The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1018: Blood of Amotava

Time is running short, only the eight lords rushed into the blood vessels of the lord's feet, including the mother snake.

Then the time for deterrence came.

The prince became manic, and kept dancing his head and feet. The terrible wind pressure and strong shock wave made the surrounding coalition forces and snake-man soldiers flee and couldn't approach, let alone rush into the lord with eight lords.

Outside wars continue, but the intensity is much weaker than before.

Many people are watching the outcome of the struggle between the eight lords and the lords. This is the top confrontation between the two sides, and to a certain extent, it also determines the final direction of the war.


Inside the blood vessel channel, the folds are dense and rugged.

This large blood vessel selected by Bai Xiaowen has a diameter of several meters. If it is normal, it can accommodate many people to move forward side by side. However, the wreckage of Amotava has been dead for a long time, and the blood vessels in the body have contracted to some extent.

At present, most of the blood vessels remain open, which is the result of the powerful blood of the divine creature.

As for blood, there is almost no flowing blood. Inside the blood vessels, purple-black blood clots and blood clots are everywhere. Fortunately, the eight lords advanced faster, and when they encountered blocked blood vessels, they just opened up.

The blood vessel wall is very soft and tough-just from the thickness of the blood vessel, you can imagine the vitality of Qi and blood before Amotava's birth. It can carry such powerful blood and blood. of.

When stepping on the wall of the blood vessel, the soles of the feet must be slightly sunken, and at this time the lord is in a stage of violent twisting. The eight lords have been in an imbalanced state for a while. Advancement caused some trouble.

Fortunately, the strength of the eight lords is amazing, and this little trouble can't stop them.

The stuffy head has advanced for hundreds of meters, and the unbalanced frenzy has weakened a lot.

"We should now be in the blood vessels of the legs, detached from the blood vessels of the feet that have the most changes."

Bai Xiaowen said Shen Sheng: "The next one or two kilometers, you should be temporarily immune to external imbalances."

All the lords understand that compared to the feet, the range of motion of the legs is naturally weaker. If you go forward two kilometers, you can reach the blood vessels in the trunk, and even penetrate into the internal organs of the lord, the trunk The range of activity is naturally the lowest.

However, the lords also understand that if you continue to climb up from the trunk to reach the neck blood vessels, the impact of external imbalances will be even more violent than now. After all, the slender neck of the lord is the most flexible part of the whole body ...

"I dare not imagine that we proactively penetrated into this big guy's body." Beastmaster Ruer said.

"Yeah ... if I could choose, I would rather die than come in." The female elf, Dorothy Gold Leaf, wrinkled her nose, and looked disgustingly at a dark **** goose in front of the road, rare with The orc lord reached an agreement.

"No way, for the Kuroshio continent, we have to do it," said Queen Carmelo.

"Unity." Knight Lord Harold Atherton's voice was as rock-solid as his face, and he took the lead first.

Bai Xiaowen's mind flashed a bit of enlightenment. It seemed that after defeating the lord and destroying the Serpent-man power, the Kuroshio plane was equal to the unification. Although there are still differences between nations, nations are fighting side by side, and high-level leaders have put aside their barriers.

Without disputes, the camp will no longer exist, and naturally will be unified.

Suddenly, Bai Xiaowen's eyes flashed: "Be careful, there are enemies."

The lords were all surprised. How could there be enemies in the body of the lord?

Soon they saw what the enemy looked like.

This is a bunch of purple-black spheres, each purple-black sphere is sticky, crawling in the blood vessels, like blood in a semi-coagulated state.

Bai Xiaowen quickly threw an insight.

[Blood of Amotava (Boss Level 7)]

[Race: Distortion]

[Attributes: Strength 50, Dexterity 50, Constitution 50, Spirit 0]

[Skill 1: Devour: Blood of Amotava pounces on a living being and attempts to devour the target, inflicting (70) Magic damage every second until the target breaks free or dies. 】

[Skill 2: Pollution: Passive, the blood of Amotava will become a pool of corrupted blood after death, stacking corruption layers on all life forms in the area, 1 layer per second. Each layer of corruption will cause the target to take 100 magic damage per second for 5 seconds. 】

[Skill 3: Split: Passive. When the health of Amotava decreases to 50% or less, it will split into two Amotava's blood. Each Amotava's blood will inherit 50% of the mother's attribute value and all skills (except split skills). 】

[Skill 4: Tracking: Passive, the blood of Amotava will chase the target at a constant speed until the target dies or it dies. After the split, the tracking target will be re-determined. 】

[Skill 5: Blood of Divine Lv2: Gain 400 bonus health and 40% resilience. 】

The target is lower than itself in both template and level, and it is not surprising that the insight is transparent. However, Bai Xiaowen was shocked by the embarrassment of the blood of Amotava.

"Kill them in place! Be careful they will split once ... In addition, avoid the rotting blood after their death!" Bai Xiaowen tried to use a sentence to briefly describe the characteristics of these monsters. As for the devouring skills, It's actually very simple to say, there is no need to say more, the hard part is the three passive skills.

"These blood clots are crawling at the same speed as the snails ... can't you run away without them?" A lord asked.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head. The blood of Amotava has a tracking ability, as long as it does not die, it will track the target to the ends of the earth. Don't look at their slow crawl speeds, but they have always been constant speeds ~ ~ not affected by external interference.

If the lords ignore them and continue to move forward, they will only get rid of them temporarily. Who knows if there are more powerful monsters ahead? If it's time to fight, a group of Amutava blood aberration monsters chase after them, but they will be killed.

Therefore, the safest way is not to be afraid of trouble, to clear up these groups of distortions!

The only good news is that there are eight lords on Bai Xiaowen's side, and it doesn't take much effort to deal with the blood of these leaders' distortion.

Under the command of Bai Xiaowen, the melee lord is responsible for dealing with the complete blood of Amotava. Violent lords such as Yahan and Basaka can basically break Amotava's blood out of one or two attacks.

Subsequently, the melee lords switched targets and never attacked the split mobs—the mobs were shot from a distance, so that the corrupted blood area that appeared after death could be avoided by the melee lords.

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