The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1060: Rhinoceros

"Answer my question, how did you recognize me?" Cecilia asked, and motioned to the other riders not to stay close.

"Relax beauties," Camille jumped off the tree. "I just kept paying attention to apta white, not only your special follower, but also his newly added teammates. I'm clear. bthea ... I watch every league you play. "

"In addition, your wolf is also related to apta white? It looks similar to his summoned wolf, but not so big."

"You ... are also Dior's pursuers?" Cecilia squinted.

Carmel probably knew who the word "Dior" meant, and didn't ask much. She shrugged, and the waves waved in front of her chest, laughing: "The suitor can't talk about it, it's just appreciation and curiosity ... Of course, if Bai willing, I don't mind starting a beautiful transnational romance with him."

"Tell me about the debtor." Cecilia breathed a little sigh of relief, patted the back of the rock, took out the jerky from the bag, tore it, and fed it.

After feeding a large piece of jerky, Carmel had already finished her understanding of Bai Xiaowen, including how she and Bai Xiaowen met at the auction, traded, and even borrowed 100,000 psionic points from him.

Cecilia scratched the neck of Rock's back and returned it to Wolf Valley.

From Camille's attitude, Cecilia has determined that the other party is not hostile.

"Since you're in Xisha Province, should apta Bai also be here?" Camille asked curiously. "Where are the other people? Where is it? I just need to give him the psionic energy while I have plenty of money."

"Dior is not in Xisha at the moment, but stays in the central province to take command." Cecilia left a heart, without telling the truth.

"That's it." Carmel was a little sorry, "I'd love to see him ... should there be a means of remote communication in your team?"

"I'll notify him. But how can I contact you again?" Cecilia asked.

"Hmm." Carmel offered the deal to Cecilia.

Cecilia accepted, the opponent gave her a spell.

[Spirit rhinoceros (imitation): special items. The body has no colorful phoenix wings and wings, and the heart is a little bit better. When one of the Soul Rhino spells is activated, the other spell is passively activated and marks positions between each other. Can not cross the border, disappear after use. 】

Cecilia took the rhinoceros (imitation). She asked again, "The faction you cut into is the Drow elf empire? What is the relationship between you and the awakened nobles in Xisha Province?"

"Sorry, I can't disclose this," Carmel emphasized the words, emphasizing again, "I can't divulge information about me ... and my companions in any way, including oral, transcript, hint, metaphor, etc. Will not work."

Cecilia narrowed her eyes. "What's the point of seeing Dior?"

Camille laughed: "I don't know what it means, but since fate meets in the spirit world, it's always a pity to miss it."

Carmel left, Cecilia did not leave her.

Despite being in opposing camps, Cecilia was keenly aware that this was a goal that could be fought.

A dozen riders in a row set off again.

"Ms. Cecilia, the drow just now, and the murderer who killed Count Denton, are they speculators?" Mother Selin murmured.

"Yes, but she and Dior know, maybe not the enemy."

"... Oh my God, the relationship between speculators in other worlds is really complicated and totally different from us." Said Sister Celine.

Cecilia didn't speak. Now, she is also a speculator in another world, that is, a member of the Awakener. The appearance of Bai Xiaowen has changed her destiny. But it is gratifying that Kane is still her hometown. People here don't regard her as a speculator.

"I need to leave," Cecilia said suddenly.

"Ah? Why?" Sister Celine was a little surprised.

"New critical intelligence has occurred and I must report to Dior as soon as possible."

Cecilia took the painting scroll that Bai Xiaowen gave her from the storage space. After thinking about it, she put it back.

"But let's rush to His Majesty the Emperor first and finish what Dior has ordered ..."

If Sister Toselyn had passed on to these dozen riders, Cecilia would have no reassurance.


The situation in the province of Xisha is tricky.

On the bright side, the three forces are playing against each other: the Gorse Empire's western conquest, the Knossalis tribe legion, and the aristocratic private equity coalition in Xisha.


The private army of Xisha Nobles is the weakest, but has the widest sources.

The Knossalis tribe's strength is in the middle, but Cynthia's mother is so cunning, she is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Imperial West's conquest was the strongest, but it had the fewest sources of information. The situation in Xisha Province was almost obscured.

In the three camps, there are awakenings from all sides ~ ~ Each powerful awakener has his own abacus.

This makes the situation in Xisha Province even more elusive.

Under the supervision of Mother Cynthia, the Western Expeditionary Force has entered the territory of the Duke of Bethlehem.

Other small noble territories in Xisha Province have basically been abandoned. Thanks to the powerful wrists of the heirs of the Duke of Bethlehem, the Xisha nobles assembled their private forces to form a coalition, stationed uniformly at Bethune Castle.

Of course, it took a lot of effort to persuade the little nobles to give up their ancestral territory and form a joint army. These days, Auguste and Andre are basically doing this.

What puzzled Mother Cynthia was that the Xisha Aristocratic Coalition seemed to give up the harassment and resistance along the way and let the Imperial Western Conquest advance.

"Stupid! If you send an army out of Besuvius Castle, take advantage of the geographical advantage of Xisha Province, and launch guerrilla warfare, and echo each other's support, maybe there will be a turnaround. But now they all stay in the castle. In the middle, it is tantamount to giving a large strategic depth to the people! Emperor can besiege the city without heart, and even if the city is solid, it will fall sooner or later! "

After hearing the comments from Mother Cynthia, Camille laughed: "Although they are stupid, they also meet our strategic plan and can maximize the loss of the Emperor Mission's strength and facilitate our harvest."

Mother Cynthia smiled and said, "Well, these idiots have some value."

It took a day for the Empire's West to marshal the castle of Bethlehem.

Watching the influx of the emperor's vanguard, Mother Cynthia pressed the trace of doubt in her heart, and ordered the long-ambush drow elf army to attack the emperor's back.

With the enemy on the back, the Queens team collapsed immediately.

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