The Extraordinary Exploration Of Global Live Broadcast

Chapter 391: The King of the Secret Realm!

"Speaking of one thing, you can become a scientist if you dare!" Jiang Ying laughed.

"Not to mention, on the subject of the Secret Realm, in this world, I am definitely a pioneer and an authority!"

Wang Dali coaxed to stand up, breaking his fingers and counting one by one: "This baby is not bragging. I have already experienced the two super secret realms of Death Island and Attis. In these two secret realms, The sun stone, the mysterious stone, and the soul stone are rich in reserves,

Yan is very vigorous, and there are even more extraordinary lives! "

"Now, I have come to the Time Desert again, which is also a super secret place. The reserves of sun stones must be abundant here. In Doria, we have seen many sun stones!" Wang Dali said.

"Yes, I saw it, it's in the snake-haired girl's lair!" Gerry said quickly.

"Brother Dali is awesome--"

"Brother Dali’s experience can already be written in several adventure novels--"

"Those memories are full of Dali's adventures--"

"It's really not easy, Brother Dali is the spiritual pillar of this baby——"

"Brother Dali let me know what is true bravery and what is true adventure—"

"Brother Dali made me resolve to be a great explorer—"

"Mystery? Brother Dali is so good, he seems to make a lot of sense--"

"Brother Dali is still reliable, much better than the so-called brick family called Beast——"

"That's it. Scientists can't study the reason. It's still Dali's practice to find true knowledge and support Dali——"

The audience supported and praised Wang Dali's mystery theory!

"Hehe, if you see it a lot, you know it a lot, not to mention that I have done research on the sun stone too!"

Wang Dali looked serious, coughed, and solemnly said, "My babies, I am going to tell you a great secret now very solemnly. The secret is: whether it is a sun stone, a soul stone, or a mysterious stone, In fact, they are all artificially synthesized!



"Brother 66666 broke the news--"

"Cool, it's definitely the big news of the century. Now the sun stone that is so expensive on the black market is artificially synthesized--"

"Wow, wow, absolutely headlines, explosive news—"

"Brother Dali, is there anything more powerful--"

The audience was excited as if being beaten up.

"How do you know?" Jiang Ying was surprised.

"Of course I know, because I am the heir of the solar civilization, I have gained a lot of knowledge to pass on, so I know that these stones are all synthesized by the creators of the solar civilization!" Wang Dali spread his hands.

"Isn't this the energy block in Transformers?" Geri was stunned.

"Haha, it's almost the same thing!" Wang Dali laughed loudly, "So, as the successor of the sun civilization, I still have a little say in the role of the sun stone!"

"Just what you can!"

"That is, it's not that I am boastful, but I am very knowledgeable!"

Wang Dali chuckled, "I still have a lot of research on the quantum effect of sun stones, although it is not deep enough, but for now, I am definitely the most authoritative in the world and the first person to study this subject! You guys, babies, I have walked through so many secrets

, I will be the king of the mystery! "

"Can you really let us go home through Stonehenge?" Beautiful Jiang said.

"Believe me, when I take a trip to Doria again, I will remove those curses, and then I will build a directional stonehenge in Doria, only the one that communicates with Kyrgyzstan, and the two stone formations can be free. But the consumption of Sun Stone will be very small. This

In this way, a large amount of materials can be transmitted at one time, and the desert of time will soon become richer! "

"You can build Stonehenge?" Princess Shane was taken aback. In the Desert of Time, no one would build Stonehenge anymore.

"Of course, the key to building Stonehenge is the underground, not the boulders on the ground. You don't need to understand this mystery!"

Wang Dali chuckled.

"I will fully support you!" Princess Shane (now a pharaoh) said.

"Thank your majesty!"

Wang Dali told the story of Doria’s construction of the small town, and Princess Shane immediately called the elders and ordered to cooperate with Wang Dali.

The next day, Wang Dali left Shan City and headed to Doria.

The last time it was to kill monsters, this time, he went to Dorya as his master. Wang Dali was going to make a quick trip across Dorya to eliminate all curses.

Wang Dali didn't know yet, what he said the first night had already aroused endless repercussions in the civilized world.

"The mystery is solved, Dali brother first mentions the concept of the secret world"

"Another Amazing Discovery of This Century: Sunstone Quantum Effect"

"Brother Dali threatened: I will be the King of the Secret Realm"

"Dali brother speaks surprisingly: artificial synthesis of the solar stone system"

"Great Brother Will Build Oriented Stonehenge"

"We will hope to travel to the desert of time"

One by one, the headlines on the front page were shocking people's attention, and the TV media, newspapers, and portal websites were all flooded with these amazing news.

People are not surprised. Now, in the whole world, the live broadcast of Wang Dali is the most concerned, which is the mysterious places that Wang Dali has discovered.

Such as the island of death, Attis and the desert of time.

The international search and rescue teams and scientists from various countries have long gone mad. They looked for these mysterious areas like chicken blood one by one, but the results were disappointing.

Can't find, can't find or can't find! !

Helicopters, satellites, omni-directional searches, and all available scientific and technological means were used, and even the Hummer and ships were used for carpet search, but nothing was found.

It seems that these mysterious places do not exist in this world level, but in the gaps of space, but this is impossible, this is not scientific, and there is no theoretical basis!

The scientists and the authorities of various countries were so anxious that their hair became gray, because not all the missing survivors were recovered. People have reason to believe that there must be survivors like Gli who are surviving in a certain place in the world.

From the success of search and rescue, Wang Dali has made great contributions. He saved countless people alone. He is a well-deserved hero!

When it comes to saving people, Wang Dali deserves the gratitude of everyone in the world. He saved countless lives, saved the entertainment industry, saved the film industry, saved the dreams of countless people all over the world, and saved them from despair.

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