The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1385: The role of Taoism

"This ... how can I suddenly add one? Is it because I have summoned Angry Claws ..."

Bai Xiaowen's thoughts turned, if it was the summoning of the angry claws that led to the appearance of the second Yellowstone Lux, then this copy would be too bad.

不 Doesn't the summoner rely on quantity?

Are you the ancestral home of Heming Mountain Road Gate aimed at my fat tiger?

Bai Xiaowen scolded in his heart, but did not dare to summon other creatures out. Before, you could enjoy the thrill of massaging your opponents. Now you can only fight one-on-one.

Bai Xiaowen can only be very grateful, without rushing to release all the summoned creatures of the Black Soul Stone, otherwise the fun will be great.

The angry claws did not fight against the first Yellowstone Lux, and they slipped to the side. One claw buckled up and saw the stone flying. The Yellowstone Lux suffered only minimal damage.

The second Huangshi Luxi did not see how the legs flexed and stretched. The soles of the feet seemed to be fitted with rollers, and the arms suddenly fell.

Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes, prejudged in advance, and avoided the blow.

两只 These two yellowstone fighters are only thick-skinned and relatively hard to kill. They are not very aggressive.

The average person may be scared by their amazing power of 130+, but the problem depends on the essence.

Huangshi Luxi's legs can not be moved, but can only rely on the wheels of the feet to slide and turn. On "body style", that is, the ability to dodge, is much weaker than normal enemies.

Although the arms can attack, the elbows cannot be flexed and stretched, and the routine is single.

Cooperating with several directions of Huangshi Lux's turning and taxiing, Bai Xiaowen can fully simulate the several fists of their attack, so as to avoid the situation in advance. Honestly, Huangshi Lux is much worse offensive than real people.

Of course, even two sandbags are not easy to pass.

Bai Xiaowen is distracted and uses his own gun to shoot and dodge. He also uses his angry claws to predict dodge.

Deterrence skills are not easy to use, because these two Yellowstone Lux are boss templates, and the "spiritual field" of deterrence can only take effect on templates below their own goals, regardless of priority! Although Bai Xiaowen currently has a priority over the lord, it is still just a hero template after all.

After suffering for a long time, finally relying on the continuous shooting of the desert eagle and the occasionally triggered killing craving for real damage, the two Yellowstone Lux were smashed to death.

However, after the "death" of Yellowstone Lux, he just turned into a gravel and did not reveal any treasure chests.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head helplessly, greeting the angry claws to leave.

The angry claws suddenly ran to the two piles of rubble, east sniffing, west sniffing, from one of the piles, scooped out a light-emitting sheet, and gave it to Bai Xiaowen.

"Good job."

Bai Xiaowen did not want to fight the enthusiasm of the angry claws, so he took the glowing fragments and took a look.

Bai Xiaowen knows that this kind of luminous debris is not burst out from the monster treasure chest, nor is it a mission reward. According to the rules of the spirit world, he has no "ownership" and cannot take it away.

Sure enough, there is only one simple explanation for this glowing fragment.

[Fairy Crystal Fragment: Unknown singular object, unable to bring out of the spirit world. 】

Bai Xiaowen temporarily put away this piece of debris.

"Where should I go next?" Bai Xiaowen looked at the left, right, front, and back, all frowning, frowned, and began to think.

"Just now, Huangshi Luxi has a skill called‘ He Tu Da Zhen ’, which shows that this formation method is related to He Tu Luo Shu ... Corresponding to it, the more famous one is Jiugong Tu.”

"Nine palace map, two or four for shoulders, six or eight for feet; left three six seven wear nine shoes one, five in the center ..."

Bai Xiaowen thought that when he first entered, there was only one Huangshi Luxi. Does it mean that he just started to set foot, it is the "Luyi" of Jiugongtu? Then, due to the appearance of the angry claws, it was judged as two units by the map, so the difficulty of this nine-square grid was doubled.

计算 If you calculate this way, you should go forward left, and then go straight ahead. You will encounter "Left Three" and "Shoulder Four", which is not too difficult-of course, if you put away the angry claws.

If you go wrong, and run to the Jiugongge of seven or more, it is terrifying.

虽然 Although Huangshi Luxi has a single attack mode, the number of stacking up is very tricky. A group of Yellowstone Luxi will surround you and beat the master to death without giving you space to dodge at all.

What's more, there is also the terrible skill of "connection". For every additional Yellowstone Lux, the full attributes of all Yellowstone Lux will increase by 10%. If there are more than seven Yellowstone Lux, the power of Yellowstone Lux will soar to 200 points, and the agility will break through 100 points!

I tried to drop ten times, how Bai Xiaowen was predicting, it was impossible to avoid such a powerful melee attack.

"Although I'm not entirely sure that my idea is correct, it seems that I have no choice. I don't know too much about Hemingshan Ancestral House to make other choices."

Bai Xiaowen put away his angry claws and walked towards the mist on the left front.

The mist in front of me became more and more dense, as if there was elasticity. It took a lot of effort for Bai Xiaowen to “squeeze in”, and then he suddenly heard a “bang”, as if breaking through some kind of diaphragm, and the mist returned to normal again.

The black shadow flickered, and three Yellowstone Lux taxied and came to Bai Xiaowen.

"It really is three!"

Bai Xiaowen did not dare to summon the angry claws again. The increase in combat power brought by Angry Claws is completely incomparable to the increase of the other three Yellow Scarves.

Bai Xiaowen can only use Taiping 箓 -Junxu Charm ~ ~ First, hold one of them, then maintain the injection of mental power, block the opponent's ability to move, and then raise the gun while dodging the other two Yellowstone Lux shooting.

Bai Xiaowen didn't even dare to fire the shooting mode this time, because the imprisonment charm was constantly consuming his mental power.

I often walk near the river. How can there be non-wet shoes? Bai Xiaowen's agility is not high. In the end, he was hit by one of Huangshi Luxi with a hammer, and he was stunned.

Taiping 箓 was broken.

The second and third Yellowstone Lux were surrounded.

Fortunately, there is a sincere passive, and the vertigo is extremely short. Bai Xiaowen did not wait for the second punch to come over, he restored his ability to move, turned on his shoes to accelerate, and rushed out. At the same time, it cost 5 yuan, leaving a Taoist illusion in place.

Twenty-three Yellowstone fighters raged around Taoist illusions.

Boom, boom!

The illusion of martial arts dissipated among the fluctuations, but it also won a lot of time for Bai Xiaowen's tactical adjustment!

既然 "Since illusionism is useful, what about martyrdom?"

Bai Xiaowen took a deep breath, and Cao Liu's ancient martial arts-Auyi-Tian Cong Yun Jian was exhibited.

A fiery flame broke through the ground, knocking all three Yellowstone fighters into flight.

Bai Xiaowen aimed at the most injured Huangshi Luxi, opened his palms, Yuanli cooperated with a ray of thought to transmit it, and tried to grasp the action of this Yellowstone Lux.

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