Queen. The real polar cold light heavy armor must borrow the help of the power of ice and evil. It is not so easy to melt, and in order to prevent the wearer from freezing directly into ice, it is even more necessary to sign a symbiotic contract with this extremely cold soul creature. The real Aurora Knight is indeed a powerful fourth-tier unit, but the contract must be fulfilled. To meet the requirements, you must be a powerful knight at the peak of Tier 3.

For other races, peak silver is nothing. But for human beings, this is already a mortal may not be able to reach the peak in a lifetime, and this is also the root cause that Aurora Knights have never been able to become a regular establishment. I don't care about the Wolf Guard either.

Of course, with the supply rate of 100 heads every twenty years, the Aurora Knights have never been full. But now just thinking about the fact that the contract has not been fulfilled for three hundred years, and at least 1,500 Frozen Ogres are waiting for the call of the knights in the extreme north, I can't wait to take back the lost territory directly.

As for the information provided to the Oran Empire, I don't think he can create the Aurora Knight with these things. The weapon information exchanged can improve Dong Lan's alchemy and industry, which is nearly two hundred years behind this era. This is the most important thing. of.

Moreover, since he slapped him. It is also necessary to give some sweetness. The contract is not omnipotent. It is not a good thing to stand completely opposite the Oran Empire. The most troublesome enemy is always the one with a vague position. It's easier to deal with it if you really stand in the hostile camp.

But at this time, I have no time for these trivial matters. The group of young cavaliers in front of me are full of energy, but they are obviously too pampered. They are full of complaints soon after they started training.

"Hold on to me, after finishing this final training, there will be dinner."

What was in front of him was undoubtedly a scene of human tragedy. Under the pursuit of a group of wild dogs, the young knights with their hands tied were squeezing their last strength to escape from the tiger's mouth.

On the other side, Diana is supervising Princess Renee's swordsmanship training, and each sword is quite methodical.

The Ice-cold Ogre is indeed a unique product of the extreme north, but it is a soul creature. When the knight who lived with him dies in battle, if it does not choose to return to the Snow Mountain, it will fall into a long sleep, often boarding Among the relics of that knight.

And such a relic, if you meet a knight with a compatible personality, it may awaken the sleeping soul creature and become a new Aurora knight. If the new generation of knights is related to the old knight, the possibility of success will increase greatly increased.

This is also the only way for the Aurora Knights to expand its members outside of the regular supply, and I still have a lot of such knight relics in my hand, and I didn't plan to take them out at all, but I heard from Kelly that the royal family who escorted the royal family this time Many of the knights are descendants of the previous generation of Aurora Knights, so I was moved.

"Five silver peaks, and the rest are just entering the silver and bronze peaks. It's not good at all."

Even though I am indeed lacking in combat power now, blood alone is definitely not enough to become a glorious Aurora Knight. If you want to inherit the strength and glory of your ancestors, at least let me see your ambitions, at least, prove your destiny Hard enough.

Therefore, the knights are completely unlucky these days.

Just finished the physical limit test, the expected lunch has not arrived, but a new test has already arrived.


"Sister, stop splashing water! We all have a cold, and there is no cure for a cold in summer."

But after getting my permission, Momo poured another bottle of ice water without any hesitation. Immediately, the two young men turned pale, rolled their eyes and fainted, and then someone pulled over to fan them Wake up, and then continue to throw in the ice pool.

The scene in front of me may be unbearable, so Kelly walked over quietly. whispered in my ear.

"Sitting on the tip of a knife, stepping on charcoal fire, chasing people with wild dogs, and now sweating profusely but immediately soaking in ice water, is this training method really correct? I only see these children dying, but I don't see their progress. Back then That's not how Ferdi trains."

"No matter how much you train, it's not about forcing them to exceed their limits in the end. After they die a few times, they will break through. Don't worry, I received the purest royal knight training back then,"

He nodded his head in disbelief, but just after walking a few steps back, he hurried back as if he remembered something.

"I was almost fooled by you. When you were ten years old, you became a paladin. How could you receive complete royal knight training? At most, you only taught you basic sword skills."

"Don't worry, I'm a legendary teacher who has become a demigod. My own teaching methods are definitely not worse than the traditional ones. You can rest assured. Look. You see, Renee broke through to the bronze level in my training. "

Renee's inexplicable breakthrough is indeed great news and a very convincing fact, and Kelly didn't say much.

What she didn't know was that I was also full of doubts at the moment.

"Why haven't you made a breakthrough? Didn't that boy Adam break through inexplicably? How about trying to meditate under the waterfall, comprehend the small universe, and test your perseverance with a weight heavier than your body weight? Hmm. One Come on, as long as you don’t die, you will break through one day. By the way, high-altitude bungee jumping is said to be a kind of stimulation of potential, and there is also extreme hunger training, so let’s stop them from dinner for ten days.”

One day, Annie asked about Adam. Why didn't Adam teach her by himself, but let her travel and practice alone after giving her the basic skills? At that time, Adam hesitated for a long time. Finally he replied dumbfounded.

"I really don't know how to teach you. If we use the way we used to, I think if you are not a cockroach, you probably won't survive. By the way, don't ask Uncle Bones to learn martial arts, absolutely. Also, As long as he says that word, don't hesitate, run as far as you can."

"That word?"

"Well, it's 'new idea'."

At this time, I had another wonderful inspiration.

"Yawn! Who's talking about me, by the way, little ones, I have a new idea, let's try the horse race game, you tie yourself to the horse, and then give the horse, let the horse lead What are you running for? Afraid you won’t be able to keep up? If you can’t keep up, just drag it on the ground a few times, and you should be able to catch up soon. Back then, that idiot and I used velociraptors, and the short range was much faster than war horses. , it's hard to find velociraptors here, let's use war horses to make do with it."

"I'm going to die..."

"I will definitely die!"

But it's a pity, now that Her Majesty the Princess has handed them over to the devil, no matter what, they can only follow to the end.

"By the way, I have another good idea. It is said that a tattoo on the chest will stimulate the potential. Why don't you try it?"

Some years later, as long as the first batch of Aurora Knights recalled the past years, they would inexplicably burst into tears, and whenever the word "instructor" was mentioned, they would tremble reflexively. With snacks, some people will shiver as long as they see dark elves and ice, some people will get colds for no reason as long as it is summer, and they will be cured when winter comes...

And among the strongest group of knight veterans, the most unbelievable thing is the tattoos on everyone's chest. Some tattooed a tiger, some tattooed a long-nosed elephant, and the vast majority Some of them had seven inexplicable scars.

"You are dead! I have no regrets in my life!"

It is their battle cry that makes the enemy most desperate. It is filled with self-confidence and fearlessness of life and death, making this battle cry a model for future generations of knights to emulate.

In this era of lack of entertainment, especially for ordinary people, a wandering circus came to the village, set up tents, played gongs and drums, and distributed leaflets. happy time.

But for circuses, the roads between cities and towns are often not safe. In addition to the hard work, rich businessmen and nobles think that circus performances are vulgar. When it comes to big money, it is often difficult to retain talents.

Therefore, the history of general circuses is often not long, and disbanded within three to five years. Even if they happen to be popular because of novel and interesting shows, due to the solidification of the business model, they will be in trouble in a certain future and will not be able to survive. eventually disbanded.

The Fire Dragon Circus is an old circus with a history of a hundred years, and just like other rising stars who were once extremely popular, he has also ushered in his own decline.

This time, they were invited to perform a circus at the succession ceremony. This opportunity was regarded as an opportunity to become a big circus. To be in the team, or to become a team hired by a certain noble for a long time, is to get rid of the shackles of the wandering circus and go ashore completely, but when everyone is happily planning the future, they encounter unexpected disasters inexplicably.

First, the former troupe leader and star trapeze artist Aisan Loya was inexplicably seriously injured during training, and then there were a series of training accidents, which led to the temporary suspension of business operations. But the Wing Song and Dance Troupe came to poach corners. Two of the original three big pillars were poached, and the remaining siren trainer caused big trouble for the circus.

Seeing that he couldn't even perform normally, the family circus that had been passed down for three generations was about to be disbanded, and the seriously injured Aisan Loya almost couldn't hold his breath, so he died directly. The responsibility of teaching to the immature Miluo.

But unfortunately, even though Mi Luo is working hard to maintain the family business, even though the old troupe members are working hard to perform and take the initiative to cut their salaries, the day of disbandment is still approaching irresistibly day by day.

But today, it was a very happy day. A rich man proposed to sponsor the Fire Dragon Circus. Mi Luo was so happy.

"Hello, ma'am, what is your name, and are you married? Oh, great, may I have dinner with you tonight?"

Having just walked into the large pool, Milo frowned when he heard a majestic voice.

Although Tracy the Siren is the pillar of her circus, her natural charm has also caused a lot of trouble for her circus.

"My guest, the circus is closed now, please don't pester the members... huh?"

Just getting closer, the scene in front of me is very puzzling. The beautiful siren is in a daze, and a half-dragon is chatting with the seal.

At the same time, a blond paladin walked over with a smile.

"Good day, Master Miluo, I am Luo Lan, I want to talk to you about something. This involves a large sum of gold coins, are you interested?" (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome Come to Qidian to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.) 9 ()

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