The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1498: what's going on?

After the transaction was completed, Bai Xiaowen wanted to leave, but was retained by the queen.

"It's very helpful for you to see the Lord Duel here," said the Queen.

Bai Xiaowen accepted with an open mind and sat down about two meters from the side of the old clock.

The evolutionary platform cannot use force. The attacked evolutionary will instantly appear a protective layer of immune damage, and the person who shoots will be punished by the rules of the spiritual world, with serious consequences. Therefore, the evolutionary platform is also a safe place for everyone to put down their preparedness.

Soon, Sky Monkey said, "Lord Kenneth, Lord Gondor, is here."

Bai Xiaowen followed the sky monkey's guidance and saw the Lord Kenneth surrounded by a group of evolutionists.

Lord Kenneth was wearing a dark gold battle armor with a complex pattern and holding a long-handled eagle-headed scepter. The most special thing is that there is a flame ring suspended above his head, and it turns gently as his head moves.

In appearance, Lord Kenneth is also very special. His eyes are completely different from ordinary people. A faint reddish light shines out, like a flame burning.

Bai Xiaowen quietly injected real power, the eyes of evolution swept over Lord Kenneth. However, he was quickly reminded that Lord Kenneth was protected by the Ring of Chaos and unable to detect it.

Bai Xiaowen also received further hints. Based on the strength gap between the two sides, if it is necessary to detect the real message of Lord Kenneth, it will take 200 points of real power and alert the Lord Kenneth.

Bai Xiaowen held the impulse that Zhenyuanli poured into the eyes of evolution, and asked, "What level of lord is Kenneth?"

Sky Monkey said: "If you use the aboriginal level algorithm, it should be level 18 ... it is a senior evolutionary lord."

"It looks very powerful," Bai Xiaowen said.

Lao Zhong shook his head: "Strong is certain. Every lord, in our main position, can exert a great strength. However, it is estimated that Lord Kenneth's duel is still very suspended."

Sky monkey nodded: "I thought his opponent was stronger! And it was overwhelming."

Suddenly, a moment of restlessness came from me when I was talking.

"Lord Xia Feng, the lord of Daxia, appeared." The sky monkey was a little excited, and there was even a little awe in his expression.

The expression of the queen bee turned dignified.

He is different from Lord Kenneth's extraordinary appearance. Lord Xia Feng only wears a simple black clothes, with a half-edged wide-edged sword on his back. He does n’t even have a follower on his side, so he walks into the arena all the way.

The others on the aisle, with awe in their eyes, gave way.

At the end of the passage, there is a carved platform at the center of the arena.

Two lords, Xia Feng and Kenneth, stood ten meters apart, standing on the two corners of the glyph platform together.

The two stood opposite each other and did not speak.

I must have already talked about it, because it was not possible to choose to start a war. If it weren't for the mediation of other heavyweights in the lord group, the two lords would not even appear in the arena, and the territorial war would begin directly.

The queen bee suddenly said, "The real big man is here."

The third floor of the arena, in a circle of boxes, suddenly a few strong breath. In addition, the third-floor box should have the same shielding effect as edging glass. The inside can not be seen from the outside, so the "big man" inside cannot be seen clearly.

"The real big man?" Bai Xiaowen repeated.

The queen nodded slightly: "Judging from the breath, there is the Grand Duke Barlos of the Divine Court, the Grand Duke Boyd of the Illuminati ... These two are our top stars on the Blue Star platform. There are some other organizational leaders, but Neither of them weighs as much. "

Bai Xiaowen has heard of the three major organizations of the Blue Star Evolver Platform: Shenting, Pan-Asian Alliance, and Plenary Session.

Then Grand Duke Barlos should be the head of the divine court, and Grand Duke Boyd was the leader of the Plenary.

Bai Xiaowen asked, "Which is the head of the Pan-Asian Union?"

The queen bee shook her head, and her expression was a little complicated: "Not here."

"Don't come?" Bai Xiaowen was slightly surprised.

From the chat with the Blue Star Lord group, he has learned that "Kenneth-Gundor" is a member of the divine court, and "Xia Feng-Da Xia" is a member of Pan Asia.

Now Grand Prince Barlos, the No. 1 figure in the Holy Trinity, came to stand for Kenneth, but the pan-Asian leader did not appear. Is there any deep meaning behind it?

It seemed as if she understood Bai Xiaowen's surprise, but the queen changed her indifferent expression: "It's okay, he's all the same whether he comes or not ... After all, the strength of Da Xia's collar is expanding a bit too fast."

Lao Zhong coughed softly: "Master Queen, be careful. We are also members of Pan Asia."

The bee queen smiled hesitantly, "Isn't it just fighting in a nest, someone can do it, I can't say it is incredible?"

Bai Xiaowen thought silently. The water seemed to be deep inside, and we didn't know it, and we didn't dare to ask.

Quickly, a light gate was raised in the center of the carved platform.

No one was required to preside or arbitrate, and the two lords stepped into the light gate almost simultaneously.

Then, the light of the light gate converged and condensed into a glowing sphere.

"It's started, and you can watch the match by separating your consciousness and connecting the 'Vientiane Ball'." The queen reminded her very carefully, then closed her long and charming eyes slightly.

The evolution platform is a safe area ~ ~ It does not need to be distracted to defend any enemy.

Bai Xiaowen also closed his eyes, and a trace of spirituality floated out, connecting the glowing sphere called "Vientiane Sphere".

With a loud noise, Bai Xiaowen's consciousness came to a new world.

发现 He found that his consciousness produced his own illusory image, and the angle of vision can be adjusted, and zoomed in and out, to see everything in this world clearly.

This is a plain, it should be the terrain selected by both sides.

The two lords, Xia Feng and Kenneth, face each other hundreds of feet apart.

Xi Baixiaowen had expectations in mind. How wonderful would it be to fight a lord who is feared by countless evolutionaries?

[It looks like Xia Feng is a fighter and Kenneth is a mage. Then it depends on whether Xia Feng can get close ... 】

Before Bai Xiaowen's thoughts turned, he saw Kenneth raising his hand and hitting a beam of light in the open space in front of him.

The light converges, an illusory image of the pool of flames emerges, and it becomes solid at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

In the pool of flames, one after another, flames flew out and turned into a single fire elf, forming hundreds of fire elf army. Hula la rushed towards Xia Feng.

[Kenneth is like a summoner like me ... what is this pool of fire? Lying down! What is the situation again! ? 】 Baidu read the latest chapter of the "Eye of Evolution" and read it for free for the first time.

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