The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1530: Confused

After hearing this cold voice, Li Feng felt cold all over.

It seems that there is a basin of ice water, and the cranium at the beginning is poured down, and it cools down to the heel.

"You ... Lv Wang, you have repeatedly opposed Datang Leader! You don't know, I am the heir of Datang Leader! If you dare to hurt me a cold hair ... take your own risks!"

锋 Li Feng panicked, threatened by a bluff, and opened his mouth.

Bai Xiaowen rode his angry claws and stood in front of Li Feng.

He looked at Li Feng and said quietly, "Your Datang leader basically did all the evil and the heavenly good was exhausted. In my territory, there are now hundreds of orphans who worshiped you. With the Wraith Plan, every one of them wants to eat your flesh. "

I paused, Bai Xiaowen continued:

"However, I am not a person with excess sense of justice, nor am I standing on the moral high ground and sanctioning your thoughts. It is strange that the leader of the Tang Dynasty warned me.

"From the moment when the Great Tang lord Taizong issued a threat of war to me, everyone in your Great Tang lord and everyone were my enemies ... For the enemy, I can use all means and I will not have any Be kind and soft! "

I felt that Bai Xiaowen's murderous power was getting heavier and stronger, and Li Feng's eyelids jumped wildly.

This ... this Lu Wang, was so decisive! So decisive!

This is completely different from what His Majesty Taizong said!

Li Feng still remembers that before he left, His Majesty Taizong raised his head to Lv Wang, and he shrugged his head disdainfully, his words were still in his ears:

"Lv Wang, there is a soft egg, and I am afraid of Datang Bingfeng. In front of my threat of war, I dare not say a word. He can only be an ostrich now and pray that I cannot find his territory Coordinates. But this is impossible, and it won't be long before I get to the city. "

锋 Li Feng screamed, waved his wand to set himself a shield of wind, and then began to seal.

From his body surface, two cyan chains are extended. This is the solidified form of the "wind chain", which can be used as two soft whips, so that the magician also has a certain melee ability. .

However, Bai Xiaowen didn't bother, and he dropped a spell directly in front of Li Feng.

Yellow, charm spell!

Under the blessing of the meditation mastery at entry level 2, this spell of charm is like electricity, hitting Li Feng.

Li Feng 霎 Time felt a powerful idea, attached to a pure spiritual force, and invaded his own sea of ​​knowledge along his own meridian.

"mind control?"

锋 Li Feng's soul is all dead, and being controlled by the mind can be said to be worse than life.

He tried to turn the magic in his body, set up lower layers to resist, and resist the power of Bai Xiaowen's charm spell.

The angry claws flew in the past, wrapped in a light spiritual claws, and scrambled against Li Feng's wind shield.

The shield was broken.


Bian Delifa appeared in front of Li Feng like a ghost, and shot straight at his brows!

Almost all the spirits of Li Feng were used to resist Bai Xiaowen's invasion of thoughts. After the wind shield of the body was broken, the wind chain could not be adjusted for a while, and Dreyfa pierced the eyebrow with a shot.

However, Delifa's power was well mastered, and the gun only penetrated an inch, and a ray of blood flowed down.

Li Feng felt like he was hit by a heavy hammer on his forehead, and then stepped back a few steps.

的 The hub of magic flow, also known as the key, is commonly known as "cover door" ... was hit by Delifa!

Li Feng's magic, a lot of scattered immediately.

Bai Xiaowen increased the injection of true strength, and the power of the charm spell broke through many defenses and broke into Li Feng's knowledge.

Li Feng's body surface, the red light was fluctuating, his own consciousness, and Bai Xiaowen's confusing charm invaded the mind, engaged in a tug-of-war.

The level of the two is the same, both are level 12.

I just, Bai Xiaowen's real template is much stronger than him.

In just three breaths, Li Feng's consciousness was defeated, his body became red, and then he converged.

Bai Xiaowen rubbed his eyebrows, and withdrew his consciousness with some exhaustion.

Li Feng put his hands down, and bowed his head to Bai Xiaowen's face. He didn't wipe the blood on his eyebrows. He knelt down and said, "See the master."

Bai Xiaowen nodded slightly. He closed his eyes and began to examine Li Feng's memory fragments.

After about 10 seconds, Bai Xiaowen opened his eyes.

[Sure enough, as I thought ... the giant barbarian army, the phantom army, such as the non-intelligent, or the low-intelligent army, all rely on 'authority' to control. 】

【The Great Tang Lord Taizong has the highest authority. He can grant secondary authority to Li Feng and Li Chun. For the giant soldiers, they obeyed Li Feng's order because of Li Feng's spiritual strength. 】

[Now I control Li Feng ... it means that I can control the two hundred giant brutal soldiers! 】

Ding Ding, plan to pass.

If it is a normal and intelligent territorial army, it should not be controlled by authority. For a normal and savvy army, Supreme Commander Taizong tells them who to listen to, then to whom.

Of course, if it is a normal and savvy army, as long as Bai Xiaowen controls Li Feng, he can still indirectly control the direction of the army. However, it is definitely not as savvy as a giant barbarian army, and only an army that recognizes its authority is comfortable.

Let me give you the simplest example ~ ~ If Bai Xiaowen ordered Li Feng's army to attack Hei Tian Jiao Ying Pan ...

The normal and savvy army will definitely question this order, and it will even be persuaded and rebelled by representatives of other Datang leaders such as Xu Geng, Li Chun, etc., and be reinstated under their command.

But the giant brute is different. Bai Xiaowen has the authority of Li Feng. He gives orders to the giant brute through Li Feng. When he really refers to which one, there is absolutely no hesitation, as long as a person without higher authority appears.

[The time is urgent, you must hurry back and dig out the giant brutal soldiers ...]

Bai Xiaowen immediately ordered the angry claws to bear two people and return to the swamp battlefield by Dongting Lake.

The angry claw boss also reluctantly felt that letting Li Feng ride on his back was simply an insult to its generation of wolf kings.

"I just starve to death and die outside. Jumping from this place will never hit this guy! Alas!"

The angry claws are connected by heart, and it is said to be impassioned.

I ca n’t stand the angry claws of mind-to-heart connection. After all, I am not good at hiding my thoughts in conscious communication:

除非 "Unless ... give me more vacation, I have been caught too late recently."

In the end, Angry Claw was successfully bought by Bai Xiaowen's three-month paid holiday.

For three months, it's enough for my wife to give birth to a little wolf, what a wonderful time. Wolf Valley is about to grow again.

Holding the angry claws of Bai Xiaowen and Li Feng, he ran toward the sunset in the distance, thinking with great joy.

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