The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1006: Holy Gathering

"Sir Prophet, do you want to help?"

Snake mother Jiagelila came to Bai Xiaowen with a smile, showing a charming smile.

Watching Cheng being entangled by the butcher, the angry claws, and the death knight in turns, he could only be slowly worn away by the cruel Lord Shien. Bai Xiaowen noticed that only one third of the other's blood was left.

After spending so much effort, of course, Bai Xiaowen must try his best to improve his contribution to the battle, and the lord will not return assistance, which gives Bai Xiaowen more time to operate Sheen. He said softly, "No need, Ms. Gagrella, I can help you."

"Okay, but I would like to remind the Prophet that although the Lord will not return, we should not stay here for too long," said Snake Mother. "I honestly doubt the capabilities of the mainland coalition forces. I am afraid they are very It is difficult to stop the lord. If the lord succeeds, more than half of the dwarven kingdom will become a vast ocean, and most of the elite forces of the coalition will be submerged in the sea. "

Bai Xiaowen nodded, the mother snake really made sense.

The Snake Mother ’s contempt for the mainland coalition is reasonable. Think about it before the Xiaowen Bai ’s arrival. In the face of the invasion of the Snake-Man, there is no good response at all.

At this point, Sheen's heavy armor had many cracks, and the extra armor value was exhausted. But as the Constitution Lord, 132 points of physical armor and magic resistance are still as solid as rocks.

With this level of defense, it is simply impossible to use one or two grassroots ancient martial arts big tricks. There is only one word, grinding.

Since the beginning of the battle, Bai Xiaowen has been grinding the bloodline of Xi'an. Until now, it has finally been ground to less than a third, and he has seen a glimmer of dawn.

However, the face came so fast. After the blood line was reduced to one-third of the residual blood state, Sheen roared suddenly, his muscles swelled, and a thick red blood mist shrouded over his body. In this layer of blood mist, Sheen's health was quickly restored.

35, 45, 60

Soon, Sheen's health was restored to 90 layers of blood mist before slowly dissipating.

The Spirit Rule Rule prompts: "Special Skill of Cruel Lord Shien: Blood Thirst Starts. Based on your talent: Insight, you have the corresponding intelligence."

Special Skill: Blood Hunger: While Hein deals damage to the enemy, he accumulates blood for himself. When the blood gas value reaches 100, Sheen can release all stored blood gas values ​​at once, recovering up to 60 health for himself.

After many years of hard work, he once returned to liberation. Bai Xiaowen was stunned.

"It's too skinny, right?"

It seems that using blood-sharp tactics, there is no way to kill Sheen.

As a physique-like lord, Sheen does not have the violent explosive power of the power lord, nor the ghost speed and continuous output of the agile lord. Solution for survivability.

Premise, singled out words.

Fortunately, this is not a fair heads-up.

The snake mother led her to chase and flee the enemy, and the four members of the White Phoenix team assembled and began besieging Sheen.

While outputting damage, also pay attention to not allow Sheen to deal too much damage. According to the special technical data collected passively from insight, the higher the damage Heen deals, the faster the blood gas accumulation. Wait until the blood gas value reaches 100 points, and then quickly recover 60 health.

Fortunately, the White Phoenix team has a thorough understanding of Sean's skills, and in response to the heart, it is not difficult to prevent Sean from returning blood.

After adding Li Shuyi and Cecilia's two outputs, Sheen's health drops much faster than before.

80, 70, 50


Li Shuyi's sword penetrated Sheen's heart, taking away his last remaining ten health points. Due to the heart avoidance of the four members of the White Phoenix team, Sheen failed to replenish 100 points of vitality until death, and did not find an effective target to cast the "battering and killing" skill to return blood.

"I don't want to die"

With a loud noise, Sheen fell down with a heavy unwillingness.

A dark golden chest emerged from the steel above his body.

At the same time, out of the steel, there was a huge axe with a savage shape, flashing a weak **** light.

"Huh? Is this the sacred artifact?" Li Shuyi asked curiously.

On the contrary, Bai Xiaowen was a little disappointed. Tzu said, "I originally thought that the meat axe would burst out in Sheen's treasure chest in the form of a" special item that must be dropped. " "Face to the world" thought that this was the way that even the treasure chest was not entered. "

"The use of spiritual rules will not allow us to take away the sacred artifact."

Qiao Rui said calmly, "Looking at the captain's approval of the sacred weapon, his strength has soared a big set, and you will know the abnormality of the sacred tool."

"Well, right."

Bai Xiaowen sighed, put the treasure chest into the storage space, and picked up the meat axe.

"In this way, the Seven Sacred Instruments are finally collected. According to the inscription on the temple, as long as the Seven Sacred Instruments recognize the Lord, they can defeat Amotava but just do n’t know if they can hold the Amotava. The prince of the mysterious consciousness works. "

Bai Xiaowen then commanded the Freedom Army to completely destroy this subsea base, especially the production unit of the magic crystal cannon.

After destroying the magic crystal cannon production device, Bai Xiaowen was slightly relieved.

Now that the source of the magic crystal cannon is destroyed, all three magic artisans have become guests in the Black Soul Stone, so one step of the scavenger task has been basically completed.

The undestructed magic crystal cannon is divided into two parts ~ ~ A small part is mounted on the ghost ship of the Free Legion controlled by Bai Xiaowen, and it can be destroyed only after the war is over; most of the snakes led by the lord On the main force fleet, you need to defeat the lord and capture the enemy ships before destroying them.

The snake mother Gagrila looked at the submarine base turned into ruins, and felt a little. She looked at Sheen's body on the ground and said, "Sheen was once a well-known bounty hunter in the kingdom of Camelot. He took the initiative to take refuge in the Grand Prince, for reasons you may not guess"

"I can guess some."

Bai Xiaowen pondered for 01 seconds, "Is it related to this holy weapon?" Then, he raised the anger of Akali, the meat-cutting axe in Yang's hand.

"That's right. Sheeun couldn't get the approval of the Holy Artifact. He was unwilling, so he turned to the lord, and prayed that the lord would give him powerful power. ☆ In the end, he also achieved the goal." Gagliela said.

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