In the yellow sand, Adele turned around, and Wang Dali simply stopped.

"Is it clear, it has been a whole day!" Wang Dali sighed and looked up at the sunset, only to feel desolate.

"No, right? It's obviously here, but why isn't there?"

Adele is going crazy. There are more than a dozen huge sand dunes here, and each one has to walk for a long time. After a day, the two of them will turn around here, but they can't find the so-called resting place.

"Take the Book of Origins!" Wang Dali frowned.

"Look, it's definitely near here, and I definitely can't take the wrong path!" Adele threw the sheepskin roll over, with a look of unconvinced.

Wang Dali watched carefully and nodded.

"Yes, the mark above is in this large area of ​​sand dunes, but this group of sand dunes is very vast. We estimate that after looking for ten days and ten nights, we may not be able to find the right place!"

"You mean, this is a dune maze?" Adele frowned.

"Well, I just observed it silently, and found that the sand dunes here are all infinitely looping, with one ring interlocking with each other. No matter where we go, the dune ridges we see are almost the same. This will give us An illusion, we have been walking the same way,

In fact, we have been wandering around the periphery of this place! "

Wang Dali drew countless Arabic numerals 8 on the sand, and then said it to Adele in detail.

"Damn it, this is a huge blindfold, we have been deceived!"

Adele became angry, but felt helpless again.

If ordinary people pass by, they will certainly not understand the mystery, either dying here or walking out of the circle, far away from the resting place.

"What should I do then?" Adele was so irritated that she couldn't help it with her IQ.


"Waiting for what?"

"At night, we can watch the starry sky and distinguish the position by the stars. Of course, I can still look at the breath, but this breath sight technique is not very useful during the day. It must be dark at night to see the farther breath. !"

"Wang Qi, what the hell is that?"

"Haha, to put it bluntly, it is to watch the magnetic light. Visible and invisible magnetolight, through the look of Qi, I can observe some. Since the resting place has many treasures, the magnetic light must be extraordinary!"

Wang Dali turned his head and said to the camera: "Dear babies, you don’t know how good my eyes are. I can see all kinds of magnetic field light. Ordinary people can only see light waves in the visible light range. That’s just a very narrow part of the spectrum, but I

Can see a wider range of pops, if this is placed in the ancient East Moon Kingdom, this is the legendary look of Qi, it is very wonderful! "

"Fuck, Brother Dali broke the news again—"

"Unexpectedly, with the emperor's look-at-qi technique, Brother Dali exploded--"

"Eagle's eyes can't be compared with the eyes of Brother Dali——"

"Brother Dali, can your vision reach 4, this baby's vision of 500 degrees 0.1 is simply abused by you into a dog——"

"Brother Dali, you can become a feng shui master. Sincerely, Wang Qi technique is definitely the most powerful technique of contempt. Whether it is fighting for gold or looking for a dragon, no one can compare to it. ——"

"Haha, Brother Dali turned around gorgeously, and instantly turned into a magic stick——"

"Brother Niu Biao Dali, he has begun to transform into Bump Man again——"

"Brother Dali has successfully become a peerless master——"

"I can use my self-made special spectrometer to be comparable to Dali brother's Wang Qi technique——"

The audience complained about Wang Dali's eyes, Wang Dali's eyes are really awesome.

Where does Adele know what magnetic field light is? She is completely illiterate in the civilized world. She doesn't understand physics and chemistry at all. However, this does not mean that her IQ is low, nor does it mean that she cannot understand.

"You're talking about Baoguang, right?"

"Yes, it's Baoguang!" Wang Dali nodded.

"Okay, then let's wait!"

Adele simply sat down, took the water bag, and took a sip of water.

"Horses can't stay here, I have a hunch, there is danger here!" Wang Dali glanced at the three unicorns and asked them to carry themselves in the vast desert. This is hard work.

Fortunately, there are still plenty of water sources in the desert of time. If you go back a hundred miles, there will be an oasis. If you go up the river, you will be able to return to Doria.

"Go, go back to Doria!"

Wang Dali patted the body of the unicorn. The unicorn and the desert horse made a cry to the sky, rushed to the distance, and disappeared into the yellow sand after a while.

"Continue to teach me Dongyue Kingdom Dragon Fist!" Adele said.


The two of them taught and learned, night fell, and the stars in the sky were very bright. Adele had already learned all Dongyue Kingdom Dragon Boxing, and they had already completely opened up the Dragon Boxing, and the coordination and control of the body rose greatly.

"How about your spear technique, how about teaching me?" Adele tasted the sweetness and begged again and again.

"Waiting to explore-find a place to rest, I will teach you!" Wang Dali waved his hand, walked to the top of the sand dune, looked up, and saw that under the moonlight, a bright light burst into the sky, faintly corresponding to the stars in the sky, attracting radiation in the universe It has a wonderful radiation effect with the rising light of the earth.

"Okay, I know where the resting place is, follow me, don't care about the terrain, let's climb over the sand dunes and look for it directly—"

Wang Dali sprinted down the sand dunes. The Eye of True Knowing was different. It was born for treasure hunting.

Adele followed closely and noticed that Wang Dali walked this way for a while, and then deflected that way. It seemed that he was not walking in a straight line, but in a curved curve.

In fact, Wang Dali is walking in the same direction, but the existence of sand dunes makes Wang Dali look crooked.

The two ran for a long time, and at ten midnight, the two climbed up the pass between two huge sand dunes, and proceeded along the pass until the end of the pass. Suddenly, a broad valley appeared in front of them.

When Wang Dali looked at it, he breathed in surprise.

Adele was also stunned by the sight in front of him, covering his mouth with his hands, trying to prevent himself from screaming.

Before the live video, hundreds of millions of viewers around the world were stunned for an instant!

I saw a large stretch of unparalleled super golden pagodas in the valley in the distance.

These golden pagodas, row upon row, seem to stretch over a large area, densely distributed, no fewer than 700 or 800, most of the golden pagodas are comparable to the three most famous golden pagodas in the Giza group.

There are even some of the tallest golden pagodas, which are several times as high as the Hufujin Pagoda, which is like a huge miracle towering in the sky, making people dazzling.

"Sure enough, this is rest, this is really the resting place that the pharaohs yearn for!" Adele shuddered in surprise.

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