The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1127: Breaking time: 40 hours!

Bai Xiaowen sat down and said by action, I'm not annoying, you can just say.

There is no need to say how the emotions of the two ghost palace ladies are. The queen of ghosts is full of joy, telling the whole story of Jiangdu City.

In the thirteenth year of the great cause, Tang Gong Li Yuan entered the capital, and Yang Dai, the emperor, became emperor. Yang Guang, the emperor of Sui Dynasty in Jiangdu, somehow became the emperor.

Of course, Yang Guang would not use his son ’s year number, and continued to use the year of his great cause, insisting on not returning to the capital. He already had a plan to be partial and hesitate to make Jiangdu the new capital.

However, Yang Guang's men turned back.

In the fourteenth year of the great cause, General Youtunwei Yu Culture and his younger brother Yu Wenzhi and his brother Wu Jilang rebelled against the Xiaoguo Army headed by Sima Dezhang. The rebels went straight into the palace, and Li Xiaoben and Li Xiaozhi, brothers responsible for protecting the emperor's Qianniu body (equivalent to the imperial guard), responded.

Emperor Sui Yang Guang was strangled to death by the rebels.

Yu Culture and coveted the beauty of Empress Xiao, the emperor Xiao could not be captured.

Bai Xiaowen muttered when he heard this. In the official history, Empress Xiao lived a life of abundance and exile until Zhen Guan died in 21 years and was buried with Emperor Sui Yang. Unexpectedly, in the spirit realm, the queen's situation is slightly different.

With only a little emotion, Bai Xiaowen still paid attention to listening to the story of Queen Xiao.

These previous processes are actually recorded in Sui Shu, and they are not much different from the normal history. Bai Xiaowen is not surprised. However, the development of the plot after the death of Emperor Sui Yang gradually disappeared from history and ran all the way to the direction of fantasy.

Emperor Sui Yang, like many imperial emperors, is good at immortality. Everywhere he goes, he carries a golden box with a dragon pattern carved on it, which is secret.

After the death of Emperor Sui Yang, the dragon box was naturally occupied by the rebels.

But I don't know what kind of change happened in the dragon pattern gold box. As a result, the rebels in Jiangdu City have gradually begun to have abnormal changes, becoming inhuman and ghosts.

The rebels were scared. Some people said it was the crime of Xunjun, so they were condemned. Others blame it on the dragon pattern gold box and try to destroy it, but no one succeeds-to be precise, they can't even "open" the dragon pattern gold box.

The rebels tried to escape from Jiangdu, but they were also confronted with a weird "air wall"-all of them felt it was a godsend.

The rebels went to the mass grave post, trying to find the emperor's body to be properly buried, but they found that the surrounding environment of the mass grave post also seemed to have undergone a change, permeating an extremely cold atmosphere, which would deceive them. Rejection in the body.

According to the explanation of Empress Xiao, this kind of cold atmosphere is the spiritual blessing after the death of Emperor Sui Yang Yang Guang.

After forcibly driving a few demonized creeps, they disappeared silently, and the rebels did not dare to return.

Over time, Jiangducheng rebels have become monsters. Don't look at them now in human form, it's just camouflage. The true face is uglier than ugly.

Bai Xiaowen noticed that when referring to the demons in Jiangdu City, Queen Xiao still referred to them as "rebels" and "thieves." This not only represents a habit, but also means that Queen Xiao is not very sensitive to the demon species of Jiangducheng rebels—because Queen Xiao is now a race of ghosts and a member of the "monster species".

Queen Xiao said here and concluded: "The thieves of the Jiangdu City are always thinking of breaking the mass grave, destroying the body, and robbing the body of His Majesty. They are affected by the dragon pattern gold box and cannot enter , He found the Taoist Chief. The Taoist Chief is an outsider and has not been affected by the dragon pattern gold box, but it will be the same as the gangster of Jiangdu City in a long time. "

Bai Xiaowen immediately observed his own status. On the properties panel, he saw an inconspicuous negative effect.

[Breathing of the Dragon Pattern Golden Box: The target is affected by the spatial power of the Dragon Pattern Golden Box and is assimilating with a specific space area. Every hour, the concentration of yin in the body increases by 2.5%. When the concentration of yin reaches 100%, the target will lose its awakening status and be forced to transform into a monster type creature. 】

Bai Xiaowen felt a slight shock in his heart, and he finally realized where he came from when he stepped into this treasured space.

It turns out that the effect of this dragon pattern gold box is also effective for the awakened person, and it changes the physique of the awakened person subtly!

According to time calculations, after the awakening stepped into the space portal, they began to be affected by the dragon pattern gold box. If you cannot break the game within the time limit, you will be transformed into a demon and lose your identity as an awakening.

And this period is 40 hours-that is, three days and eight hours!

Queen Xiao did not know Bai Xiaowen's psychological activities, and she was still working hard to counteract it: "The Taoist leader is a moral man, should he not help him, but he will help Jiangdu City to commit chaotic thieves? Now His Majesty is here, The true spirit is already incomplete. If the Taoist leader can kill the "ten thieves" who betrayed His Majesty that day, and restore His Majesty's true spirit, the surviving people will form a ring of grass and report on growing up! "

Bai Xiaowen manipulated the Shadow Assassin and turned back. After a little stunned, Queen Xiao didn't stop, but rather looked forward to calling two ghost palace girls, and gave a command.

Two ghost palace girls quietly followed.


Beyond the icy atmosphere of the mass grave, Bai Xiaowen slowly opened his eyes.

"How?" Tang Fengyi asked, "Did the Chief find out the clue?"

"Well, I do know something." Bai Xiaowen nodded. "Under the broad daylight, demons are rampant. As a monk, I can't just sit idly by. I will cut off demons and remove demons, and return to Jiangdu City to be clean."

Tang Fengyi was overjoyed: "Tao Dao is kind, and he will represent the people of Jiangdu City at the end, thank you!"


Li Shuyi made a sudden step and slid behind Tang Fengyi. After a thunderous action, Chixiao sword emerged from the back of Tang Fengyi, extending a sharp and sharp sword tip.

Tang Fengyi froze abruptly ~ ~ looked at Bai Xiaowen with an unbelievable look: "Director Dao, what do you mean?"

"Cut the demon and remove the demon." Bai Xiaowen smiled.


Tang Fengyi's body suddenly erupted into a large black mist, and instantly changed from a armored general to a ugly demon!

She has doubled in height, has a knotted brown hair, and has two sarcomas on her forehead. Under a pair of triangular eyes, there is a nose with tiny tumors, and cavities extending outside the mouth.

"The mouth is quite similar to the orc," Bai Xiaowen commented, "but it is more ugly than the orc, like the product of the combination of the orc and the toad."

Tang Fengyi had a gloomy face: "Damn stinky priest, bull nose! You're dead!" He fluttered suddenly and rushed forward.

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