The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1175: Against Destiny!

White Phoenix Team 2: 0, sweep the anode team!

To be honest, even the four members of the White Phoenix team did not expect this result.

When confronting the fifth Batian team, the White Phoenix team already felt it. From the old team's substantial pressure, even Bai Xiaowen was forced to play for a second!

Huaxia's League A is a world-class event. This is due to the stable environment in which Huaxia is suitable for the growth of the awakened, and the huge population base. Of course, the ancient Huaxia plane is often difficult and rewarding, which is also an important reason.

Internationally recognized, the only competition that can compete with the Chinese League A is only the A-level League (AAA).

Of course, other European Union countries, even Australia, San Ge, etc., also have very strong teams, but they are not as fierce as the Chinese League A and the Chinese A League.

The anode team is China's fourth. In the official evaluation of the global team strength given by the Super Cup Organizing Committee, the anode team ranks 19th, and has not fallen out of the top 30 in the last three years! Definitely a world-class strong team, even if it is the first time to win the championship, people will not be overly surprised.

This world ranking is already very high. You need to know that there are two or three hundred teams in the world that can be related to the Super Cup (including bubbling teams), and 64 of them will eventually enter the competition.

In terms of global rankings, the anode team can directly get the place in the Super Cup, without playing bubbling.

However, the original intention of the Super Cup is to confront strong teams from all over the world, compete for team honors and national honors, and all major regions must participate.

Each Super League "joining country" has two seed places.

In the last session, some teams entered the quarterfinals of the Super Cup, and they could get an extra qualifying place for the bubbling match, which counted as three places.

Regardless of the overall strength of the competition area, these are the places to die, no more, no less.

It can be said that playing the 19th ranked anode team, without losing a game, was able to complete the breakout 2: 1, and it has already achieved its purpose-the White Phoenix team has not yet achieved its own global ranking. Yet.

Of course, two to zero is more refreshing than two to one.

This can also block the mouths of a large number of fans of the anode team and the black fans of the white phoenix team.

If the White Phoenix team is not good at starting the Super Cup, it will not be gossiped by others, such as "White Phoenix won the anode by luck", "White Phoenix owes a champion to the anode" and the like.

After the match, Bai Xiaowen did not accept an interview, but returned directly to Jinghai.

Together with his teammates, he will review this round of the game to see if there is anything worth improving and accumulate more top league experience.

A week later, the White Phoenix team again submitted a challenge application to challenge the third place, the Destiny team.

There was a little accident in this battle, and the White Phoenix team lost in the first game.

Yes, the first Destiny team did not disable the resource predatory mode, but disabled the crystal destroy mode.

Coincidentally, the first battle was to extract the resource plunder mode.

The Destiny Team is obviously prepared. When choosing the side first, the Beast Pen is the first target, and at the same time, an S-level prop is also used: Marching Strategy!

With the marching strategy and the speed of the beast pen, the Destiny team surpassed the White Phoenix team in the normal support speed, and when sprinting at full speed, it was even faster than the speed of the wolf.

Coupled with the fact that the Destiny team's reconnaissance ability is very strong, it can lock the personnel division position of the White Phoenix team first, and the sum of the two is even more lethal.

Immediately after capturing the beast, the Destiny team used a very ordinary A-level prop-a scroll that increased the stealth priority. The members quietly touched the middle and overshadowed the trio sent by the White Phoenix team to the gold mine. Bo, successfully won two heads, only Cecilia escaped at the speed of Bai Yujing.

Both sides are moving fast and the pace of this game is very tight.

After the Destiny Team obtained a temporary number advantage, they immediately demonstrated the experience of the old strong teams, quickly grouped to expand their advantages, and once occupied four resource points including gold mines on the map.

Bai Xiaowen can only instruct his teammates to temporarily shrink, and at the same time guarantee the ownership of at least one resource point by guerrilla warfare, constantly harass other resource points, and then brush the monsters to prevent the resource gap from becoming excessive.

After Han Xu and Qiao Rui were resurrected, the White Phoenix team began to counterattack, starting from the side and trying to capture the institute.

However, the Destiny Clan relied on the offensive and defensive BUFF advantages of the foundry and defended the Institute. The two sides fought a moderate-intensity team battle. The result was two for one, and Cecilia and Han Xu were killed.

Bai Xiaowen's summoned creature also lost a third and had to retreat.

If you do not withdraw, you can see that the Destiny Team will control the Institute for more than 10 minutes, and will soon get the first free war props from the Institute. Fighting further, the loss of the White Phoenix team will be even greater.

Now that the head ratio is 1: 4, the White Phoenix team is already quite inferior, because if they die alone, it will take more than 4 minutes to resurrect, and the opposite side only takes 1 minute! The opponent can change their lives without any fear, but the White Phoenix team cannot.

Therefore, instead of using high-power props, Bai Xiaowen chose to retreat, taking the gold mine along the way, interrupting the rhythm of the Destiny team.

However, the destiny team with many advantages such as speed, reconnaissance, foundry BUFF, head ratio, etc. After holding the research war props, the advantage is already quite large, and it is directly chased out, and the front and back feet will regain the gold mine and resources. The speed of plundering still exceeds that of the White Phoenix team.

In the end, the White Phoenix team was unable to return to the sky, ushered in the first defeat in the Super Cup bubbling match, and the first defeat since the team was established.

In fact, in terms of strength, the Destiny team is no better than the anode team.

However, the opponent is fully prepared and more willing to pay than the White Phoenix team.

"My fault. We also have a march strategy. If we use it at the beginning, at least we will not lose speed. In addition, on the split road, the 131 split road at the beginning is also a little too gratified." Bai Xiaowen took the error and took the initiative. On yourself.

"To be honest, we didn't pay enough attention to this round of competition," Qiao Rui nodded and took the stubble. "This is the final round of the bubbling match, and the winner will get a ticket to the Super Cup race! The use of S-level props is just a testament to their determination to win the game. "

After a pause, Qiao Rui said, "This time, I can't shirk all the responsibilities to the captain. After seeing the resource predatory mode, I got a little careless. The early 131 division was very problematic. It turns out that although we There are advantages of Wolf Valley Awakening, but in this mode, it is not a solid win. "

Qiao Rui is right.

Not only Qiao Rui underestimated the enemy, the other two beautiful team members of the White Phoenix team had a subconscious feeling of underestimating the enemy after four consecutive clean 2-0 matches. They always felt that the Super Cup bubbling match was not the case, and this was because they were overcast. To a reason.

This feeling of undervaluing the enemy is not something that can be dispelled by words. Only failure can make the team awake ~ ~ Qiao Rui even wondered whether Bai Xiaowen saw the signs of such undervaluation in the team, so he did not do his best. Intentionally let the team lose?

But the idea was so amazing that she couldn't ask.

Anyway, due to this failure, the three beautiful white team members of the White Phoenix team lost their enemy's mentality.

As for Bai Xiaowen, he has always been very sober, and it is also his constant emphasis in the team that the top leagues cannot be taken lightly.

However, Han Xu is another situation. As the only elite professional in the team, he feels that he is a pendant holding the thighs of the other four people and does not have the qualification to dismiss the enemy. There is already a voice on the Internet that the tank position of the White Phoenix team is tied Every dog ​​can win.

Of course, Han Xu's personality is also a stable type, easily not wave, give the opportunity is not wave.

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