The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1024: Key battle ends

The Devourer of Heart Demon is constantly devouring.

After the lord screamed a few times, he finally gave up the plane completely. He cut off his consciousness and left the carrier.

Before leaving, the Archbishop also said a harsh word to Bai Xiaowen.

"Dior Skeleboom! We will meet again soon. I look forward to that day!"

Subsequently, the lord's carrier lost its conscious support and became an empty shell.

Bai Xiaowen muttered.

The last threat of the lord, although it is just a barking dog, can't be completely ignored.

The meaning of the great lord should be that after winning this critical battle, Bai Xiaowen has laid the foundation for the unification of the Kuroshio plane, and the next step is to unify it.

Then you can choose to advance to the world of the evolutionary ... and in the world of the evolutionary, will you encounter the main body of the lord?

Bai Xiaowen shook his head slightly and stopped thinking about it.

After the lord "dead", Amotava's body also lost control.

A burst of weightlessness came as if the elevator lost control and fell quickly.

This was caused by Amotava's body falling to the ground. His huge skull was at least a few kilometers above the ground. It was not a trivial matter to fall.

However, all of you were lords, powerful, and accompanied by a genuine lord lord such as Queen Carmelo. A group slowdown technique saved the seven holy lords from falling.

"We can go out through the nostril of the central skull." Bai Xiaowen said after returning to his feet.

"What about this big guy?" Queen Carmelo asked. She was referring to the Demon Devourer who devoured the body of the Grand Lord.

"This thing is just the product of an evolutionary failure. In theory, it can't turn any storms. But for the sake of security, it is best to eliminate it." Bai Xiaowen said.

The other lords agreed, and they had figured out the way of the lord's advent, using this kind of evolutionary body as a medium. Although this aberration has failed to evolve, even if it is 1 in 10,000 possible, everyone does not want to make the prince come back.

It is worth mentioning that after the Devourer of the Heart Eater devoured the wreckage of the Great Lord, his mental strength has risen to more than 150 points. If it weren't for the poor physical measurements, this guy should also be a lord.

Even if it is incomplete, its template evaluation is still elevated to the rare leader (enhanced leader) level-this is the result of Bai Xiaowen's insight.

It would be effortless to kill such a deformed body without resistance. However, Bai Xiaowen still asked everyone's consent to let the angry claws take charge of this matter.

After all, it is a rare leader at level 10, which gives Fury Claw 2 spiritual attributes, which is better than nothing.

Bai Xiaowen summoned the butcher again, and took away the corpse of the Demon Devourer. The butcher's engulfing did not get any bright bonus effects, but only temporarily increased the maximum health by 180 points.

At this point, the last trace of the lord's carrier in this world has disappeared.

Bai Xiaowen led six holy lords and walked out of the nostrils in the central skull of Amotava. This guy's nostrils have a diameter of more than ten meters, which is enough to accommodate eight people side by side, which is really scary.

"By the way, what about the earth's core?" Yahan said suddenly.

"Yes, the Prophet Dior said that you need to get the Earth Core before killing the Lord." Dorothia was a little anxious.

Bai Xiaowen laughed: "Don't be nervous, I said that before, in fact, to lead the mother snake. Whether killing or not killing the prince will not affect our taking the core of the earth ... I have locked the two lands through my mind Just take the nuclear location. "

"You can see the location of the Earth's core? Earlier, you said that the prince had spiritually shielded the nine heads, so it was impossible to use psychic vision detection. Is it also fake?" Queen Carmelo asked.

Bai Xiaowen nodded: "Originally, the spiritual shield of the prince was effective for me. But after receiving the combination of sacred aggregation and the combination of technical skills, my spiritual vision can break through the shield of the lord."

After all, it's all great use after base priority +2.

The seven lords of the sacred weapon returned to the battlefield, and the battlefield at this time had already shown a downward trend.

The reason is without him. When the army of snake people saw Amotava's huge body fall suddenly, they knew it was not good. Without the blessing of the divine aura of the backbone and the prince, the snake people no longer have any fighting desire and resistance, and have fled.

The leaders of the coalition forces should naturally chase the remaining courage to the poor and continue to kill and capture the snake-man soldiers who have lost their fighting spirit.

The return of the seven sacred lords is the last straw that crushed the camel.

The battle soon ended, and the seven lords were surrounded by three layers inside and three outside the coalition soldiers.

"Victory! Victory! Victory!"

The uniform slogan sounded, and the seven lords could feel the admiration and excitement in the eyes of the coalition soldiers, and a sense of pride was born. At this moment, everyone has no country or race, and even the orcs and elves, who have always been hostile, let go of their racial hatred and rejoice in this hard-won victory.

The Seven Hallows suddenly glowed and then became hot.

In the astonished eyes of the seven lords of the sacred vessels, the seven sacred vessels slowly floated into a circle.

"What's going on ... I feel like I've lost touch with the sacred object," said Queen Camello in amazement.

The state of sacred converging combination skills disappeared from the seven lords.

Bai Xiaowen felt the same way. He quickly guessed.

"It seems ... the holy implement has fulfilled its mission." Bai Xiaowen said something in line with the design of the **** stick.

From the perspective of the rules of the spiritual realm, it created the Seven Holy Artifacts, and selected seven people to become Lords of the Holy Artifacts, the purpose of which was to oppose the Lord. And this kind of forcible promotion of the spiritual strength of the characters, especially the sacred aggregation promotion of the final base priority soaring by 2 points, is bound to consume a lot of "resources". After the prince was destroyed, the magical power contained in the Seven Hallows was naturally recovered by the rules of the spirit world.

A blurry light and shadow appeared on each of the holy artifacts,

"Oh my God ... Apollo, the sun **** ..." Dorothy murmured as he saw the long bow of light, Apollo's murmur that appeared above the whisper. Although she couldn't see the face of the light and shadow, but who could be the god-like figure that could appear from the holy instrument "Apollo's Whisper"?

"Balgra, the **** of tyrants!"

"Viren, the **** of justice!"

"Azus, the **** of magic ..."

Each one exclaimed, not only from the mouths of the seven lords of the sacred vessels, but also from the mouths of other people who were eating melon.

Everyone can't see the face of light and shadow, and can only judge from the corresponding holy equipment.

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