The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1028: Wishing Tree Fruit

Maybe some wizards in the kingdom of Camelot are still interested in the magic crystal cannon, but there is nothing wrong with the supervision of Queen Camelot.

Moreover, Bai Xiaowen had already planned for the rain, using the excuse to sweep the snake-man base, and put all the magic crystal cannons under his control. It was only a matter of words to destroy. The reason why he added such a sentence on this occasion was just in case someone was lucky and picked up the lost intact magic crystal cannon ... although the probability is very low.

Queen Carmelo immediately made a statement, resolutely obeyed the oracle sent by the prophet, and listed the magic crystal cannon as a contraband.

In fact, this is also conducive to solidifying the rule of the aristocracy. Think about the Middle Ages of the Earth and the West. Why was the crossbow banned? It was because a peasant used a crossbow to easily kill a noble knight with full body armor and years of military training, which touched the concept of hierarchy in feudal society.

The black technology of the magic crystal cannon has a similar effect on the awakening plane, which can make the ordinary apprentice of the template to threaten the existence of the leader and even the lord level.

The nobles rule the country by force, and of course they do not want this kind of thing to shake their foundations.

The welcome party is gone.

Bai Xiaowen's worries were multi-faceted and no magic crystal cannons were left behind.

After destroying all the ghost ships and the magic crystal cannons on board, he received a prompt message from the rules of the spirit world.

"Mission Objective I: Destroy all magic crystal cannons on the Kuroshio Plane and kill the snake-man magical artisans Lucian, Glop, Asmont (completed)."

"Quest Objective II: Destroy Divine Creature: Amotava's Conscious Connector (Completed)."

"S-Class Special Hero Side Mission: Scavenger, complete. Submit?"

Bai Xiaowen thought about it and asked his teammates' opinions first.

Qiao Rui asked: "Would you like to increase 9 first? The scavenger task will give a lot of experience value. If you don't increase 9, the experience reward of this task will be wasted."

Because of the completion of the unification relationship, all the experience slots are full, and raising to level 9 can not waste the rich experience reward of the scavenger task.

Li Shuyi said: "Don't go up by 9? If we advance the evolutionary in advance, we can get one more level of rewards."

Han Xu was quite envious when he heard that, he did not have the extra reward for advance promotion.

Qiao Rui asked: "Captain, do you plan to promote the evolutionary in advance this time?"

"I'm not sure yet. I inquired about the evolutionary information and didn't get a response from the spirit rule. I don't know until I return to the interface," Bai Xiaowen said. At most, it gives 15-20% of the experience value ... Of course, Han Xu will give a higher percentage. But for a team with a unified strength, the experience is already cloudless. "

Once unified, the experience slot of all members can reach the full value of level 8. It is really not a rare experience.

"I see." Qiao Rui nodded, without rushing to raise the level.

The team reached a consensus, and Bai Xiaowen chose to submit the task.

"You got the quest reward: Wishing Tree Fruit * 1."

[Wishing tree fruit: a magical fruit that can satisfy a (limited) wish after you use it. 】

Bai Xiaowen looked at the slightly suspended fruit that appeared in the palm of his hand.

The fruit is wrapped in a soft light, and the specific appearance and color cannot be seen clearly.

Spiritual Realm Rule prompt message: "You got the wishing tree fruit (unspecified). Please specify the fruit's wish range."

Bai Xiaowen asked: "What are the scopes?"

With a bang, a list appeared in front of Bai Xiaowen.

Purple Fruit: The Gardener's Wish.

[Gardener's Wish: Get 15 Free Attributes immediately after use. 】

Silver Fruit: The Magician's Wish.

[Magic Wish: Specify a psionic item that the user has seen and get a copy of it. Note: Except for some special psionic items]

Red Fruit: Warrior's Wish.

[Warrior's Wish: Immediately apply combat buffs to yourself and all team members within a radius of 100 meters, increase all attributes by 15 points, melee attacks to get cleave effects, long-range attacks to get piercing effects, and magic attacks to gain resistance effects. Continue until out of combat. 】

Green fruits: the wish of the healer.

[Healer's Wish: Instantly restore all health for yourself and all team members within a radius of 100 meters, and restore the maximum health of 5% per second for the next 20 seconds. 】

Black Fruit: The Witcher's Wish.

[Cursor's Wish: Designate a spirit creature to die (regardless of the target). Note: It takes a certain time for the death spell to take effect. The larger the difference between the target creature and the user's strength, the longer the effective time is required. The maximum will not exceed the lord level, and it must be a creature from the awakening plane. 】

Blue Fruit: Mercenary Wish.

[Merchant's Wish: Assign a task, complete it immediately and get a perfect rating. The difficulty of the task must not exceed the difficulty of S-level heroes. Note: Mercenary Wish cannot be used for scavenger missions. 】

Golden Fruit: Wish of Wealth.

[Wish Fortune: Get 1 million psionic points immediately. 】

[Rules of the Spirit World: "Warning, the information about the fruit of the wishing tree is confidential, and the level is 1. If mentioned to other people who do not know, they will be punished by level 1."

There are seven colors in total, and each color represents a direction.

After digesting these reminders, Bai Xiaowen shook his head: "It seems a little different from the wish I imagined."

Teammates also saw these tips.

"I thought it was unlimited. Now the desire in each direction has prescribed the effect," Li Shuyi murmured, "I also want a Transformer ..."

"Anyway, every wish is very powerful," Qiao Rui said. "Just judging from the last golden wealth wish, this fruit is worth 1 million psionic points for the last time. It should be worthy of an S-class hero. The difficulty of the Astoria mission. "

"Yes, and directly changing the psionics is the worst option. If this wishing tree fruit is auctioned, and buyers know the actual effect of the wishing tree fruit, it may sell for more than two or three million. . "

Bai Xiaowen said: "Seven wishes, the wish of wealth is ruled out first. In addition, the wishes of soldiers and healers are all one-time props. Although the effect is very bad, it is too wasteful to be considered."

After a pause, Bai Xiaowen also said, "The curse's wish is to curse and kill a spirit creature. It looks very powerful, but it is actually quite ordinary. If you curse the lord, it may be until our time in the spirit world is exhausted. It may not be dead, after all, there is a limit of "the higher the target template, the longer the effective time is required." And if the leader is cursed, it is too wasteful. "

Qiao Rui said: "With the configuration of our team, even if the captain loses the lord bonus, it is enough to kill the lord. It does not require the curse's wishes."

"Then there are three kinds of wishes. The wish of the gardener is 15 points of free attributes, which is equivalent to the growth of one and a half more attribute points out of nothing. It is more practical. The wish of the magician is a bit like the book I copied before. But the scope is wider, not necessarily the psionic items I own, as long as I have seen them ... "

"This is amazing. What is the most amazing item we have ever seen?" Li Shuyi said.

Teammates thought about it.

Then, he looked at Bai Xiaowen.

Han Xu coughed: "I think the best thing is the captain's exclusive equipment."

"Yeah, what gold props are weak compared to Black Soul Stone." Li Shuyi said.

"do not think too much."

Bai Xiaowen shook his head. "The magician's wish has stated that some special psionic items cannot be copied, and exclusive equipment is definitely not possible. Besides, how can you wear exclusive bindings even after copying them? I ca n’t wear two blacks at the same time. Soulstone jewelry. I estimate that even the Seven Holy Artifacts I have seen before cannot be copied ~ ~ The upper limit of this wish is probably a golden prop. "

Suddenly, Qiao Rui offered an opinion.

"Did you notice the blue mercenary wish?"

Everyone looked at the shared information bar and rummaged.

"The mercenary's wish, complete a task immediately?" Li Shuyi muttered. "Not very useful? With our team's strength configuration, what task can't be completed?"

"That's right, but the fruit of this wishing tree is not necessarily our own use."

Qiao Rui laughed, "You see, the range of tasks that can be completed directly is the highest level of S-level hero difficulty ... if it is a quasi-awakener? Can they perform tasks of awakening directly, can they pick S-grade tasks? Then, Create a hero career directly? "

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