The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1068: Overcome

Alberta, the assistant team leader in a gold-red striped robe, waved his staff, the light in the sky converged, and a bunch of white light fell.

Every soldier of the Bethlehem Aristocratic Private Army felt a light body, and it seemed that a steady stream of strength was pouring out of the body.

Bai Xiaowen hiding behind the banner of the Imperial Army, silently threw insights and peeped at these hostile awakeners.

"The Shenting training camp is really a clear division of labor. At present, there are three groups ... the 'repression group' responsible for fire suppression, the 'treatment group' responsible for auxiliary treatment, and giving orders from the awakening person named Andre It seems that there should be a 'tackling group' responsible for frontal charge ... "

Xiaowen Bai touched his chin and said, "Looking at the dialogue between August and Andre, the latter should be the role of a team think tank. Then Andre is likely to lead another independent group, which is responsible for intelligence collection and strategy. Developed. That is, four groups exist. "

"Every team has a leader, and they are all powerful heroes. As long as August, there are five heroes?" Li Shuyi said.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head: "No, I also saw the existence of heroic professional shooters other than Camille in the 'repression group' ... That is to say, there is also a heroic career among the group members. Conservatively, the heroes of this training camp No less than ten occupations ... "

"I saw an acquaintance!" Qiao Rui said suddenly. "Look, the one behind August ..."

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Li Shuyi looked over and saw a strong figure, waving her sword to charge. His body seems to be circling the atmosphere of the current, and every time the chopping will cause AOE magic damage to all the surrounding enemies.

"Ouyang Heng!" Li Shuyi opened her eyes wide.

Bai Xiaowen smiled: "I found it long ago. From his standpoint, he should be the leader of the attack group. It seems that our Marshal, the Marshal, is not bad in the Shenting training camp."

Qiao Rui breathed out a sigh of relief: "I knew he was there. At the beginning, my aunt also told me that Ouyang Heng joined the Shenting training camp, and the future is promising ... so after I heard that the opposite is Shenting, I was mentally prepared. Now. "

"Hearing what you said, Ouyang Heng caused a lot of trouble in Beijing. This unification operation organized by the Shenting training camp is a good opportunity for him to get out of trouble. As long as he can witness the unification, he will get the elite evolutionary The above template, many people will look at him differently. "Bai Xiaowen said.

The energy of the Ouyang family is really not small. They can help Ouyang Heng to obtain a team leader in the Shenting training camp.

From the perspective of the organizational structure of the training camp, the team leader is second only to the squad leader (the White Phoenix team does not know the existence of the deputy squad leader) and should be in the top five in the training camp. Correspondingly, in the process of unification, the higher the students are, the more opportunities they have to compete for war contributions.

If Ouyang Heng can complete the unification with the team and get the top five war contributions, the hero evolutionary should be stable.

At that time, the Kuroshio planes were unified, and it was not surprising that Qiao Rui and Cecilia seemed to have contributed a lot to the war, but they failed to get the books of the hero evolution. Most of their war contributions are counted as scavenger missions, and scavenger missions are not evaluated.

In fact, if it wasn't for Li Shuyi's participation in the main line of the dusty temple, she would not have been able to get heroic books.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, as long as there is no high-level scavenger mission occupation evaluation, the resulting war contribution is very generous, and it is normal for several heroes to evolve.

"Xiaowen, shall we take the shot? The awakener named Auguste is so good that he is about to break out." Li Shuyi was anxious.

Bai Xiaowen smiled and shook his head: "The pay and the gain are disproportionate. This kind of battle without oil and water does not need to expend energy. If the awakening of the divine court is going, let them go and tell Nicholas IV, focusing on the Xisha rebels-also It ’s the aborigines. If you do n’t let the Xisha rebels escape, it ’s a victory. "

Qiao Rui quickly understood: "The Awakeners of Shenting should have props such as city rolls. We can calculate that they can't keep them, and even if they can kill a few, as an active attacker, they won't get any oil or water. Instead, Will reveal our identity and cause hatred. "

"Well, it's mainly not good, it's not worth it."

Bai Xiaowen said: "What about letting these awakenings of the divine court go away, as long as the Xisha rebels are completely destroyed, the awakening is a water of no source and no roots. As long as the imperial army survives this period, it will be able to pass through both sides of the enemy. Anger, when the awakening of the Shenting can't stand the storm. "

Under Bai Xiaowen's suggestion, the Imperial Army quickly changed its strategy, no longer chasing and blocking the awakenings of the Temple such as August, but in the form of long-range strikes, focusing on the Xisha rebels who tried to follow the escape.

Although the Xisha rebels have been strengthened by the Awakening of the Divine Court, their combat effectiveness is still much worse than that of the regular army. For every 100 meters of siege, a batch of rebel bodies fell.

August also did not dare to fight, and led the Temple Awakener to break away. Only a few incompetent divine awakenings did not keep up, and were forced to surrender their returning props, disappearing.

For August, these inferior guys all came in trust, and they didn't need to be distressed when they were taken out.

The Imperial Army launched a final assault on the remaining Xisha rebels. Seeing escape from hopelessness ~ ~ A large number of rebels dropped their weapons and surrendered on their knees.

In this battle, the Imperial Army won a great victory. In addition to the Xisha rebels, it basically captured the pseudo-emperor, the original uncle Guramans.

It was also helpless to abandon Guramans when the divine court broke through. Guramans is too weak to exist as a mascot, and cannot keep up with the rhythm of the awakenings of the Shenting. If Auguste is forced to take Guramans away, it will become the first target of the Imperial Army's fire. Maybe even Auguste will be left behind, so he can only break his wrist.

Andrei still had a glimmer of hope, hiding Guramans in a secret crevice of the gold mine, and wanted to wait until the Imperial Army left, and then quietly came over to rescue him. However, this little cleverness was of no use at all. Bai Xiaowen launched a mental scan and took out Guramans shortly after.

Nicholas IV was so overjoyed that he was going to read the guilt of Guramans, and even the intention of beheading was revealed.

No wonder Nicholas lost one of his counts, Lord Count Denton, but he was stunned. Bai Xiaowen's persuasion was enough to abandon the interception of the murderer Auguste. It was mainly because he did not want the Imperial Army to lose much.

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