The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1558: Death Skull

"This palm is so complicated that the leader of Hei Tian is indeed the peak of martial arts!"

For a while, the same thoughts flashed in the minds of the Xianmen Alliance and Wuxing Banner.

Many people have avoided their eyes, and dare not see the tragic situation in which "Lu Wang" was killed with a single palm.

However, in front of everyone's eyes, "Lv Wang" erected the stele backhand, blocking it in front of him, and exposed a half-smile to the God of Heaven: "Come on, this little broken monument, let's not ask anyone."


The black **** instructor stiffly stopped the slap.

Fortunately, his martial arts level is high, and even if he shot with anger, he can also be relaxed. Changing to a weaker martial artist, I am afraid to be swallowed back by my own power.

However, this is the time to accept the move, the God of Darkness has been a ghostly figure with a pause.

Chen Rong, who had been preparing for a long time, immediately flew out a dark golden rune.

Dark gold rune exploded in the air and turned into a large dark gold hand, clasping the Lord of the Dark God's legs.


The black **** teaches the master to support with both hands, surging surging force surging, black thin lines covering the surface of that dark gold hand, cutting!

There was a crackling sound like a crackling sound, and the dark gold hands turned into an infinitely fine dark golden light, dissipating.

However, Chen Rong's "Tianzun hand" is just the first step.

The elder Yuan Zhiheng, who was always on the lookout for the closest northeast corner, finally found an opportunity.

"Town magic charm! Single ring interlocking-"

"Town magic charm, interlocking!"

紫 Purple billowing, a purple spirit flew out, hitting the Heitianjiao.

The purple energy was turned into a purple chain, which fastened the Heitianjiao and the town magic charm of the northeast corner.

The Dark Lord's figure suddenly stunned, as if wearing a heavy yoke.

At the corner of the northwest, the Shang Qing sent the elder Pan Dechang and shouted, "Town magic charm! The two rings are interlocked-"

The other three seniors' names should be at the same time: "Town magic charm, two rings interlocking!"

The purple light rushed to Pan Dechang, and the town magic rune Guanghua on his head skyrocketed again, and then led another purple vigor, hitting the black **** leader, and turned into a second purple chain.

"Town charm! Three rings interlock!"

"Town charms, interlocking!"

The four magic charms of the town are activated at the same time, and the four purple chains fasten the Heitianjiao firmly! The king-level strongman completely lost his ability to escape.

However, the power of the town's runes doesn't stop there.

After confirming that the enemy was arrested, the four magical charms of the four towns rose at the same time, gathering the power of the four lord-class powerful men, turning into a "ten" in the air.


Twenty-four lord-class powerhouses, at the same time, uttered a loud shout, and gathered the four town charms of infinite purple light, and fell at the same time.

The Lord of Darkness looked up at the dazzling purple light and felt the breath of destruction.

He wanted to go, but couldn't move. The four loops of the town's rune are interlocked, and he has been completely locked.

His eyes flickered, and the leader of Hei Tian saw "Lv Wang" who was crumbling and preparing to escape.

原来 "It turned out that you used yourself as a bait, and deliberately led me into the game ... good, I admire your courage, so I give you special honor-"

"Fun to this seat! Lu Wang!"


The words of the Lord of Darkness finally converged into a "dead" character, and the iron claws suddenly snapped.

A thin black line appeared at Lu Wang's waist, and then echoed at high speed.


Chen Rong yelled, "Awang!"

Under all eyes, Lu Wang's body, along with the forbidden monument on his back, was cut silently by the waist.

For a second, the body of Hei Tianjiao was also annihilated by the dazzling purple light.

That ’s right, it ’s annihilation. The purple light of the town magic rune seems to have the power of annihilation, and the God of Darkness itself has not had much power to protect his body after the war.

From top to bottom, the body of Hei Tianjiao disappeared inch by inch.

The chaotic battlefield became extremely quiet in an instant.

榕 Chen Rong ran over.

The warriors carrying the Five Elements Banner also swarmed.


"Liu Daxia!"

I watched this touching scene, Yuan Zhiheng wiped his eyes.

"I didn't expect Lord Lv ... No, Elder Lu even gave up his life in order to get rid of the magic."

The owner of Penglai Pavilion, that is, the fourth person who co-chaired the town magic run with the three elders of the Qing dynasty, also sighed with emotion: "The death of the chivalrous bones, not the world's best. The deeds will definitely go down in history. He lives in our hearts forever! "

榕 Chen Rong jumped to the scene of the crime scene for the first time. She felt the tip of her nose sore, and there was something in her throat, which made her panicked.

However, Chen Rong still tried to restrain the urge to cry. She squatted down, stroking Lu Wang's unimpressed upper body, and closed his eyes gently.

Just ...

Alas, this feels wrong.

榕 Chen Rong stayed.

的 The true strength attached to the two "corpses" slowly dissipated and turned into two spirit trees.

At the same time, a lazy voice sounded near the front door of Hei Tiangong.

"Thank you for your love, compared to the history of the name, or being remembered by everyone, I still feel that it is better to live ..."

He is Lu Wang's voice. He is talking to the Penglai Pavilion master?

Chen Rong suddenly got up and looked up.

She saw the hateful smile at a glance.

Tochigi Incarnation?

榕 Chen Rong finally woke up.

I'm so stupid, really.

Wu Mingming gave him the Bark of the Incarnation of Wood's incarnation.

Tong Ming knew that he was very clever and had a very good qualification. He must have practiced this demon art long ago.

Tong Ming knows clearly that he is not a hero who justifies his life. He will surely find a way to protect himself in the face of the danger of his life—

He actually (almost) got tears from him!

The wrinkled old face of the Penglai Pavilion twitched for a while ~ ~ Finally, there was a smile: "Master Lv, you are alive, it's ... it's great, good, but we are all fighting in the right way. The biggest hero, hahaha ... "

Bai Xiaowen made up for the inner fluctuations of the Penglai Pavilion master by himself:

[Oh, but keep smiling ...]

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "Where, I just made a little insignificant contribution, and then I destroyed the Phantom Army, captured the Dark God, the Holy Son Li Yan, sneaked into the secret road, killed the snake girl and so on. , Closed the black sky array hub, destroyed all the subordinates of the black sky leader, and finally used the bait as a bait to lure the black sky leader into despair ... It is not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning!

I didn't care about the expression of the owner of Penglai Pavilion being dog day, Bai Xiaowen turned around and saw Chen Rong.

"Sorry, I didn't tell you clearly and made you worry."

榕 Chen Rong concealed a small fist in his right hand, raised a small section, and then lowered it again.

"It's okay ... you're just alive, Awang."


Bai Xiaowen dug out his ear, this title ... seems to be warming up? Or did you just say something wrong?

Fortunately, Bai Xiaowen didn't ask him carefully, his attention is not here-the next meeting to divide the loot, Bai Xiaowen is already flexing his muscles.

:. :

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