The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1020: Brain chamber! The Grand Lord is finally here

Soon, each of the eight lords assigned an ascending giant vessel to each of the other eight heads of the lord apart from the central head to collect the earth's core.

"have a safe journey."

Each of them waved their hands and disappeared into the ascending giant blood vessels.

After a period of time, one of the ascending giant vessels, a figure with eight arms and a slender snake tail, wandered out.

Snake mother Gagrila.

She looked around, carefully opened the mental scan, and after confirming that there were no people around, she looked at the nine giant blood vessels that went up.

Then there was a strange look in Snake Mother Gagliola's eyes.

"Finally we have come this far ... sorry, little prophet."

Gagrila swam directly towards the central giant vessel! Her goal was the central skull of the Archbishop.

It is not an easy task to advance in giant blood vessels. In addition to the lord's neck constantly twisting, resulting in constant imbalance, there will also be some strange distortions of the blood of Amotava that interfere with the progress.

After the snake mother advanced for hundreds of meters, the blood vessel wall continued to oscillate like an earthquake, which meant that the lord's neck was twisting and it was extremely violent.

The snake mother stopped and gritted her teeth and said, "My Lord, you know you can hear me ... you are now dead end! I am the only one who can save you. Don't waste your time!"

The shock stopped.

The rumbling voice sounded directly in the heart of the snake mother. This was the transmission of the spiritual will of the great prince, but it seemed a bit intermittent.

"What do you want, traitor?"

"I have never betrayed, because I have never been loyal to you!" The mother snake said sharply, "Master, have you been weak to this point? I am alone and you dare not meet me? If so, then How can you counter the attack of the Lord of the Seven Sacred Instruments in your body? We need an open and honest negotiation! "

"Huh." The prince snorted, "I will stop the vibration of the central skull. Come over as soon as possible."

The snake mother felt a little uplifted and a little panicked. It seems that there is still a lot of loss in the long-distance spiritual transmission of the great lord, so it is necessary to interview. For the great prince at this time, he has really reached the end of his dead end, and he can only bet on the negotiation of the mother snake. Otherwise the lords of the seven sacred artifacts will come together, and he will not have a half chance.

The interview is part of the mother snake plan. She felt the shock stop and speeded up immediately.

There was a creeping blood distortion of Amotava in front, slowly blocking the way. The snake mother said loudly, "Master, take this away from you!"

"Unfortunately, they have no wisdom and are not under my control ..."

The Maharaja's voice was a little faint, and after a pause, he said, "But I can help you get there faster."

The snake mother suddenly felt a shock in the blood vessel wall below, and the huge blood vessels that originally went up quickly turned down and became a descending blood vessel channel!

This is also very well understood, the lord must inevitably let the central skull bow his head, so that the original upward passage will become a downward **** with a higher slope, eliminating the need for climbing mother snakes.

"Don't worry about the demons of blood demons, come here directly. They can't reach my control room." Archbishop whispered.

Looking at the descending vascular channel inclined by 45 degrees, the snake mother breathed a sigh of relief, but when she heard the words in the control room, there was still a layer of haze in her eyes, and then quickly disappeared.

The snake mother accelerated suddenly, rushing towards the central skull at an almost sprinting speed, and at the same time said aloud, "You need to ensure that the other eight skulls are constantly vibrating to create as much time as possible for our meeting!"

The Lord did not respond, but the Snake Mother did not need His response.

Without outside interference, and without having to worry about the Demon Blood Deformer, the Snake Mother soon came to the central skull, which is the "control room" where the Grand Lord is located-the central skull cavity of Amotava.

"Zombie is on ..."

In the first act, the mother snake was horrified. What did she see?

A brain hundreds of meters in diameter!

It looks like a giant hill. The cerebral cortex trembles like frost, and there are complex gully circuits.

"You came."

A low, slightly feminine voice sounded in the ears of Snake Mother.

The snake mother was startled, and instinctively turned on mental scanning. But in this cranial cavity, her mental scanning ability was suppressed to an extremely low level, and she could not even cover ten meters around it!

"No need to detect."

A humanoid, but octopus-like creature got out of the sulcus of the giant brain.

This humanoid monster has human limbs, but the hands and feet at the end have degraded into octopus tentacles. In addition, its back has slender tentacles that connect the giant brain. As it moves, the slender fleshy tentacles lengthen accordingly.

In terms of features, this humanoid monster has no nose, a giant one-eyed eye, occupying most of its face, and its mouth slightly protruded, like an octopus mouthpiece.

There is no doubt that this humanoid monster is the great lord who has occupied the remains of Amotava and made waves in the Kuroshio continent!

The prince took a look at the snake mother, and then just said, "In the control room, the ability of the spirit detection scan will be severely suppressed. This is the brain area of ​​the divine creature Amotawa. Although long after death, but There is still a powerful Yuwei. "

The snake mother nodded: "Zombies are extremely powerful beings, and it is not surprising that they have such magical powers."

"Oh, zombie god, magical power ..." The prince gave a weird smile, and then said, "Well, say what you are saying. If you can't satisfy me, I will consider killing you traitor first."

"Do you still have the ability to destroy me now?" The mother snake said subconsciously.

The prince's erect pupil opened wide suddenly, and a ray of spiritual force visible to the naked eye was emitted!

The Snake Mother hurriedly dodging ~ ~ The mental rays rubbed her snake over, leaving a deep hole above the hard skull on the side.

How hard Amotava's skull is, the prince's mental rays can penetrate it! If shot on a living body, the consequences can be imagined.

The most important thing is that the snake mother knows that the lord has the ability to hit her-a character like the lord, advanced meditation level 10 is the most basic, maybe higher level, and it is the easiest to adjust the trajectory of the spell.

In other words, although the lord's body is connected with the giant brain, which results in limited mobility, his attack power is still not to be underestimated.

"You don't have much time," the Archbishop reminded. "I'm in a bad mood, so I have limited patience."

"Okay, I said ..." Snake mother Gagrila took a deep breath. "Prince, I want to make a deal with you!"

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