The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1014: Face up to the Grand Lord!

With three powerful melee lords opening the way, Bai Xiaowen was really relaxed and happy. As long as he sees the timing, a 0.5 second spell is cast ahead of time, and the click-to-kill contribution is satisfied.

Bai Xiaowen's goals are either rare elites or leaders, and they are quite powerful.

For the three lords, there was no consciousness of being robbed. Bai Xiaowen did so, but was just a good remote assistance.

The other members of the White Phoenix team are also fighting on the battlefield. Among them, Cecilia, who is also a long-range professional, rides on the back of Elite Wolf Rock next to Bai Xiaowen, activates the arrow array and shoots continuously, and each arrow is split. The other two miniature arrows formed a small arrow rain.

However, Cecilia's arrow formation lasts only a few seconds, which is not a powerful skill.

"Your archery is good, but pay attention to the call of mental energy. You can do better."

A gentle woman's voice sounded, Cecilia turned her head to look, and the pointed-eared female elf Dorothea Goldleaf rode on a unicorn to her side.

The new lord Dorocia Gold Leaf, the weapon in his hand is the holy weapon that countless archers dream of, Apollo's whispering longbow.

There was no arrow in Dorocia's hand. She stunned the bowstrings, and the waves of hot energy gathered together, and it turned out to form a full five unreal energy arrows on the bowstrings!



Multiple arrows flew out continuously, and each shot was a five-arrow burst! And Dorocia has no duration limit at all. In this way, the pouring of multiple arrows has been maintained. In just ten seconds, the front battlefield was cleared of a 100-meter-long and tens-meter-wide unmanned zone ...

Of course, there are a few rare elites and leaders in the near-no-man's land. Although they were shot by arrows, they still have residual blood.

"What a delightful archery! Thank you for your guidance, Dorothy."

Bai Xiaowen waved his wand with a smile, starting from the leader one by one, and laughed after grabbing several killing contributions.

Dorothia smiled slightly: "I just do it ... if your partner wants to, I can continue to teach her some archery experience."

"Thanks so much."

The lord's teaching was hard to come by. At the time, the teachings of Guan Erye directly upgraded Bai Xiaowen's garbage one-star skill [hawk] to a two-star mutation technique [deterrence]! Needless to say how effective deterrence is.

However, such a big improvement is also related to the original weak strength of Bai Xiaowen. In general, the greater the difference in strength between the imparter (the lord of the spirit world) and the impartee (the awakening), the greater the benefit that can be obtained.

Bai Xiaowen asked Cecilia on the team's channel. After receiving a pointer and demonstration from Dorocia, she received a reminder message from the spirit rule:

"You have a deeper understanding of combat skills: Arrow formation. Please learn more from the relevant spiritual figures."

This is the difference. After watching Xiao Er Guan's demonstration, Bai Xiaowen directly acquired the mutation skills.

Of course this may be related to my super talent? Bai Xiaowen thought cheaply.

"The female shooter just now, is your companion?" Dorothy said, "Her strength is not much worse than I was before I received the sacred artifact. I have not been recognized by the sacred artifact, I am afraid she will let her. very sad."

Bai Xiaowen understands that Dorocia is not just a whim to teach, but to give Cecilia a little compensation-of course, this has a greater relationship with Bai Xiaowen. If Cecilia is not Bai Xiaowen's teammate, Dorothia It doesn't matter.

What kind of character is Bai Xiaowen, and glanced at Dorocia's favorability towards her friend, and her heart has reached the heart level, and immediately climbed down the road: "Yeah, she hasn't slept well for so many days, You see that there are dark circles ... Please teach her by the way the Lord's Archery. "

"As long as she sees my movement clearly, she will gain a lot."

Dorocia smiled slightly, signaled Cecilia to keep up with them, and the two moved side by side.

The picture is harmonious.

I have to say that the presence of the lord of the coalition camp is very impressive, completely crushing the snake-man army. On the way towards the lord, only three melee lords and one shooter lord are enough.

The remaining three lords, Bai Xiaowen paddled, and Queen Carmelo and Snake Mother did not rush.

The strength of the seven lords also inspired the Continental Alliance. Allied soldiers fought bravely for a while and defeated the snake people.

However, the closer the seven lords approached the lord, the more they realized the size of the guy.

The lord's body is a mountain. When it is placed on the sea to cover the sky and sun, it is placed in the vein corridor to support the heaven and earth, and its height is even comparable to that of the vein pillars.

"This guy's head is cut off, enough for the people of the country to eat for a year." Bai Xiaowen murmured secretly when he looked at the neck of the lord, who was hundreds of meters in diameter. It is not easy to find a knife that can cut such a large neck.

The most important thing is that there are eight more necks like this!

With such a large number of necks, it is conceivable how big the lord's torso is.

Are the protoss creatures such an incredible size?

"Master, Lord, the bosses of the enemy rushed over!"

The snake-man exclaimed.

"Let them come!" The majesty's mouth was full of momentum, "No matter how many people came, they were useless, they would only usher in destruction!"


The ground shook and the small stalactite blocks on the dome even shook.

The reason is just a step forward by the Archbishop.

Uh ...

The lord began to run, and launched a countercharge towards the seven lords who were not as big as the ants to him!

The huge and boundless foot was stepped on, not to mention how many unlucky eggs were stepped on, that is, the soldiers near the edges of the soles of the feet were stunned and stunned by a circle of visible shock waves.

Both the coalition forces and the snake people were trembling and retreated to both sides.

This tacit action leaves no obstacles between the lord and the seven lords.

Finally, the two sides collided head-on, and the first wave of head-on confrontation began!


The head of the Grand Lord ~ ​​ ~ fell with terrible kinetic energy and strong wind pressure, and his mouth widened, like a heavy hammer, and slammed the Seven Lords severely.


Ahan yelled, and the seven lords quickly spread to both sides.

Then I heard a loud bang, and this crazy head of the Grand Lord even caused a local earthquake!

A huge gulf was cut in the ground, crushed rocks fell, and dust filled.

In front of this earth-shattering might, the seven lords are as small as dust—even the "crushed stones" of the prince's blow are bigger than the seven lords combined ...

. m.

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