The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1113: CADL Champion!

Standing on the stage, under the light shining, Bai Xiaowen squinted slightly.

He didn't care much about the applause of the earth's audience. In some aspects of the spirit world, Bai Xiaowen is much more respected and sought after.

What Bai Xiaowen really cares about is the hint of the rules of the spirit world.

"Your team won the CADL league championship (a record of victory)."

"You got a special achievement: CADL League Championship."

"Based on your league performance, you got a special title: Compound Talent."

[Composite Talent: When you wear this title, you gain passive gain: Increase the proficiency of all combat skills and skills by 25%. 】

"Based on your league performance, you qualify for a golden roulette draw."

"You get attribute point rewards: primary attribute (spirit) +5, constitution +5."

Bai Xiaowen has learned about it through the Awakeners Association. Although the White Phoenix team has missed some regular season games, it is not accounted for negative games due to spiritual exploration. In addition to the absence of the game, the White Phoenix team did not lose, so they still won the award of winning the championship.

Bai Xiaowen took a rough look. The championship awards of the second league are basically the same as the award types of the CUAA league, but the reward content is better.

For example, in addition to 5 points of spirit points, 5 points of physical fitness are also awarded. No one has too many physical attributes.

As for the special title [Complex Talent], for Bai Xiaowen, it is really a bit of a chicken rib.

Compared to the special title of “CUBA” rewards in the CUAA league, which specifies a single specialty or skill, the proficiency increases by up to 50%, much faster than 25%.

The title of compound talent, which does not limit the individual expertise or skill proficiency, seems to be stronger. However, when Bai Xiaowen is exercising a certain specialty, he must have carried out special exercises, and it is even more powerful to calculate the title of hegemony.

The advantage is that the title of "complex talent" is a bonus to proficiency, and there is no restriction "not higher than the professional level".

Bai Xiaowen is currently at level 8. During the exercise of meditation, the title of comprehensive hegemony is useless. Putting on the title of compound talent, he can still gain a 25% growth rate of proficiency.

Bai Xiaowen asked his teammates again.

Li Shuyi got the special title of "Warrior's Heart", and the melee physics department's skills and proficiency increased by 40%, perfectly replacing the original "Warrior Star" title. As for attributes, like Bai Xiaowen, it has 5 main attributes plus 5 physique.

Other rewards such as Qiao Rui, Cecilia and even Han Xu are similar to Li Shuyi.

In the league, Bai Xiaowen has always intended to give Han Xu a chance to use his abilities, and now he has finally been rewarded. Han Xu's contribution has also been recognized by the spirit world rules, and he has also been rewarded with special titles and attributes.

However, only Bai Xiaowen has the qualification for the golden roulette draw. I don't know if it is because of Xiao Xiaowen's excellent performance or because of his captain identity.

I soon came to the live interview after the game.

"Hello, Captain Bai Xiaowen, first of all, congratulations on your team winning the CADL championship!" The lady in charge of the interview was well-shaped and exposed a pair of white legs. There was a sweet smile on his face.

"Hello, thanks."

"Excuse me, how are you feeling now? Are you excited?"

Bai Xiaowen thought for a moment: "Yes."

I worked hard for a season and finally won the prize. Not to mention the title, 10 useful attributes and golden roulette are good things that are hard to get in the spirit world exploration. Bai Xiaowen is quite happy.

There are some emotions, but not many. Mainly, the strength of the White Phoenix team is already very strong. Participating in the second league is like a high school student doing an elementary school examination paper. There is nothing to celebrate when passing the full mark.

"The white team seems very calm, it is indeed a team commander, a soul figure."

The young lady exclaimed with great eyesight, and then said: "According to the rules of the league, the team that won the second league has already qualified for the first league. In other words, this winter season, it can already be in the first league I saw the White Phoenix team. As a new army, what are the goals of the White Team, would you like to share it with everyone? "

Bai Xiaowen laughed: "I just want to play every game well. As for what kind of achievements in the first league, it is not important, it is the process."

This statement is a bit offended. Bai Xiaowen participates in the league with only two purposes, that is, the league's top three awards and world-renowned. Of course, the results are the most important.

People just need a little disguise. Bai Xiaowen's answer must not be too utilitarian, otherwise it will not be good for the image of the White Phoenix team.

Ms. Wu drew a few more questions about no nutrition, and Bai Xiaowen answered them one by one.

小姐 Before the younger sister left, she quietly stuffed a small note to Bai Xiaowen, her actions were very concealed and proficient.

Bai Xiaowen found a chance to open it, and wrote a phone number and hotel room number.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and smiled, and threw the note into the trash. He wasn't a saint, but he was not a stallion. The young lady's appearance was okay after makeup, but her identity was unknown and her intentions were unknown. Bai Xiaowen didn't want to ignore it.

On the same day, various media reported the results of CADL in important sections.

Wu Pingping said that this final was not exciting. It always felt that the strength of the Los Angeles team was not on the same level as the White Phoenix team. Many fans of the Silver Frost team have said that if the Silver Frost team appears in the finals, it will definitely bring you a more exciting peak matchup.

But this is the reality. How can there be so many peak matches? I encountered the strongest enemy in the finals, fought fiercely and won the championship. This coincidence can only be found in the book.

的 The teams that can reach the finals are not necessarily the strongest. However, the team that failed to reach the final must not be the strongest.

The various media naturally do not care whether the finals are exciting, they can always find the breaking point that catches the eye.

This time, the media captured the White Phoenix team's victory record and made a big fuss, blowing the White Phoenix team into an invincible division. "Debut is the peak" is the best adjective of this team ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ is also the most frequently used adjective.

Bai Xiaowen doesn't really like this sentence, what does peak mean? It is the pinnacle. After the pinnacle, it will go downhill.

觉得 He feels that he and the White Phoenix team are far from their peak.

Now, just at the foot of the mountain.

The young lady interviewed was right, the rules of the league, there is no need for promotion in the first and second leagues, the last place in the first league, the first place in the second league, will exchange Quota.

This is the case last year. The Silver Frost team was relegated and the Glorious team was upgraded.

This year, there is a Grade A team called Pan Gang, which was unfortunately relegated, and the White Phoenix team became a promotion horse.

The first league is the real stage for the White Phoenix team.

After the short ceremony of receiving the prize, Bai Xiaowen led the team back to Jinghai.

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