The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1008: Cruel whip

This only chance was given to Li Shuyi, and Li Limei lived up to expectations and got a piece of gold.


Cruel Whip: C-level gold item. Deals a life body with a minimum of 20 real damage based on the current health value of 10), gains a buff, increases attack power by 100, and gains 100 healing effects for all physical damage caused. During the duration of this effect, the target's physical energy will be doubled until the target loses its ability to move due to demobilization or the user plugs the effect. Use 33 times, get 1 charge every 7 natural days.

This golden prop is the shape of Xiao Whip, which looks quite shameful. However, considering its powerful effect and recyclable characteristics, it is still worthy of the level of c-level gold props.

Compared with Bai Huangxing's other c-level gold item, the call of the north, the effect of the cruel whip is not as scary as the summoning of the lord, and the use effect is weaker.

However, the call of the Northland prop is based on the special relationship between Bai Xiaowen and the black rider Goliath. With this major premise, it has lost its comparability. In addition, it is only used once. After using it, you have to return to Northrend Island and help Galia once again to recharge. It is very troublesome and can only be used as a strategic weapon.

The total number of layers of the Whip of Wrath 3 times, and one layer of unconditional recharge in 7 days are too close to the people, plus solid special effects, which can be used as conventional weapons.

To be honest, the value of this gold prop is no less than a piece of dark gold equipment.

In addition, a special item that did not count in the loot list was dropped in Shin's chest.

Broken Compass: Special Item. This broken compass has a breath of the sea. Please find a professional who is proficient in forging for more information.

Bai Xiaowen squinted his eyes, and the professionals who are proficient in forging are undoubtedly the dwarf kingdom in the Kuroshio plane. Han Xu Daoxing is too shallow to consider, his teacher seems to be good.

"Since it is related to forging, is this thing a piece of equipment? Dark gold equipment?" Li Shuyi looked forward slightly.

"Well, it's possible. Don't think too much, just take a break."

The fleet returned to Yinguanghan without any surprises. Leaving Captain Julian to lead the Free Army to watch the ship, Bai Xiaowen and the White Phoenix team, along with the mother of snakes, rushed to the headquarters of the Moya pit.

A group of leader-level powerhouses, flying fast. However, after passing through the defense zone of the coalition forces, I saw that the snake mother was very different from the ordinary person's body. There were sentry posts to ask questions, which took some time.

Of course, these posts were released unconditionally after Bai Xiaowen's identity.

It didn't take long for Bai Xiaowen and his team to arrive at the headquarters.

"You finally came back safely. To be honest, I'm worried about you."

At the map table, Yahan looked a little dignified. When he saw the snake mother Gagrila behind Bai Xiaowen, instead of making a fuss like ordinary people, he calmly said, "Dior, don't you tell me about this lady?"

"Well, I am about to introduce you."

Bai Xiaowen said in the middle: "This is one of the three lords of the abyss camp-and the only lord remaining, the lord of the quagmire snake tribe, Ms. Gagella, known as the mother of snakes.

"Hmm, I've seen her!" An orc general sighed angrily. "Just appeared on the Gagour Plateau with that **** serpent-man scholar."

She snaked her face and said with a smile, "I also see you very well, isn't it one of the people I petrified?"

"You wicked banshee, so arrogant!"

"Calm down." Bai Xiaowen raised his hand, and the orc-general could only give face and sit down with a sigh of anger.

"Wait a minute, Dior, you just said that she is the only lord remaining in the Serpent-man camp ?!" Yahan grabbed the point, "You mean"

"Well, this raid on the submarine snake man's production base was fruitful. The cruel lord Sheehan has been assassinated," Bai Xiaowen nodded, throwing out another good news, "In addition, all the magic artisans of the snake man base are also They were killed and their production facilities destroyed. At least do n’t worry about the number of snake crystal cannons continuing to grow. Of course, there are many of them now, so be careful. "

"You destroyed the snake-man's production base?" Panga Greybeard opened his eyes. "Did you not meet the Grand Lord?"

"Uh? Did n’t the lord attack the ground corridor from another route," Bai Xiaowen said, "The snake mother is responsible for the attack. The lord took a large number of fleets and took the boardwalk in the gold tooth mining area to enter the ground vein corridor. He was not intercepted. ? "

The leaders in the room were screaming aggressively.

Yahan said: "Several other lords and I led heavy soldiers to personally wait in the Golden Tooth Mine, but they never waited for the Lord. The reconnaissance teams did not detect the trace of the Lord and his party, and there were no sentries on the road. Report the news of the invasion of the prince. Therefore, we unanimously judge that the prince returned to the base, so we are so worried about your safety. "

"The prince did not return to the base?" Bai Xiaowen said, "otherwise, I would be too late to run."

Then, Bai Xiaowen's eyes turned to the mother snake.

"Surprisingly, the person I planted under His Majesty the Lord did pass to me the information that the Majesty continued to march without returning to the base. Later facts also proved this."

Said the mother snake, Gregory.

"That's weird. We thought the lord went back to the base. You thought the lord went on the march but no one met him. The size of the b guy is not small. The fleet led by him is huge. Where can he hide? ? "

"More importantly, what exactly is his conspiracy?"

There was a buzzing sound in the command room.

Bai Xiaowen said suddenly: "The goal of the Lord of the Earth Vein Corridor ~ ~ uses only the corridor of the Earth Vein. Otherwise, he will abandon the subsea base without release, and the snake-man magic craftsman who has been transformed through hard work, even one The horrible cost of the lord's life can only be due to the more important goal of the earth vein corridor. "

"The path that must pass through the earth vein corridor has been heavily controlled. As long as the prince dares to show his head, he will be found." Said the old dwarf Panga Greybeard.

Suddenly, the magic circle at the map table flashed.

Yahan's face changed slightly, and a Carmelo mage rushed up next to it and turned on the magic circle.

This is a magic circle of communication. As the light flashes, the image of a panicked dwarf appears.

"Ask for support! Ask for support! A large number of snake-man monsters came to the ground vein corridor, they killed them, they killed them, eh!"

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