The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1041: This woman is unusual

The four teams of the White Phoenix split up the line.

The camera shifts to the understanding platform.

"In the Crystal Destroy mode, the disadvantages of the White Phoenix team's four-on-five will be magnified a lot, let's see how they split up ..."

"Tank Han Xu embarked on the road, Wan Jinyou summoner Bai Xiaowen went down the road, no problem."

"What, assist Qiao Rui to go down the road alone? What kind of operation is this, shouldn't the down road be a double?"

"It seems that the White Phoenix team is unwilling to give up the resources of the wild area, so Li Shuyi, who has a strong individual combat ability, brushes the wild and accumulates soul stones. However, the pressure of the three lines, mainly the lower line, is It will be big! "

"The Xingyue team will definitely not let go of this point, they will be targeted at the beginning of the game! After all, the crystal destruction mode of the second league, without slowly upgrading the accumulation of equipment, everyone is the strongest state at the beginning! The more towers are Everyday. "

What I have been explaining is the middle-aged male uncle who just spoke. His speaking speed is very fast.

However, the middle-aged male commentary was soon beaten.

"What? Assassin Li Shuyi of the White Phoenix team did not stop in her own wild area, but directly crossed the river! What is she planning to do to invade the opponent ’s wild area?

Fortunately, there is another female commentator, who is responsible for holding the game and round the field: "This is an aggressive play. It is not uncommon in the game. Li Shuyi's personal strength has already been confirmed. If the Xingyue team does not dispatch three If you are above people, you can't catch her. Strongly brushing the enemy's wild area can reduce the opponent's wild monster stone resources. "

"But it's too risky!"

However, the voice did not fall, the middle-aged man was savagely beaten again, because the double team of the Xingyue team chose to go on the road!

In other words, the focus of the Xingyue team is on the road!

The middle-aged man is a bit stuck, and his prediction is clearly a tactical plan for the auxiliary Qiao Rui. He coughed and said, "Is there a mistake in the division of the Xingyue team? It shouldn't be."

The female commentary didn't quite understand, but just a round sentence: "Maybe the Xingyue team has a surprisingly winning game."

In fact, the Xingyue team did not make any mistakes. They accurately predicted the road arrangement of the White Phoenix team—the tank was a conventional way of division.

"We prioritize on the road," Han Xinyue, a shooter, commanded in the team channel very quickly, "Ziqi and I will keep the tower of pressure line, consume the health of the defense tower and the state of the opposite tank. In the quarter When the first wave of meat grinders appeared at half a minute, the team gathered to push the road! Forcibly kill Han Xu and then destroy the defense tower, and win the second tower on the road before the other side came to support! Open the breakthrough from the road. "

The assistant man named Zhi Qi was a little hesitant: "That Han Xu is a tank, isn't it easy to kill?"

"Rest assured." Han Xinyue's tone revealed a strong self-confidence. "He is an elite template. Even with the tank attributes, his survivability is not strong!"

Han Xinyue belongs to a princess-type personality with little effort. If put in the general team, even if it does not lead to war, it will cause four elite teammates to be unhappy. But the four men themselves are Han Xinyue's licking dogs, of course they don't mind.

The name of the Xingyue team was originally taken from the meaning of "the stars and the moon".

"Be careful! It is detected that someone has entered our wild area." The middle-aged mage Guo Baili made a loud noise and marked it on the map. "On the river."

"Only one? It came to steal the wild," said the jungler male named Jing Xing, frowning. "I don't know who came ... if Bai Xiaowen, I might not fight."

"No ... I saw Bai Xiaowen, he was in the middle of the line," said Guo Baili, the mage male. "It is probably the agile fighter named Li Shuyi."

"Jingxing, you don't need to be nervous, that Li Shuyi is in our wild area. Once you encounter, our support will definitely be faster!" Han Xinyue said, "After the discovery of the other party is mainly delayed, Guo Baili pays attention to support."

Guo Baili promised, but his heart was a little disturbed. He was on the middle of the line with Bai Xiaowen, most of which was about to be crushed. Going back to support, the middle route is likely to blow up.

"If I go to support, Jingxing, you remember to give me your head." Guo Baili said.

"Success, no problem."


After Jingxing hit a wave of Goblet Camp, he picked up a soul stone (Goblet Tribe) with great ease, and proceeded to the next monster gathering point.

"Wolves!" Jing Xing was excited for a while. The command aura of the monster wolves can increase the attacking power of allies. It is a rare team BUFF monster.

While Li Shuyi was not there, brush the wolves quickly.

Jingxing rushed forward, splitting his two-handed sword against the head of the giant wolf in front of him, and entered into battle with the giant wolf!

But as soon as he started playing, the auxiliary Zhiqi's voice sounded from the team's channel: "Be careful, Lao Jing is near you!"


Jing Xing's mind was stunned. With rich experience, he immediately chose to flee in the opposite direction and called out for support at the same time! The three wolves chased for a short distance and returned to the camp.

Li Shuyi did ambush on one side. Qiao Rui's Falcon Spirit has been circling around Li Shuyi, helping her to detect the surrounding trends, and then giving feedback through Qiao Rui's team channel.

When exploring the position of Jing Xing, Li Shuyi didn't attack the first time, she just wanted to wait until Jing Xing and the wolves had almost hit before coming out, and even people would make up with them.

However, I did not expect that the Xingyue clan's reconnaissance ability was not bad, and found Li Shuyi's location.

Seeing Jing Xing fled, Li Shuyi was not in a hurry to chase. Now that she was found, she didn't have to hide in her arms, walked out in a generous manner, pulled out her two swords, and hit a wolf in front of Jingxing.

Hiding in the corner of a terrain, watching this scene of Jingxing, watching his monster was robbed, it was as uncomfortable as Li Wang, constantly calling for support from his teammates, he still dare not face Li Shuyi, after all It is a hero profession!

On the middle of the road, Guo Baili, the top two team rushed over to support them.

For Midway, this wave was a loss, because Bai Xiaowen had already pressed the line to the tower, and then he would lose a large wave of gold in the line, and the defense tower would have to wear away a lot of health.

However, Bai Xiaowen was not in a hurry to attack the middle defense tower ~ ~ leaving the butcher in the middle, he returned to his homeland area and leisurely went away.

As for why she doesn't support Li Shuyi ...

Can support, but not necessary.

For Han Xu, who was on the road, he was relieved that he could deal with the soldiers on the road.

Jing Xing watched Li Shuyi beat the wolves without injury, and she did not pay any skills, her eyes were almost glaring.

This ... 10 level sword skill can't do it!

The thought of Jingxing rushed to warn his teammates here.

"Be careful, this woman is unusual! It's not easy to deal with!"

. m.

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