The Extraordinary Earl

Chapter 687 Law of the Earth

This is called a legendary academy, but it is actually an independent main battle magic city with a very large internal environment.

So students have single-family villas as dormitories.

The student dormitory group is in the east, and the wizard dormitory group is in the west. There are hundreds of villas in each, which are very symmetrical.

The study career of the Legendary Knight Academy lasts for twenty years. After the old students graduate, new students will be recruited. The recruitment standard is the full moon knight.

So if you want to enter this legendary knight academy, in addition to being rich and privileged, you also need a little luck.

For example, even if you have a privileged background and money, if you are only a junior knight or a child of seven or eight years old during the recruitment, you will certainly miss the admission qualification.

Luther and Miss Tina are very lucky.

By the way, although the rule of this academy is to graduate in twenty years, if you enter the legendary knight very early, you can graduate early.

If you haven't entered the legend in twenty years, congratulations, you can also graduate.

The fastest record of entering the legend in the academy is twelve years, a very awesome guy.

Luther and Miss Tina lived next to each other. After Luther entered the villa, he looked around and found nothing special. Compared with the New Pompeii Castle in Pompeii, the environment here was very simple.

But forget it, we are here to study, not to enjoy.

"Take over your own room and learn the school rules." Luther asked Alena and others to find their own room, and gave each of them a thick book, so that they could act independently.

Then Luther sat on the sofa, crossed his legs and began to read the school rules.

After reading for a while, Luther stopped reading and asked the spirit to scan it. Anyway, school rules are similar.

Then, Luther asked the spirit of the college tower for more information.

Today is the registration day, and the school will officially start in three days. There is no opening ceremony, and we will get to know the real things directly.

Five hundred students are divided into ten classes, with fifty students in each class. Because they came late, Luther and Tina were assigned to the tenth class.

These three days are the time for students to get familiar with the college.

"Familiarity." Luther shrugged, then called, "Aleena, come here."

"What's the matter, Master." Alena has occupied a room and is trying to read the school rules. This academy is really an amazing place. Don't violate the school rules and get killed.

Red dragons are all cunning, and bullying the weak is their specialty.

When she was in the Undead City Knight School, Alena was a robber, and she became cautious when she came here.

"I want to sleep, let me hold you for a while." Luther said confidently.

I have been having a hot relationship with Miss Alice. I have been holding the beauty to sleep these days. Now I am a little uncomfortable to separate suddenly, so let Alena take over.

Although this is a real red dragon, it feels exactly the same as a human after turning into a human.

"Oh oh." The master's request is heaven, not to mention this little thing. Alena nodded and got on Luther's bed very quickly and got into the quilt, as a human pillow.

Luther was very satisfied holding Alena and had a good sleep. The next day, Luther released the six dragons and left the dormitory, moving around freely.

This is a knight academy, the cradle of legendary knights.

It is also a powerful wizard association with many legendary wizards. New knowledge will be developed from here every once in a while.

This legendary academy takes twenty years to train a full moon knight to become a legend. During this time, Luther's dragons may also become legends and become legendary magic dragons.

And dragons are very powerful monsters.

Their bodies are absolutely powerful.

Maybe during this time, they will become double champions of magic and body, double legends.

If everyone becomes a high-level legend together, Luther is very confident to challenge a powerful person.


Three days later, at the reminder of the bell, Luther and Miss Tina were teleported into the class through the tower spirit. It was a very simple classroom, with a podium and magic board on the top and student seats below.

It looks similar to going to school in China, but many unnecessary links are simplified.

After Luther and Miss Tina were teleported into the classroom, a thicker magic book appeared on the desk. The name of the magic book was "Chain of Laws".

A female teacher stood on the podium. She was very beautiful and mature, but she was wearing a very simple wizard robe. She wrote her name on the magic board.


"You can call me teacher or madam. In the next three years, I will teach you the basic knowledge of laws."

"I think you already know that although each of you is a gifted and powerful Full Moon Knight, if you want to become a legend, physical strength alone is not enough. You need matching knowledge. So please be serious. I don't want you to be just a title knight after the graduation period of 20 years. It will be a shame."

Madam Daiqi's voice is very nice, a beautiful voice that can move men.

But the students did not come here to hunt for beauty, and they listened very seriously. At this time, a student raised his hand and asked, "Teacher Daiqi, I understand the importance of knowledge. But we have different attributes and need to intercept different numbers of chains of laws. But we have to learn the knowledge of seven chains of laws together. Isn't this a waste of time?"

This is well known.

Only Earth Knights need to learn the Chains of Seven Laws, while Water Knights are relatively rare.

This student is obviously not of earth nature.

"Although other knights cannot intercept the seven chains of laws due to their attributes, the chains of laws are not only defense, but also represent offense. Wouldn't it be good to learn the enemy's attack methods and the way in which fighting spirit explodes? Something?"

“To defeat your enemy, you must understand your enemy.”

Teacher Dai Qi said calmly.

Simple and easy to understand, the student stopped talking.

"Okay, let's turn to the first page of the book and let's first understand the laws of the earth."

"As we all know, the element of the earth is a force that other attribute knights are not immune to. After becoming a full moon knight, the chain of the laws of the earth is the only chain of laws that you cannot intercept. But the law of the earth still exists, and the elements of the earth knight The heart is the physical object of the laws of the earth. The elemental heart continuously obtains the power of the earth and provides it to the earth knights. "

"The fighting spirit of the earth embodied by the law of the earth is excellent in both attack and defense. The earth knight is known as the strongest knight."

"The Law of the Earth is very unique. If you want to defeat the Earth Knight, you must understand the Law of the Earth."

Teacher Dai Qi spoke eloquently.

Luther curled his lips after hearing this. He didn't expect that the first lesson would be to learn how to defeat the Earth Knight. But Luther soon immersed himself in a sea of ​​knowledge.

Because the Law of the Earth explained by Teacher Dai Qi is really, really wonderful. Let Luther have a sudden enlightenment.

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