The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1370: Erotic, in letter format

Sun Ce met Cai Zhong, Cai He, and as expected Zhou Yu, Er Cai, because of Yan Yan's cold treatment, made a special contribution.

Zhou Yu was soothing, accepted the two, and promised to reward Chua after defeating the Northern Army.

Cai Zhong, Cai He overjoyed, and then resigned.

Sun Sun Ce frowned and said, "These two are strange in their journey, and I don't feel like I really surrendered."

Zhou Yu laughed: "The two didn't even bring their children together, it must have been a fraud."

Sun Sun said: "Why not kill?"

Zhou Yu shook her head, and there was a hint of excitement in her expression: "I was about to use these two people to pass false news for me. It's ridiculous that Yuan Xi has actually made such a bad move!"

Xun Sunce frowned and said, "Everyone says that Yuan Xi uses soldiers like gods, how can such a flaw be revealed."

Zhou Yu laughed: "Yuan Xi is so smooth that he has never been frustrated. Now that the world is flat, he thinks that Jiangdong is as easy to ask and relax as Hanzhong and Yizhou. This is what God gave you and I defeated Yuan Hee, a great opportunity for great achievements! "

Yun Sun Ce was also excited.

When the two discussed the strategy of breaking Yuan, the guards reported that Zhang Yun and Zhang Ye were asked to see him.

Zhang Yun was originally a general in Jingzhou. After Wei Yan attacked Xiangyang, Zhang Yun switched to Jiangdong for unknown reasons.

Sun Ce could not have seen Zhang Yun, but Zhou Yu was farsighted and persuaded Sun Ce: "Yuan Xi will come to attack Jiangnan sooner or later. At that time, the two armies will fight on the Yangtze River, relying only on the navy. Zhang Yun is only good at water warfare. We Jiangdong No, but it is a treasure for Yuan Xi. When we accept Zhang Yun, we are weakening Yuan Xi. "

Therefore Sun Ce treats Zhang Yun with great rewards, and his brother Zhang Hua is also named Captain.

The brothers Zhang Yun asked to see this time, bringing the latest trends of the Northern Army.

"Yuan Xi casts the iron chain and connects all the warships?" Zhou Yu frowned, repeating.

Zhang Yun said: "Yeah, I saw with my own eyes that Yuan Jun's boat trips with iron cables almost stopped the wind and waves of the Yangtze River. Yuan's soldiers would ride horses on the building boat and fly as if walking on the ground. "

Yun Sunce was shocked: "In this way, our army cannot rely on the Yangtze River Heaven and Earth, how can we fight Yuan Xi's hundreds of thousands of troops?"

After Zhou Yu groaned, she laughed: "Destiny is in me! Yuan Xi is so exhausted that she has come up with such faintness."

Yun Sunce asked why.

Zhou Yu said, "Yuan Jun is powerful. If he wants to break it, he can only rely on a fire attack. However, it is easy to carry out a fire attack on the river surface. A boat is burning, and the rest of the ships must be scattered. Now Yuan Xi uses iron cables to connect the ships Isn't it a self-determined way? It's spring and the southeast wind is flourishing. How can our army take advantage of the time and place to make peace? "

Sun Sun overjoyed. Congratulations to Zhang Yun, but Zhang Ye said with an arched hand: "Yuan Xi is very cunning. Will it be a trick to seduce the enemy? The protagonist, General Zhou, must be careful not to fall into Yuan Xi's trap."

Sun Ce shook his head and said, "Gong Jinzhi's wisdom, how can you do it!"

Zhou Yu was quite friendly to Zhang Ye, and smiled: "Bo Fu, don't scold Zhang Ye, he is also loyal. If Zhang Ye did not persuade his brother Zhang Yun to go to Jiangdong, Yuan Xi would have no available generals. It ’s not necessarily the case with chains. "

Sun Ce asked: "Gong Jin, how do you use soldiers?"

Zhou Yu said: "Before using soldiers, you must first use the plan. Bofu, you and I need to perform another play to persecute Jiangdong Lu's family and execute my strategic plan.

Uh ...

A few days later, a major event occurred in Jiangdong.

Lu Jun, the head of Lu's family, spread unfavorable remarks in the army, talked about surrender, and was jailed by Sun Ce. The clan of the Lu clan was also captured by Sun Ce.

Gu Gu, Zhou, Zhang and other Wu County clan were all shocked and urged to persuade. Helpless Sun Ce seemed to be iron-hearted, and gave no face at all.

These information was naturally sent by Cai Zhong and Cai He to **** by boat to Jiangbei by night.

Uh ...

Xi Bai Xiaowen sat in the big tent and received letters from Cai Zhong and Cai He, spreading the message to the generals.

Han Hanmeng said with excitement: "The king's seal of appreciation for the Jingzhou clan, really made the Jiangdong clan's heart float. High, it is high!"

The east of the Minjiang River can be divided into two parts.

First, Huai Si Group. Represented by Zhou Yu, the others are Zhang Zhao, Lu Su, Lu Meng, Zhu Gejin, etc. All of them were the heroes who played a great role when Sun Ceping calmed Jiangdong. They were also the most trusted by Sun Ce. .

Second, the Jiangdong clan. After Sun Ce occupied Jiangdong, the Jiangdong clan held a skeptical and critical attitude towards him. However, Sun Ce is very rigid and does not like to be appeased by Huairou. Historical books record that he "turned a thousand miles and made the land of the Jiangnan region, and made his name famous and prestigious neighbors."

Here, “their celebrities”, in fact, are among the clan clans who do not want to rely on Sun Ce.

Under the policy of high pressure, the relationship between the Sun Ce Group and the Jiangdong clan was naturally tense.

If there is no Bai Xiaowen and Sun Ce is left alone, then there will be two possibilities: first, Sun Ce is backstabbed by the Jiangdong clans and assassinated; second, Sun Ce uses strong power to subdue the Jiangdong clans, and with the help of Zhou Yu, he divides and draws them together For your own use.

Suddenly someone came to report, Jiang Dong sent a secret letter.

Bai Xiaowen asked people to come in.

The self-reported family member who sent the letter said that it was a family member of the Jiang Family Lu Family, and now he sent a joint letter from Lu Ji and Lu Xun to ~ ~ Bai Xiaowen, asking: "Why is the owner?"

Jain Humane: "The owner Lu Jun was detained by Sun Ce, so the brother and nephew of the owner are temporarily substituted."

Bai Xiaowen opened the letter and watched. The letter was written by Jiang Dong Sun Ce's brutality and bullying the township party. Lu's willingness to use the power of the remaining Jiang Dong clans as an internal response; Sun Ce will be robbed and returned to King Yan soon.

Bai Xiaowen Tsai carefully read the letter and laughed: "Okay." Reward the person, and then write a letter, and order the person to bring it back.

The congregation gathered together for Bai Xiaowen's congratulations: "Jiangdong clan belongs, Sun Ce lost his help and will soon be captured by the king."

Bai Xiaowen laughed: "Our army has used iron cables to link boats, and we can cross the river. On the other day, we will advance to the south. As long as we capture the Sanjiangkou and defeat Zhou Yu, the place in the south of the river will be flat."

The public will disperse, and Li Shuyi asks in confusion in the team channel:

"I remember Lu Xun was the governor of Soochow."

Bai Xiaowen nodded: "In the Sun Quan era, there were four famous governors in Soochow, in turn Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Lu Meng, and Lu Xun. The first three were all close relatives of the Huai Si Group. Only Lu Xun was from the Jiangdong clan. This can also be It can be seen that in different periods of time, the strength of the Huaisi Group and the clan of the Jiangdong clans in Huai Si Group gradually declined.

Li Shuyi said: "Does Lu Xun really want to surrender?"

Bai Xiaowen said: "Now that the conflict between Lu's and Sun Ce is the most intense, he certainly wants to surrender. But this time, the surrender is not true."

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