The Eye of Evolution

Chapter 1575: Land warfare

"General Gui, the enemy has already appeared, let's order!" Whispered a next-generation leader of the Great Tang leader next to him.

"Yes, General Gui, although Bai Huangling has more troops than expected, but our strength is also very strong, and there is also the command of General Gui, your senior dominion evolver!" There is another low-level evolution Said.

After the initial shock, Gui Yuan also forcibly calmed down.

"That's right ... on paper strength, we still dominate! The Silver Sword Army is in front! The Phantom Army responds, the Mystic Army is behind. The rest of the evolvers are scattered and ready to attack the White Phoenix-led evolution! If we can kill Lu Wang directly, our credit will be great! "

Guiyuan pulled out a Western aristocratic sabre and pointed forward, with an inspiring appeal in his voice, obviously a skill similar to "empathy".

The evolutionaries and territorial forces around him responded in unison, and morale picked up a lot.

As a lord, you must touch the boundary monument to activate the territorial self-explosion authority.

Now Lu Wang has appeared. If he can be defeated and killed before he touches the boundary monument, Bai Huangling will not explode! The Datang collar can be a complete territory for nothing, much better than any vassal agreement.

Bai Xiaowen narrowed his eyes and looked at the scene.

"Naive, not sure enough, I will let you in?"

Bai Xiaowen made a move, the second-order five-element array, and the array power could be turned on.

In the area where Datang led the army, the Five Elements reversed!

In the area where Bai Huang led the army, the five elements turned!

A gray ray and a blazing white ray expanded in the areas where the Datang and Bai Huangling troops were located, and instantly added deductions and gains to the troops in the two regions!

Then the two lights disappeared.

When Datang led the army, he suddenly felt that his body was sinking, and his spiritual power became much more stagnant.

"This is the enemy's launch of the array of power, but it is only a large first-order formation, and it will not affect ..." Gui Yuan didn't finish the sentence, and suddenly felt wrong.

First-order five elements, the negative effect should only be 10%, right?

Why do my attributes (three-dimensional strength of the body) and spiritual power decrease so much?

The next evolutionary also felt something wrong.

"General Gui ... Isn't this a first-tier battle?"

"My stats and psionic power values ​​have dropped by 20%!"

Gui Yuan suddenly looked up and looked across.


The Wuxing Banner martial arts exploded with white glow of energy, and the momentum rose sharply!

"Not good ..." Gui Yuan was nervous.

The first-order five-element array and the second-order five-element array are completely different!

If the strength of the two sides is equal, the level of 1: 1, under the action of two arrays of first-tier five elements, the offensive side will drop to 0.9, and the defensive side will rise to 1.1. The defensive side is 22.2% stronger than the offensive side, but it is not impossible to play.

However, under the power of the second-order five-element array, the attacker dropped to 0.8 and the defender improved to 1.2! This one in and one out, the defender's strength is 50% stronger than the attacker, how can this be played?

Although Datang led this half of the army, the initial strength was stronger than the other side (guiyuan personally thinks), but it has not reached the level of crushing.

The evolutionaries of the Datang leaders were also at a loss.

Each pair of eyes looked at the general Gui Yuan.

"It seems that I can only rely on my strong dominance to smooth the gap that the array of powers can bring."

Guiyuan had an idea in mind, and immediately ordered: "Silver Sword Army, reloading charge! Secret Arrow Army, spiritual power figuration! The rest of the evolutionaries, the mission remains unchanged!"

Gui Yuan's body surface, all the fighting spirits scattered out, covering the army formations of the Silver Sword Army.

Each Silver Sword Army soldier is covered with a layer of silver energy, waving a large sword to accelerate the charge, like a silver torrent.

The secret arrow army behind them was collectively fighting and fighting, and a tall spiritual figure appeared again above their heads. Of course, this spiritual power is two laps smaller than the three hundred Phantom forces combined.

Bai Xiaowen waved his hand, and Kitts shook the flag.

The warriors of giant wooden flags and thick soil flags stepped forward at the same time, and a strong wall appeared.

The warriors of the Ruijin Banner and the Fiery Fire Banner were divided into two groups, and they swooped in from the flanks in a long wind array to take the enemy generals.

Suddenly a sound of the piano, Qiao Rui struck the strings.

Harmony-Big Wind Song!

Suddenly, two long wind arrays, the speed soared by 30%, like flying to kill the past.

"Crowd disperse!" Gui Yuan shouted loudly.

Around Guiyuan, a man in a robe waved his staff, and a white light shot towards one of the long winds.

However, the speed of the Changfeng array only slightly slowed.

The man in the robe shook his head and said, "General, the opponent's priority is too high, and the dispel effect is minimal."

At the same time, Qiao Rui also tried to dispel the enemy Silver Sword Army who came over.

Soft sound-dark sea tide.

Waves of soft sounds are like a surging undercurrent, slowly buffering.

Suddenly, the white light shrouded on the surface of the Silver Sword Army dissipated most of it.

With a bang, the Silver Sword Army finally collided with Jianbi, head-on.

For a moment, the silver vindictive swordsman waved, chopping out the ripples on the wall of stern gas in the wall of strong walls.

With the help of heavy charge, Yin Jianjun's first wave of the most threatening offensive, with the assistance of Qiao Rui, was successfully resolved by Bai Xiaowen's strong formation!

"Change the array." Bai Xiaowen ordered in a deep voice.

Kitts waved the order flag again, and the squads of squadrons staggered and quickly turned into a ring formation.

The ring is not too appropriate, because the outer end of the ring is a small triangular array, like a hedgehog.

Compound array method, water mirror array!

The barbed ring spun into the enemy line.

Every five-element flag warrior at the tip of the triangle formation is surrounded by at least two companions. They only attack. The enemy's attack will be blocked by the companion's protective gas.

Yin Jianjun's personal strength is really not weak ~ ~ But in the face of the water mirror array, but can not start, the formation was completely exploded, and the staff was quickly reduced.

"Silver Sword Army retreats!" Gui Yuan shouted. No more retreat, the one hundred Silver Sword Army will be slashed to death.

Kitts waved the command flag again, and the water mirror burst turned into an arrow burst.

Break in!

The Wuxing Banner warriors, like an enraged hound, rushed in line, quickly pierced through the Silver Sword's troops, and turned the orderly retreat into a defeat.

At the same time, a total of more than one hundred warriors from Ruijin and Fiery Fire Banner have rushed to Guiyuan's secret arrow army.

At this point, the Spirit Arrow's spiritual representation has just been completed! To launch an attack, preparation time is required.

"Dark Demon Army, desperately stop!" Gui Yuan loudly ordered. Fortunately, the Nether Army is an undead army. There is no morale at all. Even if it is sent to death, there will be no complaints. It just happens to block the gun holes and help him grab time.

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