The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1001: Take turns to blame?

Seeing the army of snake-men retreating, Sheen's pupil of the snake flashed! He was very clear that Bai Xiaowen had shown the commander-in-chief skills for his allies. Such skills had time constraints, and it was not a fear.

"You have to face the great Lord Sheen alone! Human prophet, your recklessness will put you to death!"

Sheen's tail flew, and her huge body rushed towards Bai Xiaowen!

Bai Xiaowen couldn't step back.

He managed to make use of the buff skills to free the battlefield for this duel. If you retreat, you will only run into the crowd again, allowing Sean to use his strengths.

Only in the duel field of several hundred meters square, and Sheen faced hard just now!

Bai Xiaowen jumped from the wide back of the angry claws, and the angry claws swooped up.

Two huge bodies collided in the air.

There was a loud muffle.

It was the cruel Lord Shine who was knocked back!

Although he is an agile leader, the strength of the angry claws has been over 70 points with the help of well-trained stacks and the heart of the awakened oak tree. Under the influence of Qiao Rui's soul rhythm, Sheen's original strength of 77 points was weakened by 25, leaving only less than 60 points!

Sheen's figure in the human figure is quite large and huge, but it is still a circle smaller than the angry claws.

Under all kinds of factors, the collision between the two ends naturally with Sheen's retrogression. A weak strength is a weak strength, no matter whether he is a lord or a king, or even a creature of divine origin, it will not change.

Sheen snarled, and the snake's body stood quickly, and the axe waved down at the angry claws.

When 啷!

The claws of the angry claws and the huge axe hit, both of them were physically shocking, but the angry claws obviously took the upper hand. After a short setback, they jumped to Sheen's side with an amazing agility and pulled out a claw against the waist and eyes. .

Sheen snorted, but she didn't avoid it! An angry claw shot up, but it hit Sheen's heavy armor. Not only did it not cause much damage, but it also suffered dozens of thorn damage backwash!

Bai Xiaowen really felt the embarrassment of the flesh shield lord. How can I fight in close combat? The output damage is not as much rebounded as the opponent, and if the competition consumes, the blood claws of the angry claws are not even a quarter of Sheen.

Not to mention the contrast of armor magic resistance. To say that Sheen's double resistance is very high, just like copper cast iron casting, then the angry claws are paper double resistance.

The angry claws hit Sheen 10 times, and Sheen didn't hurt. As long as Sheen hits the angry claws, she can be angry enough.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaowen would not let the angry claws single out this flesh shield lord. He waved Mara's wand of wisdom, beam after beam, and shot out very quickly-

As long as the angry claws are responsible for holding Shine, he is not allowed to approach Bai Xiaowen. Bai Xiaowen is the main force of the output!

Of course, Sean doesn't want to entangle too much with Angry Claw, but no matter which direction he conflicts, Angry Claw will rely on a higher level of agility to stop in front of his necessary road, and then it will muffle the impact again and again ...

However, with the battle with Sheen, the number of layers of cruelty on the angry claws continued to stack up, and soon it reached 5 layers!

Sheen growled--the original irritable action, due to Bai Xiaowen's aura of intelligence, was forced to extend to one second, and became a bit constipated--but in any case, he actively activated the special effect of the cruel aura, and successfully launched .

Seeing such obvious movements, of course, the angry claws jumped away at the start, stunned for more than ten meters, fell into a coma for up to 25 seconds, and the layers of cruelty on his body were emptied.

Sheen stunned her angry claws, and didn't stop, the stupid snake tail slammed hard and rammed toward Bai Xiaowen again.


There was a muffled sound, and another behemoth was blocked on Sheen's impact path!

After the muffled sound, the huge body image rolled back several times like a ball, but Sheen's body was also blocked.

"What other guy?" Sheen looked intently.

A giant corpse monster standing three or four meters tall with thick lines under his body and smelling like odors, was stuck in front of him.

This corpse monster is a little different from ordinary corpses. Just the one carrying the scepter of a fierce snake, but the other hand has a stubby finger digging the nostrils, that is, the average corpse monster absolutely does Not coming out.

"Lord Butcher, introduce to you ... my summoned creature is called Butcher."

Bai Xiaowen kept waving "light of wisdom" spells in his hand, and said in his mouth, "In my opinion, it is more qualified than you for this nickname."


Sheen snorted. He had already noticed the butcher's strength, but it was a rare elite template that could block himself.

However, the next shock was unambiguously blocked by the butcher.

The butcher's strength at this time, counting the Venom Fist set, has reached 47 points. Compared to Lord Sheehan, who is weak on the 5th floor of the soul rhythm, it is still about ten o'clock ~ ~ but this is no longer a huge gap.

As a monster of the undead species, the butcher's body size is two times larger than that of the humanoid Sheen. The advantage of the large body allows it to ignore the gap of ten power values ​​when it collides ...

Sheen's tail fluttered and he was going to bypass the butcher-this corpse monster would not be as agile as the giant wolf just now!

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

The butcher's body suddenly burst into a large group of purple-black mist, and Sheen felt as if he had fallen into the mud.

As a lord, his toughness reduction is not low, but the butcher ’s rotting toxin is always effective. As long as the butcher does not turn off the decay, the deceleration field will always exist and function, regardless of toughness.

Sheen attempts to attack the butcher.

Unlike the furry dodge of the angry claws, the butcher is completely rigid and thick. However, the butcher has the capital to do so, and its Fangs of the Fangs priest suit has reduced Sheen's damage to himself by nearly half, coupled with good armor and magic resistance, further reducing the damage.

The only drawback is that there are no enemy creeps around, and the butcher's slaughterhouse cannot be passively used to quickly return blood.

The butcher's more than one thousand points of health can still carry it for a long time, not to mention that Bai Xiaowen's life is shared? Bai Xiaowen can continuously restore the common blood line of the two through the blood-sucking ability of the blood stone, and play a certain endurance role.

Of course, as the layers of brutality stack up, Sheen's attack on the butcher is getting more and more painful, and the recovery will not keep up with the loss.

Therefore, when the butcher's health was reduced to about half a blood, Bai Xiaowen replaced it in order to avoid being killed. Herod hissed, and the death knight had waved his gun up.

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