The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1437: Real and Unreal

"Is there hope for resurrection?"

After a long time, Bai Xiaowen took a breath and calmed down.

Xi Baiyuantang shook his head and said, "The soul is dissipated and cannot be recovered."

"Really hopeless?"

Bai Yuantang thought for a while: "At least as far as my level of knowledge is concerned, there is no way to resurrect her. However, there are too many mysteries in the psionic age, and my level of knowledge does not dare to understand all the mysteries, especially the soul Level thing, that's God's forbidden area. "

"Dad, the **** you said ... can you resurrect my sister?"

Baiyuantang shook his head: "I'm not God, so I don't know. The remodeling of the soul is a realm that only God knows."

"Is it possible for mortals to become gods?" Bai Xiaowen asked a question again.

Xi Baiyuantang said: "Generally speaking, it is impossible. But everything is not absolute ... just like me, in fact, I have already been on the road to becoming a god."

"I will do my best to help my father become a god," Bai Xiaowen seemed to have found his goal, "then resurrect my sister, our family, and reunite."

Xi Baiyuantang said for a while and said silently: "You should not be too impulsive. Now you should hide your identity and improve your strength. You need to pay special attention to one point."

Bai Xiaowen's eyes looked at Bai Yuantang.

Bai Yuantang said: "If you have the favor of the gods, let you be his voter ... it must be rejected."


Bai Yuantang said: "Becoming an elector can receive God's favor and effortlessly gain powerful power, but it also means that you become a slave and you can never get rid of the imprint of the gods. Remember, the power comes at a price, the more you have The greater the cost. "

Bai Xiaowen nodded suddenly. Power comes at a price. This is already reflected in the Black Soul Stone.

Bai Yuantang also said: "Besides, being an elect means that you have no reservations about the deities you worship. All your secrets are known to him, including the eyes of evolution, including your relationship with me. This is an absolute secret and must not be exposed To your friends and relatives, even if it is Jun, you must not mention it. "

Bai Xiaowen nodded again, and then asked, "Dad, I remember Mom left with you. Where is she now?"

Tong Baiyuantang was silent for a while, shaking his head and saying, "Now, it's inconvenient to tell you the truth. Think of her as never before."

I paused, Bai Yuantang said, "Time is running out. Let's stop this conversation."

Bai Xiaowen was puzzled.

My mother's identity has always been strange to Bai Xiaowen, far from the memory left by her sister Bai Xiaohua. Bai Xiaowen knew almost nothing about his mother.

Now my father said so again, how can we not let Bai Xiaowen be suspicious.

However, Bai Xiaowen is very mature. Instead of asking the root question, he asked a question he was most concerned about: "Dad, is the spirit real or real?"

Bai Yuantang laughed: "Then I ask you, are you real or unreal?"

Bai Xiao text can want to answer but can't say.

Bai Yuantang said: "We take video games as an example. The characters in a game are all written by developers. For you, the game characters are all illusory, right."

Bai Xiaowen nodded.

Bai Yuantang continued: "So one day, that developer has the supreme supernatural power, which allows the characters in the game to step out of the game and come into your so-called 'reality', which allows you to see, touch, Perceived ... can even drink with you, fight together, experience life and death. So is this game character still illusive? "

Bai Xiaowen was at a loss, saying, "How can ... there is such a powerful developer."

Bai Yuantang laughed and said nothing.

Bai Xiaowen quickly realized his mistake and said, "I see."

Wouldn't that be the kind of developer in the spirit world?

No wonder my dad said before, that when the manipulator behind the spirit world is found, he is not far from breaking the game.

"You just need to remember that everything that you can see, touch, or perceive is true," Bai Yuantang said. "When you have a magical power like a" developer ", what you now think is true 'In fact, it can also be regarded as illusory, because you can build the same real existence by raising your hands, including reshaping Xiaohua's soul.'

"It's a bit like the idea of ​​mind." Bai Xiaowen said.


Bai Yuantang ended the topic and finally said, "Your evolutionary eye, with the qualifications to evolve again, I will help you to promote this evolution. In this closed trial place, it is a rare opportunity for evolution and can be protected from the outside world Bother. "

Bai Xiaowen suddenly realized that this was why Bai Yuantang appeared in the seventh tomb in the Trial Land.

The Eye of Evolution has evolved once before, giving Bai Xiaowen the function of memory sharing, and the effect of insight has also been enhanced.

However, at that time, it was really thrilling. The demon creature tried to cross the border to attack the towns and cities of the earth. There was even a high-level demon of level 20 and above, trying to stretch an arm in. Fortunately, there was a team of evolutionaries who were on holiday on the earth, and they cut off the arm of Yan Yan.

Of course, Bai Xiaowen now understands that even if there is no evolution team, the high-end demons can't get any benefits ~ ~ because it forcibly crosses the boundary, it will cause the psionic particles that maintain space cracks to decay rapidly, and space crack It will disappear soon.

Bai Yuantang's body became more and more illusory, and a soft light gathered into Bai Xiaowen's left eye.

Bai Xiaowen endured the pain in his eyes and asked, "Dad, what is the Eye of Evolution?"

I never got a response. Bai Yuantang's figure once again turned into a light spot and disappeared.

"I have many questions ..."

Bai Xiaowen sighed, mainly because his sister's news was so shocking that he lost his heart and missed a great opportunity to understand the mysteries of the psionic age.

My father Bai Yuantang is actually a big brother who is qualified to "play chess". He must know many mysteries of the psionic age, such as the origin of the spirit world? Such as the secret of the Eye of Evolution and so on. You can only ask him until you meet next time.

Unfortunately, the dad behind the scenes is a little bit dazed, not even the entity. Otherwise, Bai Xiaowen can enjoy a strong second-generation treatment, turn on the Dragon Aotian mode, what Star Alliance, what Kwell collar, all kneel and sing to conquer.

"Although the hope is very slim, my sister still has the possibility of resurrection. Now I still need to strengthen my strength and participate in my father's chess game earlier."

Bai Xiaowen quickly withdrew from his own knowledge.

The word Wu Shihai was learned from his father Bai Yuantang, which is actually what Bai Xiaowen called the "sea of ​​consciousness".

Soon, a series of prompts came from the rules of the spirit world.

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